100 Quotes by Dennis Rodman

Dennis Rodman, an enigmatic figure both on and off the basketball court, defied conventional norms and redefined the role of a basketball player. Renowned for his tenacious defense and unmatched rebounding prowess, Rodman's impact on the game was monumental. His relentless pursuit of the ball and uncanny ability to predict the trajectory of missed shots made him an invaluable asset to any team. Off the court, Rodman's colorful personality and unconventional lifestyle choices captivated the public's imagination.

His willingness to express himself authentically, regardless of societal expectations, challenged traditional perceptions of athletes and masculinity. Rodman's complex persona also drew attention to mental health issues and the importance of self-expression. While his journey was marked by controversy, his athletic excellence and unapologetic individuality left an indelible mark on both basketball and popular culture, reminding us that greatness can emerge from unexpected places.

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Dennis Rodman Quotes

If you're going to have sex, use a condom.

This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can't see how deep it is.

Don't let what other people think decide who you are.

I'm hungrier than those other guys out there. Every rebound is a personal challenge.

You can love me or you can hate me.

I go out there and get my eyes gouged, my nose busted, my body slammed. I love the pain of the game.

If I don't finish in the top three for the next Nobel Peace Prize, something's seriously wrong.

They say Elvis is dead. I say, no, you're looking at him. Elvis isn't dead; he just changed color.

Create havoc, create destruction.

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There's no image we can't improve.

I learned a lot I wouldn't have learned roaming the streets of Dallas.

The one thing I do that nobody else does is jump three and four times for one rebound.

I'll be the judge of my own manliness.

For five years I've felt like the best prostitute in a high-class whorehouse. But all the other girls get paid more than I do.

If the North wanted to hack anything in the world, anything in the world, really, they are going to go hack a movie? Really?!

They didn't have a problem with me being wild and crazy when it came time to fill the arenas.

Chemistry is a class you take in high school or college, where you figure out two plus two is 10, or something.

I can score 20 points if I want to, but that's not my desire.

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I say I'm Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin all wrapped up into one. If I die early, I'll be just like those guys.

My feet are like gnarled old tree branches.

I felt like calling attention to AIDS. I had the AIDS ribbon colored into my hair during the playoffs in '95.

There's one thing everyone should understand: I like my character.

I couldn't care less if the guy I'm guarding has HIV. I'm going to slam him anyway.

I don't feel anything when I watch Shaquille O'Neal play. I don't feel anything coming off him.

Everybody's talking trash these days, so why not keep quiet?

Shaq is not the man. He's the man because the NBA wants him to be the man, but before you can be the man, you've got to be the man.

It's just like we do over here in America, right? It's amazing that we have presidents over here do the same thing, right? It's amazing that Bill Clinton could do one thing and have sex with his secretary and really get away with it and still be powerful.

If I want to wear a dress, I'll wear a dress.

I'm the basketball version of a gravedigger.

There's more impact if you burn somebody with your eyes, look straight into him and let him know with a look.

Why should I try to make you believe the things I believe in?

I spent my whole childhood looking for an escape.

The people at the top of the league think they need to rein me in so I don't become another Michael Jordan, somebody they aren't able to mold and shape and make their puppet.

What I saw in that country, I saw in that country and I saw people respect him and his family and that's what I mean about that.

A player dreams of being a superstar, but he doesn't want people flocking all over him asking for an autograph.

I don't trust what this life has given me.

At least 50 times. I've jumped off a building, jumped off a cliff in a car. I've been in bedrooms when women came in with knives and guns.

For years the league has thought I've been on drugs. I would have burned out a long time ago if that was true.

I think marriage and athletes is a bad combination.

I understand what rappers are talking about. I think rap is less about educating people about the black community and more about making money.

In jail I was just like everybody else, I was sitting there praying, feeling caged.

If you have a problem with my answer that's your problem, not my problem.

Music soothes my savage beast. I got a beast in me running wild.

Death has always had a prominent place in my mind. There are times when I think somebody might kill me.

I want to be anywhere in the world that I'm needed. I want to spread a message of peace and love throughout the world.

When I hit bottom, I can attack the problem and get to where I want to be.

I'm trying to find new ways to make this game more attractive.

I have one regret: I wish I was a better father.

I spent money, I slept with women around the league, but I always kept my mind on the game.

I'm starting to see players copy what I do. I'm flattered.

Madonna wasn't an acrobat or anything, but the sex was good. I could tell she liked it.

When a high-profile personality lives like I do, everybody thinks that person is fated to die young.

Some people want to have controversy between the races.

You watch some teams these days and you wonder if they just met on the playground and decided to choose up sides.

I don't fit into the mold of the NBA man, and I think I've been punished financially for it.

To hang out in a gay bar or put on a sequined halter top makes me feel like a total person.

Wilt Chamberlain lied when he said he had 20,000 women.

Larry Bird is overrated in a lot of areas. Why does he get so much publicity? Because he's white. You never hear about a black player being the greatest.

I've got to give Larry Bird his due; he was a great player. He knew the game and he was smart.

Karl Malone's too high-class for a bum like me.

The NBA's chosen ones think I'm setting a bad example? I think they need to look around and stop taking themselves so seriously.

Black culture is something I don't relate to much at all.

Fifty percent of life in the NBA is sex. The other 50 percent is money.

I went from five foot eleven to six foot eight, and the more ball I played, the more I caught on to the game.

I go out with white women. This makes a lot of people unhappy, mostly black women.

I can't begin to describe the amount of crap I've taken for being a lousy free-throw shooter.

The NBA believes if you play for a team and get paid by a team, you're the property of that team for 24 hours a day.

The doors fly open when you're a professional athlete.

Wherever there's money, there's drugs, so to say drugs don't exist in the NBA would be stupid.

If Lebron was playing in the late 80's and early 90's, just an average player

If I die young, everybody's going to say they saw it coming.

It's all about what they can get out of me.

When I was 3, my father stopped coming home.

These people didn't know anything about black people, so the only thing they could imagine was the worst thing.

Sometimes I'm not even satisfied when I got 6 points and 22 rebounds, because I'm always looking to do more.

Maybe my life isn't great. We don't have all the answers. Look at it from my side.

He loves basketball. And I said Obama loves basketball. Let's start there, all right. Start there.

I like to describe my life as a black hole with a little light out there.

I'm fighting against becoming soft. That's the worst thing you can say to a basketball player.

The life I was leading was changing me into someone I didn't even know.

I'm just saying I'm being myself, and people understand that.

I'm very particular about who I sleep with.

I'm going to come out and tell it like it is.

People are threatened by me. Rich white, rich blacks, it doesn't matter.

It's a different story because guess what, the kid is only 28 years old, 28. He's not his dad, not his grandpa. He's 28 years old.

When they gave me that trophy, bro, I cried.

The Bulls talked to just about every person who ever met me.

This whole huddle thing really pisses me off.

My last year with the Spurs, I was late to practice one time.

He loves power. He loves control because others, you know, dad and stuff like that, but he's just a great guy. He's just a great guy.

There is so much hypocrisy in sports.

The Spurs couldn't put everything aside and just play the damn game.

Is sending the Harlem Globetrotters and Dennis Rodman to the DPRK strange? In a word, yes.

The only time I'd played organized basketball was my sophomore year in high school, when I barely made the junior varsity team.

I thought it was pathetic: The league just decided that Grant Hill would go right to the top.

I'm nothing more than a sports slave.

With me, everything's right on the table.

I hate the fact that he's doing that, but the fact is that, you know what, that's a human being, though. He let his guard down one day to me, a friend.

― Dennis Rodman Quotes

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Tal Gur is an author, founder, and impact-driven entrepreneur at heart. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living, has led him to found Elevate Society.

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