120 Quotes by CM Punk
CM Punk, whose real name is Phil Brooks, is a renowned professional wrestler and former mixed martial artist. Born on October 26, 1978, in Chicago, Illinois, Punk made a significant impact on the world of wrestling during his time in WWE. What set him apart was not only his in-ring skills but also his ability to connect with the audience through his authentic persona and compelling mic skills. Punk's edgy and rebellious character resonated with fans who often saw him as a voice for the disenfranchised in the wrestling industry.
His "Pipebomb" promo in 2011, where he openly criticized WWE management, became legendary and sparked a revolution in professional wrestling. Beyond the ring, CM Punk is also an avid comic book enthusiast and has even written for Marvel. His decision to leave WWE in 2014 and pursue a career in MMA demonstrated his fearlessness and willingness to take risks. Regardless of where he goes, Punk's impact on the wrestling world and his influence on the "Reality Era" will always be remembered and cherished by fans and fellow athletes alike.
CM Punk Quotes
I would much rather be hated for who I am, then loved for something that I am not.
Whatever your walk in life is, you pick what you want to be, then go ahead and be the best one.
I pride myself on being a jerk, because I'm brutally honest all the time.
Haters are my favorite. I´ve built an empire with the bricks they´ve thrown at me. Keep on hating.
Sometimes it's what you don't do that makes you who you are.
I think it's because I'm real. Inside and outside of the ring, what you see is what you get. I'm CM Punk. I'm not trying to be something I'm not. I'm not trying to lie to the people or be fake. I'm not trying to be some crazy, outlandish character. I'm real and they appreciate that. Everything I say, it comes from the heart. It's all real.
If something sucks, I've always been completely vocal about it, and I've been punished many, many times because of that. But I don't think I'd be in the spot I'm in right now if I wasn't me. I've always just been me.
I'm the kind of person that if I'm not getting something that I need from somewhere. I don't cry about it, I'm like OK I'm going to go here and find what I need.
Do you know what it's like going through life being better than everybody? It's hard.
I've never stolen anything in my life, except maybe a couple hearts here and there.
The best thing you can probably do is keep a low profile, keep your eyes and ears open, your mouth shut, and you will learn a ton.
I don't want to sound egotistical, but I'm egotistical to an extent.
Please. Thank you. Learn it. Love it. Or be disappointed.
If you give me the ball, you'll never see it again. Because I'll knock it out of the f*****g park.
CM has always stood for one thing: Chicago Made. Chick Magnet? That's preposterous. Girls don't like me. I was born and raised in Chicago. The city made me. Punk is just because I've always been a smart-mouthed, wise-ass punk. I still am. I was the guy, if a bunch of football players were messing with one of my friends, I'd walk over there and spit in their face.
Different people are afforded different opportunities. I've been given some awesome opportunities, and I feel that I've always knocked them out of the park. But I've always been scaled back after that.
I'm straight edge, and that means I'm better than you.
I hear you guys all the time talking about Daniel Bryan, trained by Shawn Michaels. One curious thing to me is, how come you guys never mention William Regal? William Regal did the real work with this young man. Shawn Michaels took $3,000 from him, that's all he ever did.

If hell is to roam, then i've got hell to pave.
Pete and Repeat are in a boat, Pete jumps out who's left in the boat?
When you step in the ring, your arms are just too short to box with God.
I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs. I kick people in the face for a living. So, if that’s something you’re into — if you like watching people get kicked in the face — come see me. I’ll probably be your favorite wrestler.
I'm not Superman. Eventually, the grind gets to you. If you're away from your friends, you're not traveling with anyone you like, and you're doing stuff that doesn't creatively stimulate you, that's when it becomes a job.
I've never worn a dress shirt that's been comfortable. I've always just worn dress shoes. On more than one occasion, I've heard that a champion should dress like a champion. But I'm a champion because of who I am. Who I am is not that guy. If everybody wears three-piece suits, everyone looks the same.
Why could you smoke all of those cigarettes? It’s not like they are making you better… they are killing you. It seemed real idiotic to me.
I'd much rather be a one-hit wonder than a phony.
This is how diseases are usually spread. Someone spits on a guy, somebody has sex with a chimp. Next thing you know: AIDS.
Planning stuff out sucks. If you plan stuff out, you wind up talking in a very monotonous, unnatural way.
I'm Straight Edge for me, so what everyone else is doing, it doesn't matter. I've never been pressured to drink or smoke or anything by any of the boys, and if anything, a lot of them like me because I'm always the designated driver. I'm the one who makes sure everyone gets home alright and I'm happy doing that.
In my twisted brain, I truly believe that nobody ever really dies, as long as the people that he or she touched continue to spread their legacy. I miss Eddie Guerrero. Eddie Guerrero was a great man. So right now, I don't want to hear 'CM Punk', you know the name I wanna hear.
Luck? Good luck? GM, the last time I checked, luck is for losers.
I'll go be the best in the world somewhere else.
Anybody wants to call me the Triple H of Ring of Honor, I think that's hilarious. I would prefer to call Triple H the CM Punk of the WWE.
Wherever I am, I think it's my show.
A whole bunch of people told me that if I went to WWE, I'd never make it. But it's like I never heard them. I never listened. To me, I'm exactly where I belong. I feel like I was born to do this. Whatever your walk in life is, you pick what you want to be, then go ahead and be the best one.
A lot of people in the WWE try to paint themselves as outlaws and rebels and I really honestly believe I'm the only one left. I always do what I want and I never get any flack for it. I don't know if it's because they know they're not gonna win, or it's not worth fighting me over. Plus I don't see what the big deal is about me wearing a Cabana shirt. The guy should be working there, first of all, and it's promoting my friend. I don't see what the big deal is.
He spilled my diet soda!
I like pressure. It's that kind of thing that will actually help me perform to the best of my abilities. It will help me with training. It'll help with everything.
Best of luck in your future endeavors!
I will kick you in the nuts and you will smile and like it.
You know, I always like being the bad guy. It just comes more natural to me. I don't gotta smile, I don't gotta kiss babies. It's easier to tell people at airports at four in the morning that I'm not signing their stuff.
Don't let these tattoos fool you. I'm straight edge. I'm a man of great discipline; I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs... my addiction is wrestling - my obsession is competition. Discipline. My name is C...M...Punk.
People like to come up to me and tell me that I’ve got nice ink. Except these tattoos aren’t just decorations. They are declarations. Every tattoo I have tells its own story about who I am. Drug-free. Honor. And a war against the system.
All your heroes are dead! I killed them!
I'm not the kind of guy that really thinks I'm a celebrity or feels that I'm important or anything like that.
Do I want an ice cream bar with my name on it? You're DAMN right!
The only thing I took advantage of at Extreme Rules was an opportunity to cash in my Money in the Bank contract, which I did successfully, well within the rules. You know, Jeff knows this, you know this, the fans know this: nowhere on that contract does it say, under any circumstances, 'Do not cash in on Jeff Hardy.'
I believe Melina is wearing Uggs. Which is exactly how I feel about her.
I fancy myself as being very good at Guitar Hero. I really don't play any other videogames. I kind of fell in love with Guitar Hero the first time I played it, and went out and bought a system for it.
I'm not a suit and tie kind of guy. I wear a suit once a year, for the Hall of Fame, or if I have to go to a funeral or something. It's just not me.
I'm a very goal-oriented person.
What you've lost sight of is what you are, and what you are is what you hate. You're the 10-time WWE Champion! You're the man! You, like the Red Sox, like Boston, are no longer the underdog! You're a dynasty. You are what you hate. You have become the New York Yankees!
I'm a living, breathing example of someone who does the same exact thing, but drugs and alcohol just aren't a part of who I am.
You're not funny and nobody likes you!
I don't like having debts. I don't like buying anything that I can't buy in cash.
I don't know if this sounds bad, but I am set. I don't spend my money. I don't buy cars or have an expensive drug habit. The only thing I've ever bought with the money I've made is my house.
Pro wrestling has always been ingrained into American culture. It was one of the first things that was ever on television, so everybody watched it.
I am the voice of the voiceless.
I don't know if you guys know this but I'm sort of a big deal.
For some reason, talking is easy for me. Practice does make perfect; I've been doing it for a while. Being out there in a high-pressure situation with a live audience and a live TV camera on you, it brings something out. It's very organic.
My hair is pure. It stands for purity because no foreign chemicals or substances has ever touched my hair.
If Triple H asked you to jump off a bridge, would you? Because I think that's good for business.
I'm jumping in right now. And I'm going to say that everybody I know has a 'day I met CM Punk story' and they're all 100% fabrication. It's all bullshit. Thank you.
I'm not allowed to wear my street clothes on TV because Vince McMahon says I don't look like CM Punk when I'm not in my gear.
It's a good time to be CM Punk right now.
Yes, I wanted to win! I wanted the belt! I'm a belt mark! I want to sleep with it! I want to wear that and nothing else to church on Sunday!
I'm the best. I'm the best in the world.
I am STILL better than you. Because I AM drug free, I AM alcohol free, and I’m straightedge.
Screw you and your 38,000 twitter followers!
I'm not doing my job if people are like, "What you do is fake." And literally people on the street are confused, generally, for the first time.
See, Josh, that's what you do when someone slaps you in the face. So the next time it happens to you, try to retaliate.
King Kofi Kingston. The initials are horrible but the name sounds great.
Is he under the influence or something?
King Kofi Kingston, that does have a nice ring to it. But not so much the initials, though.
No matter how much people want to pretend that they're embarrassed by it, that they don't watch it, everybody knows about it. It's truly, I believe, one of the only art forms that America has actually given to the world, besides jazz and comic books.
Have you guys ever ghost hunted in Hawaii? No? Well, I have this fat friend... I shouldn't say fat, that might offend him, but he's Samoan and claims to have seen ghosts.
Sir! Sir! I'm afraid your music is just too loud!
I would never be happy with just coming to TV tapings, not working house shows, and just getting by, staying in the shadows. I'm proud of the fact that I can turn chickenshit to chicken salad.
Climb up the ladder! Climb up the ladder! Are you stupid?!
Storytime is over, Rock. Every time you want to 'bring it,' because it belongs to me, I'm just going to take it!.
Until you announce me as the #1 contender for the WWE Championship, I suggest you watch me make snow angels.
One of the things I want to find out is where the hell are the WWE ice cream bars?!
Wrestling is pretty DIY. I've been doing it for 12 years, completely on my own. It's like being in a band or running a zine - except that I get to kick people in the face.
Its Not a Belt, its a Championship Title!
So what? I'm out here doing commentary with Malaria.
People get hired based off of a certain look or something like that and they have no intention of paying their dues or even respecting the business. It's not a good idea to do that.
I did try out for football and wrestling but they wouldn't let me on the teams because I had blue hair.
We have the worst security!
My chair just broke by the way. It's a billion dollar corporation and I can't get a decent chair and somebody to come out here and fix this announce table.
To John Cena after the fans kept throwing his shirt back in the ring : They didn't throw my shirt back.
I owe my career to Paul Heyman.
I think drugs and alcohol aren't a wrestling problem, it's a life problem, it's a people problem.
I would, but I know where that hand's been.
Right now at the announce table we've got two kings and a queen, I'll let you figure out who's who.
Gorgeous day here in Chicago. Sure is better than Canada.
How come when I was a kid, I couldn't be picked on bullies like that?
I was a huge Sub-Zero guy, but the fact that you can download Freddy Krueger is the coolest thing I've heard of in a very long time.
In 50 years, your grandchildren will be asking you where you were when CM Punk beat the Undertaker's streak!
John, what are you doing? John, my diet soda. What are you doing?
The idea of being on television is to wear your T-shirt so people see it and maybe buy it.
OMG, Kevin Nash, WTF, thought he was dead, LOL.
Hey, Colt Cabana, how you doing?
He just hit himself in the dinger with a rubber.
You'd figure he'd go do something with his life, like maybe he could enlist and actually become a marine!
I've always been me. The last three weeks of my career, I've cut some of the best promos I've ever cut, and I do consider myself to be a promo guy.
It looks like they've been watching old Japan tapes!
A lot of people have used the frog splash over the years. Every one else that used it is a four star frog splash, when RVD did it, it became a five star frog splash.
I think pro wrestling doesn't seem to get a lot of mainstream attention until somebody dies.
On the road, the WWE is a family. The divas are my sisters, and like any big brother, I don't want creeps around my little sisters.
I am officially a member of The New Breed!
Mike Knox, I am also getting real sick of this! Your problem isn't me staying away from your girl... Your problem is your girl staying away from me!
My dream match is me and Chris Benoit against Fit Finlay and William Regal. That way I get to work with Benoit and I get to beat up and get beat up by Finlay and Regal.
You can tell that hold is effective because his face is red and the rest of his body is the color of a bottle of 2% milk.
I'm training at everything. Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling, striking. Everything. I think to be in the UFC, you have to be well rounded at everything. That's the goal.
Cole, you stay right where you are. Miz has enough people at ringside tonight.
― CM Punk Quotes
Chief Editor
Tal Gur is an author, founder, and impact-driven entrepreneur at heart. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living, has led him to found Elevate Society.