1000+ Elevating Goals

Below is a list of some of my favorite personal development goals, ones that will help you elevate and become the better version of yourself.

There is an overabundance of bucket list ideas circulating online that lack the necessary specificity, measurability, and time-bound nature to make them actionable goals. Therefore, I curated a list of SMART goals that are more specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Whether you're young or old, there's something on this list for everyone. So, read on to discover some of the best travel goals that can help you transform your life and achieve your travel dreams.


An important note before scrolling down:

The list below includes 100+ personal development goal ideas, but if you're looking for a bigger list then download my book, The SMART Bucket List.

It includes a list of 1000+ SMART goal ideas from various categories, such as fitness, travel, personal growth, and more. Each goal is crafted to meet the SMART criteria, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to create a truly actionable goal list.

Click here to download it for FREE. Additionally, you’ll get my Design Your Dream Year workbook, containing a proven step-by-step action plan to check off those big goals on your list.

Get Your Guides For FREE


* One more thing, if you decide to take part in any of the goals listed below, you do so entirely at your own risk. Some of the goal ideas listed here can be risky, so seek out guidance if you decide to try them out, especially the challenging ones.

With this in mind, let's rock and roll!!


SMART Personal Development Goals

SMART Adventure Goals

Embarking on adventures can be a potent means to challenge oneself, gain novel experiences, and grow as an individual. Whether it's traveling to a new country, trying a new sport, or taking on a challenging outdoor activity, adventures can help you develop a sense of courage, resilience, and adaptability. When you step out of your comfort zones and engage in new challenges, you discover novel facets of yourself, learn new skills, and gain a greater sense of self-awareness.

Here are a few examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Experience new cultures by participating in an adventure travel trip, such as a wildlife safari or trekking in a remote location, within the next year.
  • Explore new places and improve my outdoor skills by going on a backpacking trip once every three months for the next year.
  • Improve my outdoor skills and bond with friends by going on a multi-day backpacking trip with friends once every six months for the next year.
  • Embark on a 2-week backpacking trip in the Andes Mountains in South America within the next year.
  • Learn to BASE jump this year and complete a jump from a 1,000-foot cliff to challenge myself and push beyond my comfort zone.
  • Improve my bouldering skills and experience new places by participating in a 10-day bouldering trip within the next six months in Bishop, California.
  • Disconnect from technology and experience nature by planning a camping trip with friends or family to a national park within the next three months.
  • Embark on a 7-day backcountry camping and fishing trip this year in the Canadian wilderness to challenge myself and experience nature.
  • Experience the beauty of the Swiss Alps and challenge myself by going on a 4-day canyoning trip within the next year.
  • Explore Mammoth Cave National Park and challenge myself by going on a week-long caving expedition this year.
  • Explore new places by participating in a 10-day expedition to the South Pole within two years.
  • Learn to fly fish this year and catch a 20-inch trout to challenge myself and improve my fishing skills.
  • Learn valuable skills and challenge myself mentally by participating in a wilderness survival training course within the next six months.
  • Improve my balance by learning to slackline this year and walking a 100-foot highline.

More Adventure Goal ideas? Here is a list of 100+ SMART Adventure Goals.
Looking for even more ideas? Here is a list of 200 Adventure Bucket List Ideas.


SMART Business Goals

Setting SMART business goals is an essential component of running a successful operation. By establishing clear, measurable, and achievable goals, you provide direction and focus for your business. This ensures that everyone is working towards the same objectives and helps you to track progress and success along the way.

Here are a few examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Within the next year, implement initiatives that increase workplace diversity and inclusion, such as diversity training and hiring practices that prioritize inclusivity.
  • Within the next 12 months, increase paid customers by 25% through the implementation of new marketing strategies, such as targeted social media ads and referral programs.
  • Improve employee satisfaction and work-life balance by developing and implementing a flexible work policy within the next 3 months, allowing for remote work and flexible hours.
  • Stay ahead of industry trends and emerging competitors by implementing a competitive analysis program within the next year that includes regular market research and analysis.
  • Within the next year, develop and implement a competitive pricing strategy to stay competitive in the market and increase sales.
  • Prepare for unforeseen events by developing and implementing a crisis communication plan within the next year, which includes clear protocols for handling emergencies and communicating with stakeholders.
  • Within the next year, develop and implement a corporate social responsibility program that benefits the community and improves brand image, such as charitable partnerships and environmentally sustainable practices.
  • Generate at least $500,000 in revenue within the first year of expanding business operations to a new geographic location by Q1 2024, including opening a physical storefront or expanding online sales to a new market.
  • Within the next 3 months, create and launch a successful lead nurturing program that includes personalized follow-up emails and targeted content, increasing conversions and revenue.
  • Improve employee skills and knowledge by implementing a learning and development program within the next year that includes training, mentorship, and continuing education opportunities.
  • Within the next 2 years, expand the business into a new geographic location, generating $500,000 in new revenue annually through targeted marketing and local partnerships.
  • Increase market share by 10% in the next year through strategic partnerships and acquisitions, including partnering with complementary businesses and acquiring competitors.
  • Expand professional network and potential business opportunities by attending three industry conferences and networking events by the end of the year, including actively seeking out new connections and following up with potential leads.

More Business Goal ideas? Here is a list of 100+ SMART Business Goals.
Looking for even more ideas? Here is a list of Career Bucket List Ideas.


SMART Career Goals

Setting career goals can be immensely helpful in determining what you want to achieve in your professional life and mapping out a clear path towards achieving those objectives. When you set goals that align with your personal and professional aspirations, it becomes easier to stay motivated and focused, and avoid feeling aimless or uncertain about your career trajectory.

Here are a few examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Establish a mentorship program in my department by the end of this quarter that connects junior employees with experienced mentors, offering opportunities for professional development and career growth.
  • Enhance my negotiation skills by attending a dedicated negotiation course within the next six months, and applying negotiation techniques in my daily interactions, starting from the end of this month.
  • Grow my professional network by attending a minimum of two industry events each quarter and introducing myself to at least 10 new contacts at each event, starting from the beginning of next month.
  • Showcase my expertise in my field by developing and delivering a presentation at a national conference within the next two years, with the aim to present at the conference scheduled in the next year.
  • Acquire certification in a relevant field by completing a certification program within the next two years, starting from the beginning of next quarter, to increase my knowledge and proficiency in my area of expertise.
  • Broaden my industry knowledge and network by attending a minimum of three industry conferences within the next year, with the aim to attend at least one conference within the next six months.
  • Improve my public speaking skills by enrolling in a public speaking course by the end of this quarter and presenting at least one webinar per quarter starting from the beginning of next quarter.
  • Enhance my foreign language skills by enrolling in a language course within the next three months and practicing conversation with native speakers, with the goal of qualifying for international business positions within the next two years.

More Career Goal ideas? Here is a list of 100+ SMART Career Goals.
Looking for even more ideas? Here is a list of 200+ Career List Ideas.


SMART Creativity Goals

Creative activities have the power to uplift your mood and heighten feelings of happiness and positivity. Creating something new instills a sense of achievement and pride that can significantly contribute to your overall sense of well-being. It enables you to express yourself more fully and become more self-aware of your own unique perspective. By channeling your innermost thoughts and emotions through creative expression, you gain a deeper understanding of your own self and improve your ability to connect with others.

Here are a few examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Design and sew a fashion collection consisting of 10 pieces and showcase it in a fashion show within 6 months.
  • Learn how to create balloon animals and perform them at a children's party within 6 months.
  • Attend a basket weaving workshop and create a hand-woven basket within 6 months.
  • Learn how to create beadwork jewelry and make a series of 5 handmade beadwork pieces within a year.
  • Attend a bookbinding workshop and create a custom-designed book within 6 months.
  • Learn how to make candles and create a line of 5 different scented candles within a year.
  • Learn how to create embroidery art and make a series of 5 embroidered pieces within a year.
  • Attend a floral arrangement class and create a custom floral arrangement for an event within 6 months.
  • Learn how to create resin art and make a series of 5 resin art pieces within a year.
  • Learn how to make artisanal soap and create a line of 5 different scented soaps within 6 months.
  • Attend a makeup artistry workshop and learn how to create special effects makeup within a year.
  • Attend a floral design class and create a custom floral arrangement for a special event within a year.
  • Participate in a public mural project in the local community within 6 months.

More Creative Goal ideas? Here is a list of 100+ SMART Creativity Goals.
Looking for even more ideas? Here is a list of 100+ Creative Bucket List Ideas.


Couple Goals

By setting SMART goals in this area, you can improve your communication, trust, and intimacy. Couple goals also help you prioritize your relationship and make time for each other amidst busy schedules and responsibilities.

Here are a few examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • For the next three months, schedule a date night with your partner every other week to strengthen your relationship.
  • Show your appreciation and keep your relationship fresh by planning a surprise outing or activity for your partner once a month over the next three months.
  • Bond over a shared interest and learn a new skill by taking a cooking class with your significant other by the end of the quarter.
  • Plan a weekend retreat or getaway with your significant other to recharge and strengthen your bond by the end of the year.
  • Within the next week, be intentional about expressing appreciation and gratitude towards your partner.
  • Express what you appreciate about each other by writing love letters once a month for the next six months.
  • Bond and learn together by choosing a new skill or hobby such as cooking, dancing, or a language to practice over the next year.
  • Schedule a weekly check-in for the next six months to discuss any concerns, issues, or goals for your relationship.
  • Attend couples' therapy sessions once a month for the next six months to strengthen your relationship and work on communication.
  • Work towards a shared financial plan and savings goal with your partner over the next year.
  • Improve your physical health and spend quality time together by exercising three times a week for the next three months.

More Couple Goal ideas? Here is a list of 100+ SMART Couple Goals.
Looking for even more ideas? Here is a list of 100+ relationship Bucket List Ideas.


Educational Goals

Education is the foundation upon which we build our careers and shape our lives. Whether you seek to acquire new skills, enhance your knowledge in your field, or pursue higher education, setting SMART goals can enable you to achieve your objectives and scale new heights in your personal and professional life. Improving your education can help you expand your earning potential, advance your career, and create new opportunities for personal growth and development. It can also equip you with the knowledge and skills to make a positive impact in the world and contribute to a better future for yourself and others.

Here are a few examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Within the next 3 months, acquire a new skill relevant to my profession and apply it to my work
  • To stay current on the newest trends and technologies in my industry, attend at least one industry conference per year
  • In the next 3 months, learn a new skill that is connected to my hobby and execute a DIY project
  • Within one month, enhance memory retention by practicing a new memorization method and successfully memorizing a deck of cards
  • Join a mentorship program and receive guidance from a mentor in my field within the next 6 months
  • Elevate critical thinking skills by reading and analyzing one peer-reviewed journal article every week for the next year
  • Attend a workshop on mindfulness and practice daily mindfulness meditation for the next year
  • Enhance public speaking skills by joining a local Toastmasters club and accomplishing 10 speeches within six months

More Educational Goal ideas? Here is a list of 100+ SMART Educational Goals.
Looking for even more ideas? Here is a list of 100+ Learning Bucket List Ideas.


Finanacial Goals

Setting and achieving SMART financial goals represents a remarkable opportunity for self-empowerment. By working diligently towards these objectives, you can cultivate vital life skills such as budgeting, saving, and investing, thereby taking command of your financial destiny. The mastery of these proficiencies not only enhances your financial literacy but also leads to increased sense of stability and security.

Here are a few examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Increase the percentage of income contributed to retirement savings to 15% within the next 5 years.
  • Develop a retirement plan and project the necessary income needs for retirement within the next 2 years.
  • Increase the amount contributed to retirement savings to 10% of income within the next year.
  • Invest in a mutual fund and earn a minimum return of 7% within the next 2 years.
  • Invest $5,000 in a diversified mutual fund portfolio by the end of this year.
  • Invest $2,000 in individual stocks within the next 3 months.
  • Pay off all outstanding credit card debt by the end of the year.
  • Pay off the car loan within the next 2 years.
  • Reduce student loan debt by $10,000 within 2 years.
  • Decrease monthly expenses by 10% within the next 3 months.
  • Cancel unnecessary subscription services to save $500 annually.
  • Lower monthly grocery expenses by 20% within the next 6 months.
  • Negotiate a 10% salary increase within the next month.
  • Start a side business and generate an additional income of $1,000 per month within the next six months.
  • Develop a passive income stream that generates $500 per month within the next year.
  • Save $20,000 to fund a university degree within the next 5 years.
  • Establish an emergency fund and save $10,000 within the next 12 months.

More Financial Goal ideas? Here is a list of 100+ SMART Financial Goals.
Looking for even more ideas? Here is a list of Financial Bucket List Ideas.


SMART Fitness Goals

By subjecting yourself to physical challenges, you can cultivate a sense of self-assurance, discipline, and tenacity. Moreover, the attainment of fitness objectives serves to engender a palpable sense of achievement, one that can imbue an individual with a sense of pride and accomplishment that transcends beyond the realm of physical exertion and can positively impact other aspects of one's life.

Here are some examples of SMART goals in this particular area:

  • Run a 5K, 10K, or half-marathon within the next year
  • Complete a 30-day yoga challenge, practicing a different pose each day
  • Improve my flexibility by stretching for 20 minutes every day for one month
  • Complete a 30-day core challenge, practicing a different exercise each day
  • Complete a 30-day push-up challenge, increasing the number of push-ups each day
  • Complete a 30-day pull-up challenge, increasing the number of pull-ups each day
  • Improve my balance by practicing single-leg exercises for 20 minutes every day for one month
  • Complete a 30-day plank challenge, increasing the duration of the plank each day
  • Complete a 30-day squat challenge, increasing the number of squats each day
  • Improve my running endurance by running for 30 minutes without stopping within one month
  • Complete a 30-day swimming challenge, increasing the distance swum each day
  • Complete a 30-day cycling challenge, increasing the distance cycled each day
  • Improve my posture by practicing specific exercises for 20 minutes every day for one month
  • Complete a 30-day walking challenge, increasing the distance walked each day
  • Complete a 30-day dance challenge, learning a new dance routine each day
  • Improve my cardiovascular fitness by practicing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) for 20 minutes every day for one month

More Fitness Goal ideas? Here is a list of 100+ SMART Fitness Goals.
Looking for even more ideas? Here is a list of 100+ Fitness Bucket List Ideas.


Health Goals

The establishment of SMART health goals can prove to be truly life-altering. It is a commonly known fact that an improvement in one's physical health can significantly impact their mental and emotional wellbeing. By reducing stress levels and increasing one's lifespan, prioritizing health becomes a worthy investment in oneself and the future. It is imperative to note that the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle should not be viewed as a mere fad or temporary fix, but rather as a lifelong commitment

Here are some examples of SMART goals in this particular area:

  • Drink 8 glasses of water per day for one month
  • Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day for one month
  • Reduce alcohol consumption to one drink per week for 3 months to improve liver function and overall health
  • Within the next 3 months, complete a first aid or CPR course.
  • For the next 6 months, use natural cleaning products and air fresheners to minimize exposure to harmful chemicals.
  • Reduce exposure to environmental toxins.
  • Reduce exposure to loud noise.
  • Within 6 months, decrease cholesterol levels by 10%.
  • Abstain from smoking for 1 month.
  • Acquire the ability to cook at least 3 healthy meals from scratch.
  • Experiment with a new healthy recipe each week.

More Health Goal ideas? Here is a list of 100+ SMART health Goals.
Looking for even more ideas? Here is a list of 100+ Health Bucket List Ideas.


Service Goals

By the act of volunteering your time and skills, you can attain a sense of purpose, enhance your self-esteem, and cultivate significant abilities such as leadership and communication. By way of illustration, imparting English language skills to refugees not only equips them with a new form of expression but also facilitates their cultural integration. Through this expedition, you acquire a profound comprehension and admiration for diverse cultures and ways of life. Furthermore, you may develop the virtues of patience, empathy, and problem-solving skills as you navigate through language barriers and assist your pupils in surmounting obstacles.

Here are a few examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Dedicate two hours every week for six months to teach English to refugees online, providing language skills and cultural integration support.
  • Establish a community library of free books and e-books in a public space within four months to encourage literacy and education.
  • Organize a sustainable living practices workshop in a local community within three months, sharing knowledge and practical tips.
  • Raise $5,000 for research and support for a charity that supports unique medical conditions within two months by running a fundraising campaign.
  • Design and build a community garden that provides fresh produce to a local food bank within six months to encourage healthy eating habits.
  • Share business advice and guidance by mentoring a group of young entrepreneurs online for one hour every week for six months.
  • Promote reading skills and social connections by creating and leading a book club for children with disabilities within three months.
  • Reach 5,000 people with relevant resources and support within one month by launching a social media campaign to raise awareness about mental health.
  • Help enhance branding and messaging for a non-profit that supports social justice causes by offering pro-bono graphic design services within four months.
  • Pair high school students with successful alumni by developing a peer-to-peer mentorship program within five months.
  • Raise $10,000 for a non-profit that supports indigenous communities within two months by running a charity auction of unique artwork and crafts.

More Service Goal ideas? Here is a list of 100+ SMART Service Goals.
Looking for even more ideas? Here is a list of 1000+ Bucket List Ideas.


Relationship Goals

In the realm of relationships, establishing goals can be a powerful tool for gaining inspiration, enhanced communication, and personal development, as well as cultivating more fulfilling connections with others. By adopting the SMART framework for goal-setting, you can gain a deeper comprehension of your desires in a partner, and actively pursue the creation of a relationship that resonates with your values and aspirations.

Here are a few examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Show support and strengthen my friendship by attending a friend's event or celebration, such as a birthday or graduation party, within the next month.
  • Set up a monthly recurring brunch date with a friend for the next six months to maintain our connection and catch up.
  • Strengthen familial bonds by reaching out to a family member I haven't spoken to in a while at least once a month for the next three months.
  • Strengthen family bonds and create shared experiences by planning a weekend trip with extended family members within the next six months.
  • Expand my network by initiating a conversation with at least one new person per week by the end of the year.
  • Attend a networking event in my industry and exchange contact information with at least five new people by the end of the quarter.
  • Meet new people and potentially find a romantic partner by attending a speed dating or singles event within the next two months.
  • Go on at least two dates per month for the next six months.
  • Join a dating app and have at least 10 matches by the end of the month.
  • Strengthen relationships by hosting a dinner party at my home for close friends and family within the next six months.
  • Encourage socializing and laughter by hosting a game night at my home with friends once a month for the next three months.
  • Encourage creativity and socializing by planning a themed dinner party with friends once a month for the next three months.
  • Meet like-minded people and form new connections by joining a social group or club related to a hobby or interest I enjoy within the next month.
  • Meet new people and expand my social circle by attending at least one social event per month for the next six months.
  • Step out of my comfort zone and practice my social skills by initiating a conversation with a stranger in a social setting by the end of the week.

More Relationship Goal ideas? Here is a list of 100+ SMART Relationship Goals.
Looking for even more ideas? Here is a list of 100+ Relationship Bucket List Ideas.


SMART Spiritual Goals

When we take the time to cultivate our spirituality through practices such as meditation, prayer, and forgiveness techniques, we embark on a path towards a deeper sense of purpose and meaning. These practices enable us to develop a profound connection with our inner selves and the world around us. Through the pursuit of spiritual goals, we gain greater self-awareness and emotional regulation, allowing us to maintain a steadfast resolve in the face of life's challenges. In essence, by making time for spiritual practices and setting goals to nurture our spiritual growth, we open ourselves to the limitless possibilities of a more fulfilling life.

Here are a few SMART Goals examples in this area:

  • Dedicate one hour every week to cleaning up the beach or park to express gratitude and foster a connection with nature.
  • Spend one hour every week gardening to enhance my relationship with nature and deepen my connection to the earth.
  • Experience complete darkness and silence for a day to increase my mindfulness and awareness.
  • Read one book on mindfulness or spirituality every month for the next year to expand my understanding and practice.
  • Acquire the skills to perform a fire ceremony and hold one within six months to enrich my spiritual practice.
  • Acquire the skills to do a fire walk and participate in a fire walking ceremony within six months to elevate my spiritual practice.
  • Acquire the skills to do a tea ceremony and host one for friends and family within six months to improve my spiritual practice.
  • Commit to spending one hour in nature every day for three months and practice Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing) techniques to connect with nature.
  • Dedicate one hour every week to grounding techniques, such as walking barefoot in nature, to enhance my spiritual practice.
  • Acquire the skills to make my own incense and incorporate it into my daily spiritual practice for three months.
  • Attend a weekly labyrinth walk for three months to deepen my spiritual practice and enhance my spiritual understanding.

More Spiritual Goal ideas? Here is a list of 100+ SMART Spiritual Goals.
Looking for even more ideas? Here is a list of 1000+ Bucket List Ideas.


SMART Travel Goals

Traveling can be one of the most enriching experiences you can have in your life. It exposes you to new cultures, people, and ways of thinking that can challenge your assumptions and broaden your understanding of the world. When you travel, you have the opportunity to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things, whether it's trying new foods or engaging in different activities. This can help you build resilience, adaptability, and confidence. It also provides opportunities for self-reflection and introspection, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world.

Here are a few examples of SMART goals that you can set in the area of travel:

  • Set a goal to visit at least ten different countries over the next five years.
  • Plan to travel to three countries that you have never been to before, each for at least two weeks, within the next two years.
  • Make it a priority to visit all seven continents before reaching the age of 40, accomplishing this within the next decade.
  • Within the next 12 months, log enough travel miles with a major rail company to earn top-tier frequent traveler status.
  • Challenge yourself to visit every station on the New York City Subway system by the end of next year, documenting your journey with a photo at each stop.
  • Book a family vacation by rail to a beautiful destination, including grandparents, parents, and children, within the next two years.
  • Create a plan to visit the Seven Wonders of the World, such as the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, and the Colosseum, within the next decade.

More Travel Goal ideas? Here is a list of 100+ SMART Travel Goals.
Looking for even more ideas? Here is a list of 100+ Travel Bucket List Ideas.


SMART Goals Examples

Below, you will find a categorized list of SMART goals with examples to help you write your own.

What are SMART goals?

SMART goals are a clear and well-defined goals, with specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound criteria to ensure that your efforts are focused and effective.

In my experience, setting goals is one of the most important things you can do to elevate your life and achieve success in any area of life. But not all goals are created equal. That's where the concept of SMART goals comes in.

SMART goals definition: SMART Goals stand for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

  • Specific goals are clear and well-defined
  • Measurable goals have quantifiable metrics to track progress
  • Achievable goals are realistic given the resources available
  • Relevant goals align with your overall objectives
  • Time-bound goals have a specific deadline for completion

By setting SMART goals, you can focus your efforts, measure your progress, and ultimately achieve the success you desire. It's not just about setting any old goal, but setting a goal that is well-planned and thought out, and that has a clear path to success.

How to write SMART goals?: To write a SMART goal, you must first identify what you want to achieve and why. Next, use the SMART framework. Be specific about the outcome you desire, and make sure it's measurable, so you can track your progress. Set realistic goals that you can achieve with the resources you have. Make sure your goals are relevant to your overall vision and values. And finally, set a deadline for achieving your goal to keep yourself motivated and accountable.


The SMART Bucket List

More Goal Ideas?

Click here to get 'The SMART Bucket List' for FREE — It includes a list of 1000+ SMART goal ideas from various categories, such as fitness, travel, personal growth, and more. Additionally, you’ll get my Design Your Dream Year workbook, containing a proven step-by-step action plan to check off those big goals on your list.


1000+ Goal Ideas
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