Everything is worth it if the soul is not small.

What's the meaning of this quote?

Quote Meaning: The quote, "Everything is worth it if the soul is not small," conveys a profound message about the significance of the human spirit in the pursuit of life's endeavors. At its core, this statement celebrates the idea that the value of any undertaking, experience, or sacrifice is determined by the expansiveness and depth of one's soul. In this analysis, we will explore the various layers of meaning contained within this quote and why it encourages us to aspire to a more significant, open-hearted existence.

First and foremost, the quote underscores the idea that life's worth is not solely determined by material gains or external achievements. Instead, it suggests that the true measure of value lies within the intangible qualities of the human soul. A "small" soul, in this context, can be seen as one that is limited, closed off, or lacking in depth. It's a soul that is reluctant to embrace new experiences, to connect with others, or to seek personal growth. In contrast, a soul that is expansive, curious, and open to the world is considered valuable.

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The notion that "everything is worth it" implies that life's challenges, struggles, and sacrifices take on a new meaning when viewed through the lens of a broad and generous soul. Even the most arduous trials can be justified when they contribute to the enrichment of one's inner self. This perspective invites us to reevaluate our experiences and adversities, encouraging us to see them not as burdens but as opportunities for personal development and spiritual growth.

Furthermore, the quote suggests that the size of one's soul can significantly impact the quality of their life. A small soul may find itself perpetually dissatisfied, always searching for external validation and fleeting pleasures to fill the void within. In contrast, a soul that is expansive and not constrained by narrow, selfish concerns can find contentment and meaning in even the simplest of experiences. It is a reminder that genuine fulfillment and purpose stem from within, from the richness of one's own spirit, rather than from external circumstances.

In a broader context, this quote can be interpreted as a call to live with authenticity and passion. It encourages us to break free from the constraints of societal norms, expectations, and material pursuits that might diminish the vastness of our souls. It urges us to seek the things that truly resonate with our inner selves, even if they require effort and sacrifice.

Ultimately, the quote inspires us to lead a life that is deeply connected to our core values, passions, and the pursuit of personal growth. It beckons us to let go of pettiness, selfishness, and negativity, and instead, embrace a more significant, compassionate, and open-hearted way of living. It reminds us that when our souls are not small, every experience, challenge, and endeavor can be worth it, contributing to a more meaningful and enriching existence.

Who said the quote?

The quote "Everything is worth it if the soul is not small." is often attributed to Fernando Pessoa (Quotes). Fernando Pessoa was a renowned Portuguese poet and writer known for his innovative use of heteronyms in his literary works.

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Tal Gur is an author, founder, and impact-driven entrepreneur at heart. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living, has led him to found Elevate Society.

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