Influencer: Summary Review

This is a summary review of Influencer containing key details about the book.

What is Influencer About?

"Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change" by Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler is a guide to leading change and influencing others, drawing on research and practical experience to provide a framework for effectively influencing behavior and driving lasting change in organizations and communities.

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Influencer takes you on a fascinating journey from San Francisco to Thailand where you'll see how seemingly “insignificant” people are making incredibly significant improvements in solving problems others would think impossible. You'll learn how savvy folks make change not only achievable and sustainable, but inevitable. You'll discover why some managers have increased productivity repeatedly and significantly-while others have failed miserably.

Summary Points & Takeaways from Influencer

Some key summary points and takeaways from the book include:

* The six sources of influence: The six sources of influence that drive change, including personal motivation, personal ability, social motivation, social ability, structural motivation, and structural ability.

* The importance of understanding resistance: The importance of understanding resistance and the reasons why people resist change, in order to overcome obstacles and achieve lasting change.

* The power of social norms: The power of social norms and the importance of understanding and changing the norms that drive behavior, in order to drive lasting change.

* The role of accountability: The role of accountability and the importance of creating a culture of accountability, in which individuals and organizations are held accountable for their actions and results.

* The importance of personal motivation: The importance of personal motivation and the need to tap into intrinsic motivators, such as values, goals, and personal identity, in order to drive lasting change.

* The power of small wins: The power of small wins and the importance of breaking down large goals into smaller, achievable steps, in order to build momentum and drive lasting change.

* The importance of involving stakeholders: The importance of involving stakeholders, including customers, employees, partners, and suppliers, in the change process, in order to build support and achieve lasting results.

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* The book provides a comprehensive framework for influence and change, and offers practical tools and strategies for anyone looking to drive change and achieve their goals, both personally and professionally.

Who is the author of Influencer?

David Maxfield is author of three New York Times bestsellers, Crucial Accountability, Influencer and Change Anything.

Ron McMillan is a Scottish freelance photojournalist and author best known for his rare photo coverage of North Korea and for authoring one of the few crime/suspense novels taking place in modern-day South Korea.

Joseph Grenny is a four-time New York Times Bestselling Author. Co-Author of Crucial Conversations, Crucial Accountability, Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change, and Change Anything.

Influencer Summary Notes

The Power of Concrete Goals and Targeted Behaviors in Effective Influence

One of the key ideas presented here is that to be a successful influencer, it is necessary to have a clear goal and focus on the behaviors that will achieve that goal. The author presents two examples of effective influencers who were able to make a significant impact by following this approach.

The first example is Dr. Don Berwick, who aimed to decrease the mortality rate of people who use healthcare. He set a concrete goal of saving 100,000 lives by a specific date, which provided a clear target and deadline for his efforts. By focusing on this goal and the behaviors that would contribute to achieving it, he was able to make significant progress towards his objective.

The second example is Dr. Wiwat, Thailand’s Minister for Public Health, who aimed to reduce the country’s AIDS rate. By analyzing the data and identifying the behavior that was most responsible for HIV infections, he was able to target his efforts on that specific behavior – the decision of sex workers to use condoms. By focusing on this single behavior, he was able to make a significant impact and achieve his goal of reducing the country’s HIV rate.

The main takeaway from these examples is that having a clear, concrete goal and focusing on the behaviors that will achieve that goal is essential for effective influence. It is not enough to simply want to make a difference; you must have a specific objective and a plan to achieve it. By focusing on the behaviors that will have the greatest impact, you can maximize your efforts and achieve your goal more efficiently.

The Power of Influence: Techniques to Change Behavior

Influencing people to change their behavior can be a daunting task, but it's necessary for progress and growth. The key to effective influence is to persuade people without forcing them to change their ways. here, two key ideas to influence behavior are discussed:

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The first key idea is to have a goal and concentrate on the behaviors that will get you there. Having a clear goal and a plan of action is crucial to bring about positive change. Influencers must identify the behaviors that will have the biggest impact and concentrate their efforts on mastering them. This idea is illustrated through the examples of Dr. Don Berwick, former CEO of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, and Dr. Wiwat, Thailand’s Minister for Public Health.

The second key idea is to influence people through storytelling, motivational techniques, and direct experience. Storytelling is a powerful tool that can evoke emotions and motivate people to change their behavior. It works well when people can identify with the characters in the story. Motivational interviewing is another technique that can help guide the interviewee to think about their behavior. In some cases, giving people a chance to gain firsthand experience can considerably reinforce their commitment to the issue.

The Power of Addressing Social Environment in Influencing Others

One of the key ideas here is that true influencers work with and inspire others to achieve shared goals, rather than trying to solve problems singlehandedly. This often involves identifying a group of people with a mutual goal and giving them the opportunity to work together to achieve it.

Dr. Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, is an excellent example of this approach. He recognized that poverty in Bangladesh was perpetuated by a lack of access to credit, so he created the Grameen Bank and gave credit to groups of five people. By working together to establish small businesses, these groups were able to overcome poverty and generate shared ambition and creativity.

Sharing individual problems with others is also an important aspect of working together to achieve shared goals. It can be difficult to admit mistakes or ask for help, but it is necessary to do so in order to find solutions. In software development culture, for example, openly admitting the need for a new deadline (i.e. being the "chicken") can actually be helpful in identifying problems and moving the group towards a solution.

If individuals cannot be influenced directly, addressing the social environment can be a powerful solution. This involves creating an environment where individuals can work together towards shared goals, where it is safe to admit mistakes and ask for help, and where collaboration is valued over individual achievement. By creating this kind of environment, influencers can inspire others to achieve great things together.

Rewards as a Tool for Positive Influence

Rewards, when used wisely, can be a powerful tool for positive influence. They can strengthen intrinsic motivation, energize commitment, and produce unexpected results. However, it's important to note that rewards can also backfire when misused. They must be given in a way that doesn't encourage negative behavior, and they're no substitute for motivation.

Dr. Stephen Higgins is an example of how rewards can be effective when used properly. He helped cocaine addicts by giving them a voucher as a reward for finishing a three-month rehabilitation program. The voucher could be exchanged for goods if the participants passed monthly cocaine tests. This simple incentive produced excellent results, with 90 percent of the recovering addicts completing the program compared to 65 percent without the voucher.

However, rewards can exacerbate negative behavior when misused. People often interpret rewards as a reason to continue certain behaviors, a phenomenon known as the overjustification hypothesis. For example, an alcoholic might keep drinking because they know they'll be rewarded for quitting.

The Subtle yet Powerful Influence of Changing Surroundings

The environment in which we live and work has a profound impact on our behavior, often without us even realizing it. Influencing others through altering their surroundings is an effective means of influencing behavior, whether it's in the workplace, at home, or in public spaces. The size, shape, and quality of the surroundings can influence our psyche in significant ways. For example, smaller spaces encourage closer relationships and intimacy, while larger rooms create an atmosphere of power. The quality of the surroundings also plays a role; chaotic environments make us agitated and even angry, while clean and pleasant environments can promote calmness and positivity.

Understanding the connection between environment and mood is essential for many professions, including customer service. Clean and comfortable surroundings, with pleasant artwork and comfortable seats, can help keep customers calm and happy. Changing surroundings can also be used to influence behavior in a more indirect way, for example, by altering the distance between people. It’s essential to keep in mind that changes in surroundings can have a profound effect, and it’s crucial to consider the impact of those changes before implementing them.

Objects as Powerful Influencers

Objects have a significant impact on our behavior, whether we realize it or not. And, as influencers, understanding how to use these objects can be incredibly effective. Objects can be used to trigger curiosity and an interest in exploring, as well as to elicit reciprocity through the provision of freebies. Objects can also be used to influence consumption through the use of packaging, with larger packaging leading to increased consumption. Similarly, making invisible quantities visible can lead to more efficient use of goods. Finally, if all else fails, the most radical method of influence is to eliminate undesired behavior by automating processes.

The power of objects lies in their ability to trigger behavior without causing resistance. We are naturally drawn to beautiful and attractive objects, making it essential to use visually appealing designs when looking to influence behavior. Reciprocity, too, is an effective tool, as humans are programmed to strive for equality in social relationships, and freebies can be used to elicit this sense of reciprocity. Packaging also has a significant impact on our consumption behavior, with larger packages leading to increased consumption, often without our awareness. Making invisible quantities visible through the use of fill lines can improve the efficient use of goods.

The most radical method of influence is to eliminate undesired behavior altogether. This can be achieved through automation, which eliminates the need for human interaction in certain processes. For example, fast-food restaurants have started to take customer orders through special buttons, thereby eliminating the need for a human cashier. The key to using objects as influencers is to understand the psychology behind our behavior, and to design objects that trigger the desired response without causing resistance.

Book Details

  • Print length: 299 pages
  • Genre: Business, Leadership, Nonfiction

Influencer Chapters

Chapter 1 :You’re an Influencer
Chapter 2:Find Vital Behaviors
Chapter 3:Change the Way You Change Minds
Chapter 4:Make the Undesirable Desirable
Chapter 5:Surpass Your Limits
Chapter 6:Harness Peer Pressure
Chapter 7:Find Strength in Numbers
Chapter 8:Design Rewards and Demand Accountability
Chapter 9:Change the Environment
Chapter 10:Become an Influencer

What is a good quote from Influencer?

Top Quote: “The average human being is actually quite bad at predicting what he or she should do in order to be happier, and this inability to predict keeps people from, well, being happier." (Meaning) - Influencer Quotes, Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler

What do critics say?

Here's what one of the prominent reviewers had to say about the book: "Influencing human behavior is one of the most difficult challenges faced by leaders. This book provides powerful insight into how to make behavior change that will last." — Sidney Taurel, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Eli Lilly and Company

* The editor of this summary review made every effort to maintain information accuracy, including any published quotes, chapters, or takeaways. If you're interested in enhancing your personal growth, I suggest checking out my list of favorite self-development books. These books have been instrumental in my own personal development and I'm confident they can help you too.

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Chief Editor

Tal Gur is an author, founder, and impact-driven entrepreneur at heart. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living, has led him to found Elevate Society.

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