Finding Your Element: Summary Review
This is a summary review of Finding Your Element containing key details about the book.
What is Finding Your Element About?
"Finding Your Element" is a book by Sir Ken Robinson that focuses on the importance of finding one's passions and purpose in life.
Finding Your Element provides the tools, techniques, resources and advice you need to discover the depth of your abilities and identify opportunities for change. It looks at the conditions that enable you to find yourself: why it's so important to connect with people who share your element and why your attitudes may be holding you back.
Finding Your Element shows that age and occupation are no barriers to discovering what makes us happiest, and that once we have found our path we can help others to do so as well.
Summary Points & Takeaways from Finding Your Element
Some key summary points and takeaways from the book include:
* Passion: The book emphasizes that finding one's passion is crucial for leading a fulfilling life. Robinson argues that pursuing one's passions can help people feel more fulfilled, energetic, and motivated.
* Diversity of talent: Robinson argues that everyone has unique talents and abilities, and that it is important to acknowledge and celebrate these differences.
* Education: The book critiques traditional education systems for not doing enough to support individuals in finding their passions and purpose. Robinson argues that education should help individuals discover and develop their unique talents and abilities.
* Creativity: Robinson emphasizes the importance of creativity in finding one's element. He argues that creativity is essential for problem-solving and innovation and that it is something that can be developed and cultivated throughout one's life.
* Taking risks: The book encourages readers to take risks and embrace new opportunities in their pursuit of finding their element. Robinson argues that taking risks can lead to growth and development and help individuals discover new passions and talents.
* Overall, "Finding Your Element" is a thought-provoking and inspiring book that encourages individuals to think about their passions, purpose, and talents, and to take steps towards living a more fulfilling life.
Who is the author of Finding Your Element?
Sir Ken Robinson was a British author, speaker and international advisor on education in the arts to government, non-profits, education and arts bodies. He was director of the Arts in Schools Project and Professor of Arts Education at the University of Warwick, and Professor Emeritus after leaving the university.
Lou Aronica is an American editor and publisher, primarily of science fiction. He co-edited the Full Spectrum anthologies with Shawna McCarthy. As a publisher he began at Bantam Books and formed their Bantam Spectra science fiction and fantasy label.
Finding Your Element Summary Notes
Summary Note: Embrace Your Uniqueness
You are truly one of a kind. From your genes to your experiences, everything about you is unique and cannot be replicated. This point reminds us to appreciate our individuality and embrace what makes us different.
Let's start with your genes. In the history of humanity, there has never been anyone else born with the exact same genetic makeup as you. Even identical twins have differences in their genes that make them unique. Your genes not only determine your physical traits but also shape your brain and psychological makeup, making you distinct from anyone else on Earth.
Next, consider the environment you were raised in. The time period you were born into, the communities you were part of, and the experiences you've had are all unique to you. No one else will ever go through the exact same combination of environments as you have. Your upbringing, culture, and surroundings have influenced you in a way that is unparalleled and can never be replicated.
It's important to appreciate the social and biological aspects of your uniqueness. Your life experiences have never existed in human history before, and they will never happen again in the same way. Your genes, combined with your environment, have shaped you into a one-of-a-kind individual.
Embracing your uniqueness can be empowering. It means that you have something special to offer to the world that no one else can. It's a reminder that you are valuable just the way you are and that your differences make you special. Embracing your uniqueness also encourages you to be authentic and true to yourself, rather than trying to conform to societal expectations or fit in with others.
So, take a moment to appreciate what makes you unique - your genes, your experiences, your perspective on the world. Embrace your individuality and recognize that you are the first and only person with your exact makeup. Your uniqueness is a gift that makes you irreplaceable, and it's something to be celebrated and cherished.
Summary Note: Embrace the Unpredictable: Finding Your Element by Embracing Opportunities
Life is full of unique experiences that make us who we are. Our genetic makeup, our environment, and the opportunities that come our way shape our lives in unexpected ways. It's important to appreciate our uniqueness and embrace the unpredictability of life. Planning for the long term and following societal expectations can be limiting and hinder us from discovering our true potential. Instead, we should be open to the unknown and be willing to seize unexpected opportunities.

Society often puts pressure on us to follow a linear life plan, from graduating high school to getting a job, getting married, and having kids. However, this traditional path may not be suitable for everyone and can prevent us from exploring other interests or pursuing unconventional paths. It's crucial to recognize that life is full of surprises, and the future cannot be fully predicted or controlled. Rather than fearing the unknown, we should embrace it as it can lead us to amazing opportunities we never expected.
Ken Robinson, the author of "Finding Your Element," shares his own journey as an example. He discovered his passion for education and writing speeches later in life, taking unexpected opportunities that led him on a different path than he initially planned. By being open to new experiences and taking risks, he was able to find his element and make a significant impact in his field.
Embracing the unpredictable also means being willing to step out of our comfort zones. It may involve taking risks, trying new things, and being open to failure. However, it is through these experiences that we can learn and grow, and ultimately find our true calling. By letting go of rigid plans and societal expectations, we can create a more fulfilling and authentic life for ourselves.
Summary Note: Discovering Your Hidden Aptitudes: Unleashing Your True Potential
One of the main themes in the book is the importance of discovering and unlocking your hidden aptitudes and skills to reach your full potential. The author emphasizes that human intelligence is vast and we are all born with unique aptitudes, but societal norms, cultural values, and lack of resources can often prevent us from realizing our true abilities.
The book highlights how environmental factors, such as limited exposure to different experiences or lack of access to resources, can hinder the discovery of one's aptitudes. For example, a person may never know they are skilled at sailing if they have never been exposed to the ocean. The author also mentions the success of the El Sistema school in Venezuela, which provided opportunities for students in challenging circumstances to discover their aptitude for music.
The book also emphasizes the influence of cultural norms and societal expectations on the discovery of aptitudes. The author encourages readers to reflect on the social values they were raised with and how these may have shaped their beliefs about acceptable aptitudes based on gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, and other factors. Breaking free from these cultural norms and pushing against societal expectations can open up opportunities to discover hidden aptitudes.
The author emphasizes the importance of getting out of one's comfort zone and creating opportunities to discover hidden aptitudes. Taking courses in new subjects, meeting new people, and traveling can expose individuals to new experiences and help them uncover their untapped potential. By embracing curiosity and being open to new opportunities, individuals can unlock their hidden aptitudes and pursue their passions.
Summary Note: Unlocking Hidden Potential: Overcoming Institutionalized Education
One of the main themes in the book is the impact of institutionalized education on our perception of intelligence and skills. The book highlights how traditional education systems often prioritize certain types of intelligence, such as logical reasoning, and overlook other forms of intelligence, such as hands-on skills or visual learning. This can result in individuals not realizing their full potential because their aptitudes and abilities may not align with the standardized measures used in schools.
The book emphasizes how grades or test scores do not necessarily determine one's intelligence or capabilities. It challenges the notion that poor performance in a particular subject or skill equates to a lack of ability. For example, it mentions how someone who may excel in mechanics, a valuable skill, may be discouraged from pursuing it because it is not considered "professional" in traditional education systems.
The book also highlights the limitations of the way schools are structured, catering to a narrow range of learning styles and punishing mistakes through grading systems. This can discourage students from attempting challenging subjects or pursuing their interests, and can even impact their creativity as they grow older and become conditioned to avoid mistakes.
The book encourages readers to question their assumptions about their abilities and revisit subjects or skills they may have dismissed based on past educational experiences. It emphasizes the importance of exploring diverse learning opportunities, pushing against societal norms, and providing oneself with the chance to discover hidden aptitudes and skills.
Summary Note: Unlocking Your Potential: Overcoming Attitude Barriers
One of the main themes in the book is the importance of not letting your attitude hinder your potential. Many factors, including societal conditioning and competitive environments, can negatively impact our outlook on our abilities. We may abandon activities we are actually good at because we feel we cannot keep up with the competition. Society often encourages a fixed mindset, where we believe our abilities are predetermined and cannot be improved upon. However, adopting a growth mindset, which emphasizes the idea that abilities can be developed through practice, is crucial to unlocking our full potential.
One key factor in shaping our attitude towards our abilities is our mindset. A fixed mindset can limit our belief in our ability to improve, while a growth mindset promotes the idea of continuous development. Society often reinforces a fixed mindset through concepts like IQ, which suggest that our intelligence is fixed from birth. However, in reality, studying and practice can greatly enhance our intellectual abilities. It is important to cultivate a growth mindset to embrace the idea that our abilities can be developed and improved upon over time.
Personality assessment tests, such as the Myers-Briggs or MBTI test, can also be helpful in understanding ourselves better and aligning our goals with our strengths. While these tests cannot define our personality, they can provide insights that help us identify activities and pursuits that are well-suited to our natural inclinations. By understanding ourselves better and leveraging our strengths, we can set ourselves up for success and unlock our full potential.
Summary Note: Discovering Your Passion for Better Physical and Mental Well-being
Discovering your passion is crucial for your overall well-being, both physically and mentally. It's a part of being human to have something that ignites a sense of deep interest and excitement within you. If you feel like you haven't found your passion yet, don't worry, it's likely just waiting to be discovered. When you do find your passion, you'll know because it will consume you in a way that makes you lose track of time and feel completely absorbed in the activity. For example, musicians often experience this when they're rehearsing or writing music. So, ask yourself, what activities make you feel this way?
Finding your passion is not only about emotional fulfillment, but it can also have positive effects on your physical health. Studies, such as the Harvard Study of Adult Development, have shown that experiencing positive emotions through pursuing your passions can lead to stress reduction, chronic pain reduction, aid in recovery from addiction, improved sleep, concentration, and more. Passion is an intrinsic part of who you are, and allowing yourself the opportunity to discover and pursue it can make you a happier and healthier person.
To discover your passion, it's important to step out of your comfort zone and explore new physical and social environments. Take opportunities to research and learn about new fields or topics that interest you, even if they are unfamiliar to you. Join book discussion groups, online communities, or try new sports and physical activities that challenge you. Engage in crafts or hobbies that involve using your hands and tap into your creativity. The more you push yourself to explore new areas, the more likely you are to uncover hidden passions within you.
Remember, it's never too late to discover your passion. Be open to new experiences, take risks, and give yourself the opportunity to explore different activities and interests. Your passion is unique to you and can bring immense joy, fulfillment, and improved well-being into your life. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and unlock the power of your passions for a better, healthier, and happier you.
Summary Note: Finding Your Element: The Key to Happiness
One of the main themes in the book is that finding true happiness requires understanding and pursuing our own passions and interests, rather than relying on external factors such as wealth or instant gratification. Society often promotes the idea that wealth and immediate gratification are the keys to happiness, but this can be misleading and ultimately unfulfilling.
The book emphasizes the importance of discovering and nurturing our passions, even if they are not directly related to our careers. It encourages readers to make time for activities they are passionate about, whether it's painting, writing, building, or helping others through volunteering. Engaging in activities that we genuinely enjoy and that give us a sense of purpose can significantly impact our overall health and well-being.
The book also challenges the notion of instant gratification and highlights the importance of long-term satisfaction. It suggests that instead of seeking temporary distractions from unhappiness, such as vacations or dining out, we should invest in long-term projects that bring us genuine joy and a sense of accomplishment. Creating something ourselves, whether it's a novel, a piece of furniture, or helping others in our community, can provide a deeper and more meaningful form of happiness that lasts.
Furthermore, The book emphasizes that happiness is a personal journey and that it's essential to define it for ourselves rather than relying on pre-established societal ideas. It encourages readers to reflect on what truly makes them happy and to prioritize those things in their lives, rather than chasing external markers of success or societal expectations.
Summary Note: The Power of Community in Pursuing Your Passions
Finding a community of people who share similar passions can greatly impact your ability to achieve your goals and find fulfillment. While your passions are unique to you, being part of a like-minded community can provide you with support, inspiration, and opportunities for growth. Whether it's a formal group like the "Maker" community for DIY enthusiasts, or a group of chefs promoting Nordic cuisine, being around people who share your interests can be incredibly beneficial.
Being part of a community allows you to exchange ideas, share knowledge, and collaborate with others. It provides a platform for learning, networking, and expanding your horizons. You can gain new perspectives, learn new skills, and find support in your journey. In a community, you can find mentors who can guide you, and you can also become a mentor to others, which can be fulfilling in itself.
Moreover, some goals are better achieved in a group. Collaborating with others can bring about synergies and help you accomplish things that would be difficult or impossible to achieve alone. For example, the success of the New Nordic Cuisine Movement in Europe was made possible by a group of chefs who came together to promote traditional Nordic food. Their collective efforts and collaboration led to increased awareness and popularity of Nordic cuisine, which would have been challenging to achieve individually.
Being part of a community also provides a sense of belonging and support, which is crucial for personal growth and well-being. It gives you a sense of purpose and connection, and can help you overcome challenges and setbacks along the way. Being around people who share your passions can ignite your creativity, motivation, and inspiration.
Book details
- Print length: 258 pages
- Genre: Self Help, Nonfiction, Education
What are the chapters in Finding Your Element?
Chapter 1 Finding Your Element
Chapter 2 What Are You Good At?
Chapter 3 How Do You Know?
Chapter 4 What Do You Love?
Chapter 5 What Makes You Happy?
Chapter 6 What's Your Attitude?
Chapter 7 Where Are You Now?
Chapter 8 Where's Your Tribe?
Chapter 9 What's Next?
Chapter 10 Living a Life of Passion and Purpose
What do critics say?
Here's what one of the prominent reviewers had to say about the book: “Fans may glean some insight about understanding who we are as individuals and how we can have a better life that communicates our uniqueness to the world.” - Kirkus Reviews
* The editor of this summary review made every effort to maintain information accuracy, including any published quotes, chapters, or takeaways. If you're interested in enhancing your personal growth, I suggest checking out my list of favorite self-development books. These books have been instrumental in my own personal development and I'm confident they can help you too.
Chief Editor
Tal Gur is an author, founder, and impact-driven entrepreneur at heart. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living, has led him to found Elevate Society.