100+ SMART Fitness Goals

This page features a curated list of health goals. I created it as a source of inspiration for my 100 life goals project and wanted to share it with others in hopes of inspiring them to create their own goal list.

There is an overabundance of bucket list ideas circulating online that lack the necessary specificity, measurability, and time-bound nature to make them actionable goals. Therefore, I curated a list of SMART goals that are more specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

Whether you're young or old, there's something on this list for everyone. So, read on to discover some of the best health goals that can help you transform your life and achieve your health dreams.


An important note before scrolling down:

The list below includes 100+ fitness goal ideas, but if you're looking for a bigger list then download my book, The SMART Bucket List.

It includes a list of 1000+ SMART goal ideas from various categories, such as fitness, travel, personal growth, and more. Each goal is crafted to meet the SMART criteria, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to create a truly actionable goal list.

Click here to download it for FREE. Additionally, you’ll get my Design Your Dream Year workbook, containing a proven step-by-step action plan to check off those big goals on your list.

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* One more thing, if you decide to take part in any of the goals listed below, you do so entirely at your own risk. Some of the goal ideas listed here can be risky, so seek out guidance if you decide to try them out, especially the challenging ones.

With this in mind, let's rock and roll!!


100+ SMART Fitness Goals

SMART Running Goals

Hey there! Running can be a powerful tool for personal growth. Setting running goals, such as completing a marathon, can help you push beyond your perceived limits and develop a sense of discipline and commitment. As you train for your goal, you will likely encounter challenges and setbacks, but learning to overcome these obstacles can help you develop resilience and perseverance. Additionally, running can have positive effects on mental health, such as reducing stress and improving mood, which can help you develop a more positive outlook on life.

Here are a few specific examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Run a mile in under six minutes
  • Complete a 5K race in under 25 minutes
  • Run a 10K in under 50 minutes
  • Increase my sprint speed by 1 mph within three months
  • Improve my speed by practicing sprints for 20 minutes every day for one month
  • Complete a marathon in under 4 hours
  • Achieve a sub-3 hour marathon time within two years
  • Run a half marathon in under two hours
  • Increase my running pace by one minute per mile within three months
  • Increase my running distance by one mile every week for eight weeks
  • Complete a 30-day running streak
  • Increase my running speed on a 5K by 30 seconds within two months
  • Run a mile every day for 100 days
  • Run a 5K race every month for one year
  • Run a mile backwards in under 10 minutes
  • Run a 5K race blindfolded
  • Increase my running cadence by 10% within six months
  • Run a 10K race at an altitude of 5,000 feet or higher
  • Run a 10K race while carrying a 20-pound weight
  • Run a half marathon in each continent
  • Run a 5K race in each state
  • Run a marathon in each country
  • Complete a 10-mile run every week for one year
  • Complete a 30-day running challenge, running for 30 minutes each day
  • Complete a 20-mile trail run
  • Complete a 50K trail race within six months
  • Complete a 50-mile ultramarathon within one year
  • Complete a 100-kilometer (62 miles) trail race within one year


SMART Swimming Goals

Swimming is an excellent way to challenge yourself physically and mentally, and setting swimming goals can have many personal growth benefits. For example, committing to swimming a mile in under 30 minutes can help you improve your endurance, strength, and cardiovascular health. Additionally, working towards this goal can also help you develop mental resilience, perseverance, and discipline as you push through physical and mental barriers.

Here are a few specific examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Swim 500 meters (0.3 miles) in under 10 minutes within three months
  • Swim a mile in under 30 minutes
  • Swim 100 laps within one hour
  • Swim 2 miles non-stop within three months
  • Swim one mile every day for 30 days
  • Achieve a 3-minute freestyle swim within three months
  • Complete a 10-kilometer (6.2 miles) open water swim within one year


SMART Cycling Goals

Cycling can be an excellent way to improve your physical health and overall well-being, but did you know that it can also foster personal growth? Setting cycling goals, such as completing a 100-mile bike ride, can challenge you both physically and mentally. Additionally, cycling can provide an opportunity to explore new places, connect with like-minded individuals, and develop a sense of community. By setting and achieving cycling goals, you can not only improve your physical health but also cultivate important personal qualities that can benefit you in all areas of life.

Here are a few specific examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Complete a 30-day outdoor cycling challenge, increasing the distance cycled each week
  • Complete a 100-mile bike ride within six months
  • Complete a 100 miles century bike ride within eight hours
  • Complete a 24-hour mountain bike race within one year
  • Cycle the length of a country (e.g., England, Scotland, or Australia) within one year
  • Complete a 12-hour mountain bike race within six months


SMART Triathlon Goals

If you're looking to challenge yourself and grow personally, setting a goal of completing a triathlon can be a great way to achieve that. The training required to prepare for this event will push you to your limits, both physically and mentally. You'll have to work hard and stay disciplined to build your strength and endurance, which can help you develop greater resilience and determination. Completing an Olympic distance triathlon, for example, is also a significant achievement, which can boost your self-esteem and provide a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Here are a few specific examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Complete a sprint distance triathlon within three months
  • Complete an Olympic distance triathlon within six months
  • Complete an Ironman distance triathlon within one year
  • Complete a triathlon in under three hours
  • Complete a double Ironman distance triathlon (281.2 miles) within two years


Other SMART Endurance Goals

Endurance sports, like cross-country skiing or completing an obstacle course, can be incredibly beneficial for personal growth. These challenges require a high level of physical fitness and mental toughness, which can help you develop greater discipline, resilience, and perseverance.

Here are a few specific examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Cross-country ski 50 kilometers (31 miles) within six months
  • Complete a 50-kilometer (31 miles) hike within one year
  • Complete a 24-hour obstacle course race within one year
  • Row a half marathon (21,097 meters) within six months
  • Hike the Pacific Crest Trail (2,653 miles) within one year
  • Hike the Appalachian Trail (2,200 miles) within one year


SMART Cardiovascular Exercise Goals

If you're looking for a powerful way to improve your health and personal growth, setting cardiovascular exercise goals can be a great way to achieve that. For instance, reducing your resting heart rate can improve your health and reduce your risk of heart disease, which can help you live a longer, healthier life. Additionally, regular cardiovascular exercise can help you manage stress and anxiety, boost your mood and energy levels, and improve your overall quality of life.

Here are a few specific examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Reduce my resting heart rate by five beats per minute within three months
  • Complete a 30-day stair climbing challenge, increasing the number of flights climbed each day
  • Complete a 30-day jump rope challenge, increasing the number of consecutive jumps each day
  • Improve my reaction time by practicing agility drills for 20 minutes every day for one month
  • Improve my agility by practicing ladder drills for 20 minutes every day for one month
  • Improve my breathing by practicing diaphragmatic breathing exercises for 10 minutes every day for one month
  • Complete a 30-day dance cardio challenge, learning a new routine each day


SMART Bodyweight Training Goals

Setting SMART goals related to bodyweight training can be a great way to challenge yourself and see results. Completing a 30-day burpee challenge, for example, can help you develop greater discipline, consistency, and focus as you commit to performing this exercise every day for a month. You'll also be challenging your body in new ways, which can help you build strength, endurance, and overall fitness.

Here are a few specific examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Perform 10 consecutive pull-ups within one month
  • Increase my pull-up max by 20 reps within three months
  • Do a handstand push-up, practicing for 5 minutes every day
  • Complete a 100 push-up challenge
  • Increase my push-up max by 50 reps within three months
  • Achieve a one-arm push-up within six months
  • Complete a 30-day burpee challenge
  • Perform 100 burpees in under 10 minutes
  • Perform a human flag for five seconds
  • Do 50 consecutive burpees within one month
  • Perform a muscle-up on rings
  • Achieve a front lever within one year
  • Complete a 30-day challenge that includes 100 squats and 100 push-ups every day
  • Complete a 30-day handstand challenge, practicing for 15 minutes every day
  • Achieve a handstand push-up within six months
  • Achieve a one-arm chin-up within one year
  • Achieve a pistol squat within three months
  • Achieve a 10-second L-sit hold within three months
  • Achieve a 10-second free-standing handstand within six months
  • Achieve a 10-second front lever within six months
  • Achieve a 5-minute headstand hold within three months
  • Achieve a 10-second free-standing handstand hold within six months
  • Achieve a one-arm chin-up within six months


SMART Strength Training Goals

Whether your goal is to bench press your body weight or lift a certain amount of weight in a specific exercise, the process of working towards strength training goals can help you build greater physical resilience. As you work to increase your strength, you'll have to stay focused, disciplined, and persistent (which can also translate into other areas of your life). You'll also develop a greater understanding of your body and its capabilities, which can help you feel more confident.

Here are a few specific examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Increase my deadlift one-rep max by 50 pounds within six months
  • Benchpress my body weight for five reps within three months
  • Deadlift twice my body weight within one year
  • Increase my bench press one-rep max by 25 pounds within three months
  • Increase my deadlift by 25% within one year
  • Increase my strict press one-rep max by 20 pounds within three months
  • Achieve a 400-pound deadlift within one year
  • Achieve a 200-pound bench press within one year
  • Achieve a 300-pound squat within one year
  • Achieve a 200-pound overhead press within six months
  • Achieve a 600-pound barbell deadlift within two years
  • Achieve a 1.5 times bodyweight strict press within six months
  • Increase my bench press max by 20 pounds within six months
  • Increase my deadlift max by 50 pounds within six months


SMART Body Composition Goals

By setting SMART Body composition goals, such as achieving a specific body fat percentage, you will not only improve your physical appearance, but it can also boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. Additionally, focusing on body composition can lead to healthier habits and behaviors, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Here are a few specific examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Achieve a body fat percentage of 15% within six months
  • Achieve a body fat percentage of 10% within one year
  • Achieve a six-pack abs within six months


SMART Blanace, Mobility, & Flexibility Goals

Setting goals to improve your balance, mobility, and flexibility is a great way to enhance your overall physical fitness and well-being. By challenging yourself to practice exercises such as one-legged squats, you can improve your physical balance, coordination, and body control. This can have positive impacts on your posture, reduce the risk of injuries, and improve your overall physical performance. Beyond these physical benefits, working towards this kind of goals can also develop your mental focus, concentration, and body awareness.

Here are a few specific examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Improve my balance by practicing one-legged squats every day for one month
  • Complete a 30-day balance board challenge, practicing for 30 minutes every day
  • Complete a 30-day balance challenge, practicing a different balance exercise each day
  • Improve my balance by practicing one-legged deadlifts for 10 minutes every day for one month
  • Improve my ankle stability by practicing ankle stability exercises for 10 minutes every day for one month
  • Complete a 30-day challenge that includes 30 minutes of stretching and mobility every day
  • Complete a 30-day foam rolling challenge, rolling out for 15 minutes every day
  • Improve my ankle flexibility by practicing ankle mobility exercises for 10 minutes every day for one month
  • Improve my hip mobility by practicing hip circles for 10 minutes every day for one month
  • Improve my wrist mobility by practicing wrist circles for 10 minutes every day for one month
  • Improve my posture and flexibility by practicing tai chi for 30 minutes every day for one month
  • Achieve a standing split within three months
  • Improve my flexibility to be able to touch my toes within six months
  • Complete a 30-day stretching challenge, stretching for 30 minutes every day
  • Achieve a full split within three months
  • Complete a 50-day plank challenge, increasing time and difficulty each day
  • Achieve a 5-minute plank hold within three months
  • Achieve a one-minute plank hold within three months


SMART Yoga Goals

Yoga is a powerful tool for personal growth and development, and setting specific goals in this area can help you deepen your practice and cultivate important skills like mindfulness, self-awareness, and emotional regulation. For example, attending a yoga teacher training program can give you a more comprehensive understanding of the philosophy and practice of yoga, while also allowing you to develop teaching skills and build connections with other practitioners. By setting goals to attend regular yoga classes, practice at home, or deepen your knowledge of specific poses or practices, you can develop greater physical strength, flexibility, and balance, as well as cultivate mental focus, relaxation, and inner peace.

Here are a few specific examples of SMART goals you can set in this particular area:

  • Complete a 30-day yoga challenge
  • Achieve a full split within three months
  • Achieve a scorpion pose within one year
  • Hold a crow pose for 10 seconds within one month
  • Hold a headstand for 30 seconds within three months
  • Complete a 30-day yoga challenge that includes one hour of practice every day
  • Complete a 30-day yoga challenge, practicing a different style of yoga each day
  • Complete a 60-minute hot yoga class within three months
  • Practice 108 sun salutations in one session within six months
  • Attend a restorative yoga class once a week for three months
  • Attend a yoga teacher training program within one year
  • Achieve a forearm stand within one year
  • Practice yoga on the beach at sunrise for 30 days
  • Attend a yoga class in a different style (e.g., Ashtanga, Kundalini, Iyengar) within two months
  • Practice yoga outside for 60 minutes within one month
  • Practice yoga with a friend once a week for three months
  • Attend a yoga workshop with a favorite instructor within one year
  • Hold a one-legged king pigeon pose for 30 seconds on each side within three months
  • Attend a yoga class with a view of the stars within one year
  • Achieve a firefly pose within one year
  • Practice yoga for 120 minutes a day, five days a week for one year


Other SMART Fitness Goals

Overall, setting SMART fitness goals can have significant personal growth benefits. When you challenge yourself physically, you can build confidence, self-discipline, and resilience. For instance, practicing jump rope tricks to improve your coordination can help you develop patience, perseverance, and mental focus. Additionally, when you achieve your fitness goals, you can experience a sense of accomplishment and pride in your abilities, which can translate into other areas of your life.

Here are some more examples of SMART goals in this particular area:

  • Improve my grip strength by practicing grip exercises for 20 minutes every day for one month
  • Improve my reaction time by practicing hand-eye coordination drills for 20 minutes every day for one month
  • Complete a 30-day burpee challenge, increasing the number of burpees each day
  • Complete a 30-day HIIT bike challenge, increasing the intensity and duration each week
  • Complete a 60-day home workout challenge with no gym equipment
  • Complete a 60-minute spin class every day for 30 days
  • Improve my coordination by practicing jump rope tricks for 15 minutes every day for one month
  • Complete a 30-day jump rope challenge
  • Complete a 30-day kettlebell challenge, practicing a different move each day
  • Complete a 30-day kickboxing challenge, practicing a different move each day
  • Complete a 30-day medicine ball challenge, practicing a different move each day
  • Complete a Tough Mudder or Spartan Race
  • Complete a 30-day challenge that includes one hour of outdoor exercise every day
  • Increase my vertical jump by 4 inches within three months
  • Improve my explosive power by practicing box jumps for 20 minutes every day for one month
  • Complete a 30-day rock climbing challenge, climbing a new route each day


The SMART Bucket List

More Goal Ideas?

Click here to get 'The SMART Bucket List' for FREE — It includes a list of 1000+ SMART goal ideas from various categories, such as fitness, travel, personal growth, and more. Additionally, you’ll get my Design Your Dream Year workbook, containing a proven step-by-step action plan to check off those big goals on your list.


1000+ Goal Ideas
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