159 Quotes by Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson, born on December 19, 1975, in Lincoln, Nebraska, is a highly acclaimed fantasy author known for his intricate world-building, compelling characters, and epic storytelling. Sanderson has captivated readers with his ability to create rich and immersive fantasy universes, where magic, politics, and intricate plots intertwine. He is best known for his work on the "Cosmere" series, which includes novels like "Mistborn" and "The Stormlight Archive." Sanderson's meticulous attention to detail and his ability to craft complex narratives have garnered him a dedicated fan base and critical acclaim.

His writing style seamlessly blends action, suspense, and thought-provoking themes, elevating the fantasy genre to new heights. Beyond his individual works, Sanderson is admired for his prolific output and his dedication to engaging with his readers. He frequently interacts with fans, providing insights into his writing process and offering a glimpse into the expansive worlds he creates. Brandon Sanderson's contributions to the fantasy genre have solidified him as one of the preeminent contemporary writers, and his ability to transport readers to extraordinary realms continues to captivate imaginations around the world.

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Brandon Sanderson Quotes

By now, it is probably very late at night, and you have stayed up to read this book when you should have gone to sleep. If this is the case, then I commend you for falling into my trap. It is a writer's greatest pleasure to hear that someone was kept up until the unholy hours of the morning reading one of his books. It goes back to authors being terrible people who delight in the suffering of others. Plus, we get a kickback from the caffeine industry.

Novels aren’t just happy escapes; they are slivers of people’s souls, nailed to the pages, dripping ink from veins of wood pulp. Reading the right one at the right time can make all the difference.

And so, does the destination matter? Or is it the path we take? I declare that no accomplishment has substance nearly as great as the road used to achieve it. We are not creatures of destinations. It is the journey that shapes us. Our callused feet, our backs strong from carrying the weight of our travels, our eyes open with the fresh delight of experiences lived.

The mark of a great man is one who knows when to set aside the important things in order to accomplish the vital ones. (Meaning)

The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.

Women? Women are like...thunderstorms. They're beautiful to look at, and sometimes they're nice to listen to-but most of the time they're just plain inconvenient.

Better to be the failure who nobly strived than the success who never really had to.

Mocking a woman is like drinking too much wine. It may be fun for a short time, but the hangover is hell.

I'm not really sure why. But... do you stop loving someone just because they betray you? I don't think so. That's what makes the betrayal hurt so much - pain, frustration, anger... and I still loved her. I still do.

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This world, it is a tempest sometimes. But remember, the sun always rises again.

My dear, did you just try to prove the existence of God with your cleavage?

What is belief - what is faith - if you don't continue it after failure?

A man can only stumble for so long before he either falls or stands up straight.

Words are where most change begins.

You could be writing the book that changes your life.

Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.

People can do great things. However, there are some things they just CAN'T do. I, for instance, have not been able to transform myself into a Popsicle, despite years of effort.

This is going to take a while. I'm a fantasy author. We have trouble with the concept of brevity.

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We follow the codes not because they bring gain, but because we loathe the people we would otherwise become.

Strength does not make one capable of rule; it makes one capable of service.

People with passion are people who will destroy - for a man's passion is not true until he proves how much he's willing to sacrifice for it.

Life before Death. Strength before Weakness. Journey before Destination.

How did men believe in something that preached love on one hand, yet taught destruction of unbelievers on the other? How did one rationalize belief with no proof? How could they honestly expect him to have faith in something that taught of miracles and wonders in the far past, but carefully gave excuses for why such things didn't occur in the present day?

A man was defined not by his flaws, but by how he overcame them.

Those who take lightly promises they make to those they love are people who find little lasting satisfaction in life. This is not an easy time in which to live. That does not mean that it has to be a difficult time to love, but it does mean that you will find unusual stresses upon your lives and your relationship.

Too many scholars think of research as purely a cerebral pursuit. If we do nothing with the knowledge we gain, then we have wasted our study. Books can store information better than we can--what we we do that books cannot is interpret. So if one is not going to draw conclusions, then one might as well just leave the information in the texts.

I've always been very confident in my immaturity.

imaginary things were often the only items of real substance in people's lives.

Those candle flames were like the lives of men. So fragile. So deadly. Left alone, they lit and warmed. Let run rampant, they would destroy the very things they were meant to illuminate. Embryonic bonfires, each bearing a seed of destruction so potent it could tumble cities and dash kings to their knees.

In the end, all men die. How you lived will be far more important to the Almighty than what you accomplished.

Our belief is often strongest when it should be weakest. That is the nature of hope.

If you don't believe what I'm telling you, then ask yourself this: would any decent, kind-hearted individual become a writer? Of course not.

For now, I only wish to make a simple acknowledgement of the woman who held the power just before me. Of all of us who touched it, I feel she was the most worthy.

If you are anything like me --- Clever, fond of goat cheese, and devilishly handsome --- then you have undoubtedly read many books.

A man can only lead when others accept him as their leader, and he has only as much authority as his subjects give to him. All of the brilliant ideas in the world cannot save your kingdom if no one will listen to them.

What is it we value? Innovation. Originality. Novelty. But most importantly...timeliness. I fear you may be too late, my confused, unfortunate, friend.

Every action we take has consequences, Vin," Kelsier said. "I've found that in both Allomancy and life, the person who can best judge the consequences of their actions will be the most successful.

Unknowing ignorance is preferable to informed stupidity.

Sometimes the prize is not worth the costs. The means by which we achieve victory are as important as the victory itself.

There has to be a balance, Vin," Elend said. "Somehow, we'll find it. The balance between whom we wish to be and whom we need to be." He sighed. "But for now," he said, nodding to the side, "we simply have to be satisfied with who we are.

Why did they believe? Because they saw miracles. Things one man took as chance, a man of faith took as a sign. A loved one recovering from disease, a fortunate business deal, a chance meeting with a long lost friend. It wasn't the grand doctrines or the sweeping ideals that seemed to make believers out of men. It was the simple magic in the world around them.

The most dangerous kind of man is not the one who spent his youth shoving others around. That kind of man gets lazy, and is often too content with his life to be truly dangerous. The man who spent his youth being shoved around, however … When that man gets a little power and authority, he often uses it to become a tyrant on par with the worst warlords in history.

Overcome your guilt. Care, but not too much. Take responsibility, but don't blame yourself. Protect, save, help- but know when to give up. They're precarious ledges to walk. How do I do it?

My name is Stephen Leeds, and I am perfectly sane. My hallucinations, however, are all quite mad.

Never throw the first punch. If you have to throw the second, try to make sure they don't get up for a third.

Sometimes it was daunting, knowing how easily I could break things. This one simple curse seemed to dominate my entire life.

You see, that is the sad, sorry, terrible thing about sarcasm. It's really funny.

So, using his pride like a shield against despair, dejection, and-most important— self-pity, Raoden raised his head to stare damnation in the eyes.

You will find that hate can unify people more quickly and more fervently than devotion ever could.

Does one deserve to have evil done to her by consequence of putting herself where evil can reach her?

There are no endings, and never will be endings, to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was an ending.

Wherever it may be, whoever may hold it. That's who I am.

To believe, it seemed, one had to want to believe.

Plots behind plots, plans behind plans. There was always another secret.

Small things were important. Secods were small things, and if you heaped enough of those on top of one another, they became a man's life.

If you give up what you want most for what you think you should want more, you'll end up miserable.

Remember, the past need not become our future as well.

The Stormlight rising from his exposed skin was enough to illuminate the chasm, and it cast shadows on the walls as he ran. Those seemed to become figures, crafted by the bones and branches stretching from the heaps on the ground. Bodies and souls. His movement made the shadows twist, as if turning to regard him.

Llarimar had told him to do his best. That sounded like an awful lot of work. Unfortunately, doing nothing was beginning to seem like even MORE work.

Not all librarians are evil cultists. Some librarians are instead vengeful undead who want to suck your soul.

When I write my books, actually I'm known for very logical rule-based magic systems. I write with one foot in fantasy and one foot in science fiction.

You should try not to talk so much, friend. You'll sound far less stupid that way. - Breeze

What did it mean to be called “lord”? I’ll assume you’ve never had the honor, since I doubt any of you happen to be British royalty. (And, if by chance you are, then let me say, “Hello, Your Majesty! Welcome to my stupid book. Can I borrow some cash?”)

You are inexperienced. So was I, once. So is every man. The measure of a person is not how much they have lived. . . It's in how they make us of what life has shown them.

The problem with being clever, Serene thought with a sigh, is that everyone assumes you're always planning something.

Everything is a contest. All dealings among men are a contest in which some will succeed and others fail. And some are failing quite spectacularly.

Men rarely see their own actions as unjustified.

Eternity ended ten years ago.

Belief isn't simply a thing for fair times and bright days...What is belief - what is faith - if you don't continue in it after failure?...Anyone can believe in someone, or something that always succeeds...But failure...ah, now, that is hard to believe in, certainly and truly. Difficult enough to have value. Sometimes we just have to wait long enough...then we find out why exactly it was that we kept believing...There's always another secret.

I'm convinced that responsibility is some kind of psychological disease.

I've found you can ignore half of what Dox tells you and not miss much-except for maybe they occasional complaint that you're spending too much.

...somehow the old philosophers could make even the most salacious topics seem boring.

The finest defense of character is correct action. Acquaint yourself with virtue, and you can expect proper treatment from those around you.

Boys, welcome to the wonderful world of talking to women about their feelings. As a handy primer, here are a few things you should know: 1) Women have feelings. 2) You will spend the next seventy years or so trying to guess what they're feeling and why. 3) You will be wrong most of the time. 4) I like French Fries.

Do not dash if you only have the strength to walk, and do not waste your time pushing on the walls that will not give. More importantly, don't shove where a pat would be sufficient.

Be warned - Hammond does tend to be a bit optimistic about these kind of things. If the army were made up of one-legged mutes, he would praise their balance and their listening skills.

They tried boiling books, but that didn't work very well." "I'm surprised they haven't tried boiling one another." "Oh, it's been tried," Galladon said. "Fortunately. something happens to us during the Shaod—apparently the flesh of a dead man doesn't taste too good. Kolo? In fact, it's so violently bitter that no one can keep it down." "It's nice to see that cannibalism has been so logically ruled out as an option," Raoden said dryly

Using a fetching face to make men do as you wish is no different from a man using muscle to force a woman to his will. Both are base, and both will fail a person as they age.

You'll never learn how to do your endings until you FINISH your endings.

Nothing will train you to write better as a writer, than working on your next book.

My job is not to save 'The Wheel of Time', to fix 'The Wheel of Time', or anything like that. My job is not to screw it up.

Now, I had been frightened on several different occasions in my life. The most frightening of these involved an elevator and a mime.

Remember, despite the fact that this book is being sold as a 'fantasy' novel, you must take all of the things it says extremely seriously, as they are quite important, are in no way silly, and always make sense. Rutabaga.

To lack feeling is to be dead, but to act on every feeling is to be a child.

The entire point of life is to find ways to get others to do your work for you. Don’t you know anything about basic economics?

Control yourself. Become someone who can handle this.

You've managed-- in our short three years together-- to kill not only my god, but my father, my brother, and my fiance. That's kind of like a homicidal hat trick. It's a strange foundation for a relationship, wouldn't you say?

How do you fight someone smarter than yourself?' Rand Whispered. 'The answer is simple. You make her think that you are sitting down across the table from her, ready to play her game. Then you punch her in the face as hard as you can.

I'm Galladon, from the sovereign realm of Duladel. I'm most recently from Elantris, land of sludge, insanity, and eternal perdition. Nice to meet you.

Must someone, some unseen thing, declare what is right for it to be right? I believe that my own morality - which answers only to my heart - is more sure and true than the morality of those who do right only because they fear retribution.

Faith means that it doesn't matter what happens. You can trust that somebody is watching. Trust that somebody will make it all right.

He smiled despite the grief he felt at the deaths of his men; he smiled because that was what he did. That was how he proved to the Lord Ruler-and to himself-that he wasn't beaten.

You're wonderful. So full of life and excitement. The priests and servants of the palace, they wear colors, but there's no color inside of them. They just go about their duties, eyes down, solemn. You've got color on the inside, so much of it that it bursts out and colors everything around you.

The ways of Wayne are mysterious and incomprehensible.

Good men don't become legends," he said quietly. "Good men don't need to become legends." She opened her eyes, looking up at him. "They just do what's right anyway.

The motivations of men. They never make sense. And they always make sense.

She loved the teachings of the Five Visions. Humility. Sacrifice. Seeing another's problems before your own. Yet she was beginning to think that she-- along with others-- had taken this belief too far, letting her desire to seem humble become a form of pride itself. She now saw that when her faith had become about clothing instead of people, it had taken a wrong turn.

A thing of nature. For every Push, there is a Pull. A consequence.

War is far worse. At least where politics is going on, there are usually nice hors d’oeuvres.

Too many of us take great pains with what we ingest through our mouths, and far less with what we partake of through our ears and eyes.

If you were the wall, what would you rather be? Dreary and dull, or alive with paint?" "Walls can't think!" "That doesn't stop them from caring.

It's like a banana farm for guns!

Being polite to a person is not a sign of respect for them. It is merely a sign of a good upbringing and a balanced nature.

Bitterness is repaid more often than kindness.

It's not imitating anything; it has become a better version of itself.

My behavior is nonetheless, deplorable. Unfortunately, I'm quite prone to such bouts of deplorability--take for instance, my fondness for reading books at the dinner table.

To live is to have worries and uncertainties. Keep them inside, and they will destroy you for certain--leaving behind a person so callused that emotion can find no root in his heart.

What would you think if I told you that I wasn’t an Allomancer?” Sazed asked. “I’d think that you were lying,” Vin said. “Have you known me to lie before?” “The best liars are those who tell the truth most of the time.

I still doubt it will work." "You'd doubt the sun's rising if you weren't proven wrong each day," Raoden said with a smile.

Definitely not-you optimists just can't understand that a depressed person doesn't want you to try and cheer them up.It makes us sick." Brandon Sanderson(Elantris)

Joy was more than just an absence of discomfort.

They say a man doesn't know himself until he faces death for the first time. . . I don't know about that. It seems to me that the person you are when you're about to die isn't as important as the person you are during the rest of your life. Why should a few moments matter more than an entire lifetime?

However a man who was honest and clever was always, ALWAYS more difficult to scam than someone who was both dishonest and clever. Sincerity. It was so difficult , by definition, to fake.

Start writing the things that you are reading or that you want to be published doing.

It’s what happens when you shoot someone,” Wayne pointed out. “At least, usually someone has the good sense to get dead when you go to all the trouble to shoot them.

Welcome, Ruin said, to godhood.

Every man is a hero of his own story.

What kind of woman is still able to trust people after everything she's been through? If she'd been Vin, she would have stabbed him in the back at the first opportunity, and that would have probably been the right thing to do. Yet, this girl just continued to trust. It was like finding a beautiful plant growing alone in a field of burnt ash.

Ham shook his head, sitting down, pouring himself something to drink. "I don't get it, El. Why'd she attack him?" "She's loony," Spook said.

There are two kinds of people in this world, son. Those who save lives, and those who take lives." "And what of those who protect and defend? Those who save lives by taking lives?" "That's like trying to stop a storm by blowing harder. Ridiculous. You can't protect by killing.

The right belief is like a good cloak, I think. If it fits you well, it keeps you warm and safe. The wrong fit however, can suffocate.

That isn’t greatness. That’s just foolishness.

Well Vin says that there's something behind all this, right? Some evil force of doom or whatever? Well, if I were said force of doom, then I certainly wouldn't have used my powers to turn the land black. It just lacks flair. Red. Now, that would be an interesting color. Think of the possibilities--if the ash were red, the rivers would run like blood. Black is so monotonous that you can forget about it, but red--you'd always be thinking, 'Why, look at that. That hill is red. That evil force of doom trying to destroy me certainly has style.

It's easy to believe in something when you win all the time...The losses are what define a man's faith.

AT first Raoden stayed away from the library, because it reminded him of her. Then he found himself drawn back to it—because it reminded him of her.

One cannot seperate truth from actions...Physically inevitable or not, truth stands above all things. It is independant of who has the best army, who can deliver the longest sermons, or even who has the most priests. It can be pushed down, but it will always surface. Truth is the one thing you can never intimidate.

It was strange, how easily and quickly protection could cause destruction. Sometimes, Vasher wondered if the two weren't really the same thing. Protect a flower, destroy pests who wanted to feed on it. Protect a building, destroy the plants that could have grown in the soil. Protect a man. Live with the destruction he creates.

It's actually a rather romantic and dramatic story --- one I would eagerly tell you, except for the fact that I recently forgot it, based on it being far too long and having not enough decapitations.

Everyone gets scared, Princess. Even brave men sometimes run the first time they see battle. In armies, that's why there's so much training. The ones who hold aren't the courageous ones, they're the well-trained ones. We have instincts like any other animal.

Authors also create lovable, friendly characters, then proceed to do terrible things to them, like throw them in unsightly librarian-controlled dungeons. This makes readers feel hurt and worried for the characters. The simple truth is that authors like making people squirm. If this weren't the case, all novels would be filled completely with cute bunnies having birthday parties.

Have you finally grown so jealous of my impeccable fashion sense that you've decided to have me disposed of?

When men fought, they connected. You became brothers as you traded blows.

So, when people try to give you some book with a shiny round award on the cover, be kind and gracious, but tell them you don't read "fantasy," because you prefer stories that are real. Then come back here and continue your research on the cult of evil Librarians who secretly rule the world.

I bring you a message from a friend of ours," she said quietly. "He wanted you to know that he's not dead. He can't be killed." "He is hope." The she raised the spear and rammed it directly into the Lord Ruler's heart.

Somebody has to start. Somebody has to step forward and do what is right, because it is right.

Somehow, she had grown into a woman in between the fall of kings and collapse of worlds. Once she had been terrified of change. Then she had been terrified of losing Elend. Now her fears were more nebulous - worries of what would come after she was gone, worries of what would happen to the people of the empire if she failed.

I Write those words in steel for anything else not set in metal cannot be trusted

You're a sword not a palm tree

Her aunt Sol had once told Shai to smile at the worst insults and snap at the minor ones. That way, no man would know your heart.

How do you 'accidentally' kill a noble man in his own mansion?" "With a knife in the chest. Or, rather, a pair of knives in the chest.

He found insanity no excuse, however, for irrational behavior.

Impossible things are really rough to do, you know.

You're a very difficult person to manipulate, you know." "Nonsense," he said. "You just have to promise me that I won't have to do a thing, and then I'll do anything you want." "Anything?" "Anything that doesn't require doing anything." "That's nothing, then." "Is it?" "Yes." "Well, that's something.

Belief?" "Yes," Sazed said. "Tell me, Mistress. What is it that you believe?" Vin frowned. "What kind of question is that?" "The most important kind, I think.

Act with honor, and Honor will aid you

My outlines are always very goal-based. What do I want to have happen by the ending and how can I earn that.

If men should read these words, let them know that power is a heavy burden. Seek not to be bound by its chains.

All the world does as it is supposed to, except for humans. Maybe that's why you so often want to kill each other.

Regardless, I still do not believe that your duty is to do as the people wish. Your duty is to lead as best you can, following the dictates of your conscience. You must be true. Your Majesty, to the man you wish to become.

The best liars are those who tell the truth most of the time.

That’s the funny thing about arriving somewhere, Vin,” he said with a wink. “Once you’re there, the only thing you can really do is leave again.

I am what the universe made me to be, my dear.

Everyone is either happy or dead.

And Vin liked solitude. When you're alone, no one can betray you

In the end, I must proclaim that no good can be achieved of false means. For the substance of our existence is not in the achievement, but in the method.

What was that?" Galladon demanded. "I think I just destroyed the biology section" Raoden replied with wonder.

That's the point, isn't it? We have to live on, no matter how hard it gets. We'll win in the end.

I consider myself to be a man of principle. But, what man does not? Even the cutthroat, I have noticed, considers his actions "moral" after a fashion. Perhaps another person, reading of my life, would name me a religious tyrant. He could call me arrogant. What is to make that man's opinion any less valid than my own? I guess it all comes down to one fact: In the end, I'm the one with the armies.

It seems that the rebels found the chaos of transition more difficult to accept than the tyranny they had known before. They joyfully welcomed back authority-even oppressive authority-for it was less painful for them than uncertainty.

Can a woman not walk with her possessions down the street of a city?

― Brandon Sanderson Quotes

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