100 Quotes by George Harrison
George Harrison, a British musician and songwriter, played an essential role in shaping the iconic sound of The Beatles and went on to have a successful solo career. Often referred to as "the quiet Beatle," Harrison's contributions to the band were marked by his distinctive guitar playing, songwriting, and spiritual exploration. His fascination with Indian culture and philosophy influenced both his music and his personal journey. Songs like "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" and "Here Comes the Sun" showcased his songwriting prowess and emotional depth. Beyond music, Harrison's interest in Eastern spirituality led him to explore meditation and philanthropy, reflecting his desire to find deeper meaning in life. His legacy extends beyond his musical accomplishments, encompassing a quest for artistic growth and a search for inner enlightenment.
George Harrison Quotes
A cloudburst doesn't last all day. . . (Meaning)
Create and preserve the image of your choice. (Quote Meaning)
I play a little guitar, write a few tunes, make a few movies, but none of that's really me. The real me is something else. (Meaning)
Sometimes I feel like I’m actually on the wrong planet. (Quote Meaning)
I'll tell you one thing for sure: once you get to the point where you're actually doing things for truth's sake, then nobody can ever touch you again. (Meaning)
If you don't know where you're going, any road'll take you there. (Quote Meaning)
I'm only myself when I have a guitar in my hands. (Meaning)
It's being here now that's important. (Meaning)
All the world is birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much. (Quote Meaning)
With every mistake, we must surely be learning. (Meaning)
Everyone should have themselves regularly overwhelmed by Nature
Love one another (His last words)
When you've seen beyond yourself, then you may find, peace of mind is waiting there. (Quote Meaning)
You can be standing right in front of the truth and not necessarily see it, and people only get it when they're ready to get it.
Heaven and hell is right now. You make it heaven or you make it hell by your actions.
The world is ready for a mystic revolution, a discovery of the God in each of us.
In the end, this world will go under because of the stupidity of people.
It's easier to hurt someone and make them cry, than it is to dry their eyes.
Having played with other musicians, I don't even think The Beatles were that good.

Why live in the darkness all your life? Why, if you are unhappy, if you are having a miserable time, why not just look at it? Why are you in the darkness? Look for the light. The light is within.
Sunrise doesn't last all morning, a cloudburst doesn't last all day, seems my love is up and has left you with no warning. It's not always going to be this grey. All things must pass, all things must pass away.
The more I go inside, the more there is to see.
That's it really; it's all love, whichever way you look at it, it's all love. How much you can Get from each other and that's determined by how much you're Giving to each other... But it all starts Within our self and then it spreads to those around us, Good & Bad. But basically that's it, I think it's the Love that we can generate is = to the Love that we get back Amen
If everyone who had a gun just shot themselves, there wouldn't be a problem.
My life belongs to me, my love belongs to those who can see it.
It's all in the mind.
I think people who truly can live a life in music are telling the world, ‘You can have my love, you can have my smiles. Forget the bad parts, you don’t need them. Just take the music, the goodness, because it’s the very best, and it’s the part I give most willingly
I believe what it says in the scriptures and in the Bhagavad Gita: 'Never was there a time when you did not exist, and there never will be a time when you cease to exist.'
All I got to be is be happy.
I wanted to be successful, not famous.
The purpose of life is to find out 'Who am I?', 'Why am I here?' and 'Where am I going?'
Give me love Give me love Give me peace on earth Give me light Give me life Keep me free from birth Give me hope Help me cope, with this heavy load Trying to, touch and reach you with, heart and soul
Without looking out of my window I could know the ways of heaven
The Beatles saved the world from boredom. (Meaning)
As long as you hate, there will be people to hate.
Gossip is the Devil's radio. (Quote Meaning)
Give me love, give me peace on earth, give me light, give me life
Everyone has choice when to and not to raise their voices: It's you who decides.
Try to realize it's all within yourself no one else can make you change. (Meaning)
The only thing we really have to work at in this life is how to manifest love.
We are not these bodies, just souls having a bodily experience.
I fell in love, not with anything or anybody in particular but with everything.
It's easier to criticize somebody else, than to see yourself.
If people would just wake up to what's real, there would be no misery in the world. I guess chanting's a pretty good place to start.
I used to think that having many material things would increase one's stock of happiness. I found that to be completely untrue. The trappings don't make the man at all.
No matter how much money you've got, it doesn't necessarily make you happy. You have to find your happiness with the problems you have, not worry too much about them, and chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare.
Yesterday, today was tomorrow. And tomorrow, today will be yesterday.
The Past is gone and the future might not even be, the only thing we ever experience is the now, I try to enjoy the minute.
We're God too but we don't realise it.
People are all ignorant, they fear new things, they fear knowledge somehow, I don't know why. Everything that I ever learned was always so great. I never thought so at the time, it was just that little bit more in your mind an expansion of consciousness or awareness.
I can see the Beatles sticking together forever, really. We've been together a long time.
No matter how good you are, you still need grace to get out of the material world. You can be a yogi or a monk or a nun, but without God's grace you still can't make it.
The Beatles exist apart from my Self. I am not really Beatle George. Beatle George is like a suit or shirt that I once wore on occasion and until the end of my life people may see that shirt and mistake it for me.
It is an outrage that people can take other people's lives when they obviously haven't got their own lives in order.
My son looks more like George Harrison than I do.
I never surf the Net. I don't know the password.
Scan not a friend with a microscopic glass, you know his faults, now let the foibles pass.
We were the Spice Boys. (Quote Meaning)
Didn't want to be a star, wanted just to play guitar in this cockamamie business.
The whole point to being here, really, is to figure a way to get out.
Everybody is worried about dying, but the cause of death is birth, so if you don't want to die, you don't get born!
And the time will come when you see, we’re all one, and life flows on within you and without you.
People always say I'm the Beatle who changed the most, but really that's what I see life is about... you have to change.
Without going out of my door I can know all things on Earth.
God's all happiness, all bliss, and by chanting His names we connect with Him. So it's really a process of actually having a realization of God, which all becomes clear with the expanded state of consciousness that develops when you chant.
The smile on your face is sometimes out of place, don't mind no frowns, cheer down.
We're now the results of our past actions, and in the future we'll be the results of the actions we're performing now.
With our love, we could save the world. (Meaning)
The "intellectuals" will always have problems, because they always need to "know." They're often the most spiritually bankrupt people, because they never let go; they don't understand the meaning of "to transcend" the intellect.
The action that I've started, sometime I'll have to face. My influence in motion, rebounding back through space.
Anyway, there is one thing I have learned and that is not to dress uncomfortably, in styles which hurt: winklepicker shoes that cripple your feet and tight pants that squash your balls. Indian clothes are better.
Experience is the main reason why we're here, I think, in the world to gain experience and from our experience we gain knowledge. Oh, I think so, anyway. Knowledge and if we get any knowledge then we gain liberation.
Since our problems have been our own creation, they also can be overcome.
Everybody would like to be good, that's the silly thing, everybody always likes it when they're having a nice time or when they're happy or when it's sunny, they all dig it; but then they go and forget about it, they never really try to make it nice. They think that it just comes along and it's nice if you're lucky, or if you're unlucky it's bad for you.
The biggest break in my career was getting into the Beatles in 1962. The second biggest break since then is getting out of them.
We were talking about the space between us all and the people who hide themselves behind a wall of illusion. Never glimpse the truth - then it's far too late when they pass away.
It doesn't really matter what chords I play, what words I say or time of day it is, as it's only a Northern Song.
Death is just where your suit falls off and now you're in your other suit. You can't see it on this level, but it's all right. Don't worry.
Christ was the one washing the leper's feet so he was very, very humble, but it's not the way People are putting it down now. They feel as though God is that up there and they are that down there and they don't realise that they are God and that Christ was exactly the same as us but he realises that he was God.
One of the main differences between silent meditation and chanting is that silent meditation is rather dependent on concentration, but when you chant, it's more of a direct connection with God.
We laughed a lot. That's one thing we forgot about for a few years - laughing. When we went through all the lawsuits, it looked as if everything was bleak, but when I think back to before that, I remember we used to laugh all the time.
They used us as an excuse to go mad and then blamed it on us. Gandhi says create and preserve the image of your choice. The image of my choice is not Beatle George - those who want that can go and see Wings. Why live in the past? Be here now.
When the truth get's buried deep beneath a thousand years of sleep, time demands a turnaround.. And once again the truth is found.
I'd rather stay home and watch the tube than go out and make myself into a spectacle. I'm not uncomfortable with a social life, but it doesn't appeal to me. It doesn't seem to accomplish anything - it just leaves one wanting for more.
I'd rather be a musician than a rockstar.
The response that comes from chanting is in the form of bliss, or spiritual happiness, which is a much higher taste than any happiness found here in the material world. That's why I say that the more you do it, the more you don't want to stop, because it feels so nice and peaceful.
People are simply screwing up when they go out and buy beef steak, which is killing them with cancer and heart troubles. The stuff costs a fortune too. You could feed a thousand people with lentil soup for the cost of half a dozen filets. Does that make sense?
Dylan is so brilliant. To me, he makes William Shakespeare look like Billy Joel.
The whole thing of life and all the answers to everything are in one divine law, Karma action and reaction.
The Beatles will exist without us. (Quote Meaning)
I remember thinking I just want more. This isn't it. Fame is not the goal. Money is not the goal. To be able to know how to get peace of mind, how to be happy, is something you don't just stumble across. You've got to search for it.
Once you realize something, then you can't pretend you don't know it any more.
There's a bottomless heart hooked into all of you and it's wondering how much you care.
For the forest to be green, each tree must be green.
You've got to be humble really to be yourself or to get a chance to be yourself.
Make love, take love, but you should give love. And try to live love.
The Lord is in everything that's in creation. So, when you look at a tree, it's really a reflection of God. You see it in other people - that's him too, you know?
I had no ambition when I was a kid other than to play guitar and get in a rock 'n' roll band. I don't really like to be the guy in the white suit at the front. Like in the Beatles, I was the one who kept quiet at the back and let the other egos be at the front.
This song ain't black or white and as far as I know it don't infringe on anyone's copyright.
If I feel love, I just want to feel more love. And if I feel a bit of peace, I want to feel more peace. But I don't really have any great ambitions. I feel very happy. I've got a lot of good friends. I just want it to be better and more of it, really.
I believe I love my guitar more than the others love theirs. For John and Paul, songwriting is pretty important and guitar playing is a means to an end. While they're making up new tunes I can thoroughly enjoy myself just doodling around with a guitar for a whole evening. I'm fascinated by new sounds I can get from different instruments I try out. I'm not sure that makes me particularly musical. Just call me a guitar fanatic instead, and I'll be satisfied.
The nicest thing is to open the newspapers and not to find yourself in them.
I'd rather be one of the devotees of God than one of the straight, so-called sane or normal people who just don't understand that man is a spiritual being, that he has a soul.
Consciousness and meditation are methods where you can actually obtain GOD perception.
Without going out of my door, I can know all things on earth. Without looking out of my window I could know the ways of heaven. The farther one travels, The less one knows, the less one really knows.
What's often in your heart is the hardest to reach.
Even those of us who are very very aware are still so unaware. Everything's relative so that, the more you know, the more you know you don't know anything.
We're trying to impress ourselves in a way. That's why we keep trying to do things better... we never get satisfied.
I'm a tidy sort of bloke. I don't like chaos. I kept records in the record rack, tea in the tea caddy, and pot in the pot box.
Friends are all souls that we've known in other lives. We're drawn to each other. Even if I have only known them a day, it doesn't matter. I'm not going to wait till I have known them for two years, because anyway, we must have met somewhere before, you know.
Everybody knows that if they're happy then usually the people around them are happy, or that people around them happy make them a little happier; that's a proved thing, like "I give to you and you give to me"; they all know that but they haven't thought about it to the point of every action that they do. That's what it is with every action that you do, there's a reaction to it, and if you want a good reaction then you do a good action, and if you want a bad one, then you punch somebody.
Been stuck in airports, terrorized; sent to meetings, hypnotized; overexposed, commercialized. Handle me with care.
I believe love - and its feminine, though not necessarily female, counterpart, romance, is a private thing. It's something I'm not willing to share with the public.
I keep stacks of Autobiography of a Yogi around the house, and I give it out constantly to people. When people need 'regrooving,' I say read this, because it cuts to the heart of every religion.
Life goes on within you and without you (Meaning)
The world used us as an excuse to go mad. (Quote Meaning)
It is better to be an outspoken atheist than a hypocrite.
God is actually inside. He lives in our hearts.
So it's really a process of actually having a realization of God, which all becomes clear with the expanded state of consciousness that develops when you chant.
The best thing anyone can give to humanity is God consciousness. Then you can really give them something. But first you have to concentrate on your own spiritual advancement; so in a sense we have to become selfish to become selfless.
I'd like to think that all the old Beatle fans have grown up and they've got married and they've all got kids and they're all more responsible, but they still have a space in their hearts for us.
They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, so if you can get to a man's spirit soul by eating, and it works, why not do it? There's nothing better than having been chanting and dancing, or just sitting and talking philosophy, and then suddenly the devotees bring out the prasadam. It's a blessing from Krishna, and it's spiritually important.
All religions are branches of one big tree.
Even if it's being a Beatle for the rest of my life, it's still only a temporary thing.
Music is sound, vibrations, whereas paintings are vibrations of whatever you pick up. It's not actually an energy vibration you get from a groovy painting, but music and sound seem to travel along vibrations, you know the whole thing with mantras is to repeat and repeat those sounds. It's vibrations in everything like prayers and hymns.
A little understanding of "As you sow, so shall you reap" is important, because then you can't blame the condition you're in on anyone else.
All things must pass.
Life is like a rain drop on a lotus leaf. Everybody realises that you're either very lucky person or you're not.
It's God's love manifest in this world through everything that's in this world, and all the people in the world.
Be straight with yourself just to maybe save a few more people from being stupid and being ignorant.
I don't know how you were diverted You were perverted too. I don't know how you were inverted No one alerted you.
If you drive a car, I'll tax the street; if you try to sit, I'll tax your seat; if you get too cold, I'll tax the heat; if you take a walk, I'll tax your feet.
We don't, as a collective life on this planet, all get groovy together or all sink into ignorance together. One by one we liberate our souls, our individual souls, from the cycle by our own realizations.
All love is really God's love.
Everything else can wait but the search for God cannot wait. (Meaning)
We have the same qualities as God, just like a drop of the ocean has the same qualities as the whole ocean. Everybody's looking for something and we are it. We don't have to look anywhere--it's right there within ourselves.
It doesn't matter whether you're the king of a country or... a fabulous Beatle; it's what's inside that counts.
The world is a very serious and, at times, very sad place - but at other times it is all such a joke.
If there is a God, I want to see him. I don't want to just hear some holy roller shouting about him.
It's by your own actions you're able to get more in a mess or out of one. It's your own actions that relieve or bind you.
People have to have a desire within themselves to know who they are and the reason why they are in this body.
There's a point in me where it's beyond sad, seeing the state of the world today. It's so screwed up. It's terrible, and it will be getting worse and worse. More concrete everywhere, more pollution, more radioactivity. There's no wilderness left, no pure air. They're chopping the forests down. They're polluting all the oceans.
― George Harrison Quotes
Chief Editor
Tal Gur is an author, founder, and impact-driven entrepreneur at heart. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living, has led him to found Elevate Society.