100 Quotes by Dan Quayle
Dan Quayle, the 44th Vice President of the United States, is a prominent political figure known for his service during the presidency of George H.W. Bush. Quayle's time in office was marked by both successes and controversies, with his public image often overshadowed by gaffes and perceived missteps. Despite his earnest efforts and contributions to policy discussions, Quayle became a target for media scrutiny and comedic satire. His legacy is a reminder of the complex nature of political leadership, where even accomplished individuals can become emblematic of certain moments or perceptions, sometimes obscuring their full range of actions and intentions.
Dan Quayle Quotes
What a terrible thing to have lost one's mind. Or not to have a mind at all. How true that is.
If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure.
People are not homeless if they're sleeping in the streets of their own hometowns.
It's time for the human race to enter the solar system.
The global importance of the Middle East is that it keeps the Far East and the Near East from encroaching on each other.
Republicans have been accused of abandoning the poor. It's the other way around. They never vote for us.
Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child.
I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future.
It would be a serious mistake to replace a seasoned statesman with a temperamental tycoon who has no respect for the constitution.
Bank failures are caused by depositors who don't deposit enough money to cover losses due to mismanagement.
It's wonderful to be here in the great state of Chicago.
My friends, no matter how rough the road may be, we can and we will, never, never surrender to what is right.
One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice-president, and that one word is 'to be prepared'.
For NASA, space is still a high priority.
We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur.
Our party has been accused of fooling the public by calling tax increases 'revenue enhancement'. Not so. No one was fooled
It would be bad for the economy if we have another Jimmy Carter grain embargo, Jimmy, Jimmy Carter, Jimmy Carter grain embargo, Jimmy Carter grain embargo.
I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change.
The U.S. victory in Gulf War was a stirring victory for the forces of aggression.

I deserve respect for the things I did not do.
The question in life is not whether you get knocked down. You will. The question is, are you ready to get back up... And fight for what you believe in?
This President is going to lead us out of this recovery.
If you give a person a fish, they'll fish for a day. But if you train a person to fish, they'll fish for a lifetime.
The best thing about rain forests is they never suffer from drought.
I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior, for whose Kingdom it stands, one Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe.
The other day the President said, I know you've had some rough times, and I want to do something that will show the nation what faith that I have in you, in your maturity and sense of responsibility. He paused, then said, would you like a puppy?
Getting [cruise missiles] more accurate so that we can have precise precision.
Add one little bit on the end... Think of 'potato,' how's it spelled? You're right phonetically, but what else...? There ya go...alright!
Welcome to President Bush, Mrs. Bush, and my fellow astronauts.
The future will be a better tomorrow.
The cause of the riots were the rioters
People that are really very weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history.
We don't want to go back to tomorrow, we want to move forward.
Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children.
We have seen pictures [of mars] where there there are canals, we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe.
I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican.
We will move forward, we will move upward, and yes, we will move onward.
I'm the Vice-President. They know it, and they know that I know it.
The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century.
It's a question of whether we're going to go forward into the future, or past to the back.
If Al Gore invented the Internet, I invented spell check.
Congress should definitely consider decriminalizing possession of marijuana. We should concentrate on prosecuting the rapists and burglars who are a menace to society.
We're going to have the best-educated American people in the world.
This isn't a man who is leaving with his head between his legs.
Japan is an important ally of ours. Japan and the United States of the Western industrialized capacity, 60 percent of the GNP, two countries. That's a statement in and of itself.
This is where the Continental Congress met over two hundred years ago during the American Revolution. So, Lancaster was actually the capital of our nation for one day in 1977.
We should develop anti-satellite weapons because we could not have prevailed without them in 'Red Storm Rising'.
Much to popular disbelief, horses walking around during the elections with their tails straight up in the air are not showing off their Bush/Quale buttons.
Failing to support children one has fathered is wrong. We must be unequivocal about this. It doesnt help matters when prime-time TV has Murphy Brown, a character who supposedly epitomizes todays intelligent, highly paid professional woman, mocking the importance of fathers by bearing a child alone and calling it just another lifestyle choice.
When you make as many speeches and you talk as much as I do and you get away from the text, it's always a possibility to get a few words tangled here and there.
I do have a political agenda. It's to have as few regulations as possible.
On the security front, the United States must continue to play a leadership role. There simply is not another country in the world that commands the respect or has the capabilities that we do, and we must not shrink from our responsibilities.
We expect them [Salvadoran officials] to work toward the elimination of human rights.
It is not death that I'm apparently now succumbing to, but the rapid diminishment of lifeforce from this body of mine.
It's a very good historical book about history.
Every once in a while, you let a word or phrase out and you want to catch it and bring it back. You can't do that. It's gone, gone forever.
They asked me to go in front of the Reagans. I'm not used to going in front of President Reagan, so we went out behind the Bushes.
And this is the best chance to begin to establish the New World Order.
We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe.
You couldn't even prove the White House staff sane beyond a reasonable doubt. When I was born I was so surprised I didn't talk for a year and a half. I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican.
I told you all lawyers are worthless. After all it takes won (sic) to know one.
Happy campers you have been, happy campers you are, and happy campers you will always be.
I was known as the chief grave robber of my state.
Votes are like trees, if you are trying to build a forest. If you have more trees than you have forests, then at that point the pollsters will probably say you will win.
Let me just be very clear that the Republican Party will select a nominee that will beat Bill Clinton.
Perestroika is nothing more than refined Stalinism.
I would guess that there's adequate low-income housing in the country.
The rapid rise of the People's Republic of China as a military and economic power is challenging the status quo.
What a terrible thing it is to lose one's mind.
This is what I say about the scorn of the media elite: I wear their scorn as a badge of honor.
This election is about who's going to be the next President of the United States!
The destruction, it is just very heart-rendering.
I feel that this is my first year, that next year is an election year, that the third year is the mid point, and that the fourth year is the last chance I'll have to make a record since the last two years; I'll be a candidate again. Everything I do in those last two years will be posturing for the election. But right now I don't have to do that.
Want to hear a sad story about the Dukakis campaign? The governor of Massachusetts, he lost his top naval advisor last week. His rubber ducky drowned in the bathtub.
Does America really need 70 percent of the world's lawyers? Is it healthy for our economy to have 18 million lawsuits coursing through our system annually?
Speaking as a man, it's not a woman's issue. Us men are tired of losing our women.
Air travel efficiency would improve if more travelers started going to less popular places.
In golf, you keep your head down and follow through. In the vice presidency, you keep your head up and follow through. It's a big difference.
If Ross Perot runs, that's good for us. If he doesn't run, it's good for us.
The peace dividend is peace.
What the media wants and what the media demands of Christians is very simply this: your silence.
Murphy Brown is doing better than I am. At least she knows she still has a job next year.
We shouldn't have to be burdened with all the technicalities that come up from time to time with shrewd, smart lawyers interpreting what the laws or what the Constitution may or may not say.
I've never professed to be anything but an average student.
I spend a great deal of time with the President. We have a very close, personal, loyal relationship. I'm not, as they say, a potted plant in these meetings.
Bobby Knight told me this: 'There is nothing that a good defense cannot beat a better offense.' In other words a good offense wins.
Vietnam is a jungle. You had jungle warfare. Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, you have sand. [There is no need to worry about a protracted war because] from a historical basis, Middle East conflicts do not last a long time.
A good debater can be a good communicator. You have to communicate when you're president of the United States, and communicate effectively with the American people, and with the world.
It's immoral to parent irresponsibly... And it doesn't help matters any when prime time tv, like "Murphy Brown", a character who is supposed to represent a successful career woman of today, mocks the importance of the father by bearing a child alone, and calling it just another "lifestyle choice." Marriage is probably the best anti-poverty program there is... Even though our cultural leaders in Hollywood, network TV, the national newspapers routinely jeer at [such values] I think most of us in this room know that some things are good, and other things are wrong.
Hawaii is a unique state. It is a small state. It is a state that is by itself. It is a-it is different than the other 49 states. Well, all states are different, but it's got a particularly unique situation.
In George Bush you get experience, and with me you get the future.
Public Speaking is very easy.
Make no mistake about it: Operation Desert Storm truly was a victory of good over evil, of freedom over tyranny, of peace over war.
Great American sport. Horseshoes is a very great game. I love it.
Mars is essentially in the same orbit. Mars is somewhat the same distance from the Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, and water.
Let me just tell you how thrilling it really is, and how, what a challenge it is, because in 1988 the question is whether we're going forward to tomorrow or whether we're going to go past to the - to the back!
The loss of life will be irreplaceable.
Who's responsible for the riots? The rioters!
Space is almost infinite. As a matter of fact, we think it is infinite.
People who bowl vote. Bowlers are not the cultural elite.
I want to show you an optimistic sign that things are beginning to turn around.
You do the policy, I'll do the politics.
The President scores much better than Bill Clinton.
It's not just enough to change the president if we want to change America.
I think especially in her position, a highly successful professional woman, it would be a real exception to have an unwed child.
Abortion is not an issue with the American people. It is a figment of your imagination if you think that this is an issue that is talked about a lot.
[The US is] naked, absolutely nude, to attack [by the Soviets].
We'll let the sunshine in and shine on us, because today we're happy and tomorrow we'll be even happier.
I can identify with steelworkers. I can identify with workers that have had a difficult time.
Looking back, I should have pursued philosophy and economics and things of that sort in college more, but I didn't.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a cure for AIDS in the marketplace before Magic Johnson gets AIDS?
Americans have always excelled through hard work, innovation, and an ability to find solutions that makes us unique among nations.
Investments - particularly those that involve the change of control of a company - only work when they work well for all parties involved.
Hundreds of millions of people around the world have been lifted out of poverty with the creation of robust middle classes in India and China, which is an enormously positive development for those countries that also creates opportunities for the rest of the world.
The American people would not want to know of any misquotes that Dan Quayle may or may not make.
I should have caught the mistake on that spelling bee card. But as Mark Twain once said, `You should never trust a man who has only one way to spell a word'.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
We will invest in our people, quality education, job opportunity, family, neighborhood, and yes, a thing we call America.
Tobacco exports should be expanded aggressively because Americans are smoking less.
The intergenerational poverty that troubles us so much today is predominantly a poverty of values.
Well, it looks as if the top part fell on the bottom part.
― Dan Quayle Quotes
Chief Editor
Tal Gur is an author, founder, and impact-driven entrepreneur at heart. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living, has led him to found Elevate Society.