100+ Quotes by Justin Bieber

While Justin Bieber is predominantly known as a Canadian singer and songwriter, there is no substantial information or evidence to suggest that he has pursued a career as a sculptor. Bieber rose to fame in the late 2000s as a pop and R&B artist and quickly became a global sensation. His music career, marked by hits like "Baby," "Sorry," and "Love Yourself," has earned him a massive fan following and numerous accolades. While there have been instances of musicians exploring other artistic outlets, as of my last knowledge update in September 2021, there is no credible information to support Justin Bieber's involvement in sculpting. Please note that there may have been developments or changes since that time.

Justin Bieber Quotes

You can't fly unless you let yourself fall (Meaning)

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Never stop dreaming, because dreams DO come true. (Meaning)

Always keep looking forward, and never look back. (Meaning)

My mind is always racing. (Meaning)

I don't have to listen to anything you have to say. (Meaning)

I make mistakes growing up. I'm not perfect; I'm not a robot. (Meaning)

Haters are just confused admirers. (Meaning)

I just can't sleep tonight knowing that things ain't right. (Meaning)

Flowers are nice, but love is better. (Meaning)

Canada's the best country in the world. (Meaning)

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Every one of my fans is so special to me. (Meaning)

I luv the book first step to forever by justin bieber (Meaning)

Two people can look at the same thing and see it differently. (Meaning)

If I was your boyfriend <3 (Meaning)

I leave the hip thrusts to Michael Jackson. (Meaning)

Think before you speak, your words could hurt someone's feeling more than you intended it to.

You can't fly unless you let yourself fall

I'm telling you, people. Everyday we wake up is another blessing. Follow your dreams and don't let anyone stop you. Never say never.

Be humble, be grateful, give back, share, pay it forward, chase your dreams, go for it, and take a moment to remember where it is ALL from.

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Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber.

What do you get when you give a teenager $200 million? A bunch of has-beens calling you a lesbian for two hours.

Hey Belieber, never lower your head to anyone who criticizes you, your crown can not drop my princess.

Friends are the best to turn to when you're having a rough day.

Haters will say what they want, but their hate will never stop you from chasing your dream

My fans are like my glasses. Without them I'd be blurry.

Canada's the best country in the world.

If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go, keep you in my arms girl, you'd never be alone, and I could be a gentlemen anything you want, if I was your boyfriend.

Haters scream, trying to bring me down, but my Beliebers can scream louder than that and I am proud of that.

Never stop dreaming, because dreams DO come true.

I'm not hiding from anyone. I am who I am, and I'm not perfect.

I close my eyes and I can see a better day. I close my eyes and pray

No matter how much I try, I cant figure out how to not be adorable!

I make mistakes growing up. I'm not perfect; I'm not a robot.

I think it’s important to make all women feel like they’re princesses, because every girl is a princess. I’m serious.

I feel like the Kurt Cobain of my generation, but people just don't understand me.

It's okay for my Beliebers to have a boyfriend, but please don't kiss them in front of me because I get jealous.

I would rather call a girl beautiful or pretty; rather than hot or sexy.

Not 'I don't give a f-' to just be reckless and do whatever, but 'I don't give a f- what they say.' … I know who I am and what I'm doing in my life and what I've accomplished and continue to accomplish as a performer, as a writer, as an artist, as a person, as a human being. I'm happy with the man I'm becoming.

Haters are just confused admirers.

If me and my girlfriend were fighting, and it got to the point where she started crying, I would just shut up and hold her.

And all the haters I swear, they look so small from up here.

Always keep looking forward, and never look back.

I want girls to hear my music and want to play it again because it made their hearts feel good.

I'm not a fighter by nature, but, if I believe in something, I stand up for it.

But the grass ain't always greener on the other side, It's green where you water it

You can’t always get what you want. But, if you’re lucky, you get what you need.

Now that I'm on top, everyone wants to bring me down. Everyone's trying to tug at me and take my spot.

If you don't dream big, there's no use of dreaming. If you don't have faith, there's nothing worth believing.

Sometimes it's overwhelming but I love my fans and it's always great to see them.

At concerts it makes me happy to see my Beliebers talking to each other because i made them family.

Don’t try to be anybody else because that’s what makes you not swaggy.

I'm not sure about the parties. But whatever they have in Korea, that's bad.

If you pay too much attention to hate, they win...they bring you down. Too much love in the world to deal with that nonsense. Be positive.

Dare to be a sucky skateboarder or a lousy video editor or a completely crappy golfer. If we do only the stuff we’re good at, we never learn anything new.

I just can't sleep tonight knowing that things ain't right.

I want you here with me To guide me, hold me, and love me now

I hope you guys stay with me forever, because I will always love you and support you

It would be a shame to go out with a hot girl you can't have a decent conversation with!

Music is the universal language no matter the country we are born in or the color of our skin. Bring us all together.

I'm looking forward to influencing others in a positive way. My message is you can do anything if you just put your mind to it.

I feel like I carry myself in a more manly way. I don't carry myself as a boy.

It's everyone's own decision to [be gay]. It doesn't affect me and shouldn't affect anyone else.

I don't like girls who wear lots of make-up and you can't see their face. Some girls are beautiful but insecure and look much better without the make-up, but decide to put loads on. I like girls with nice eyes and a nice smile.

I don't get why my fans call me yummy. I mean I'm not a sandwich!

I think older people can appreciate my music because I really show my heart when I sing, and it's not corny. I think I can grow as an artist, and my fans will grow with me.

I'm 18 so I'm still young and I'm still learning. But I mean, relationships in general are hard.

If you start taking yourself more seriously than you do God then there's a problem.

To all the haters out there I wish you the best. You can't bring me down. I wake up everyday grateful for the opportunity and grateful to the fans.

I don't know if people know this but I am pretty good at chess. I was always on the chess team at school when I was younger.

Not trying to be arrogant, but if I walked down the street and a girl saw me, she might take a look back because maybe I'm good-looking, right?

My fans are flawless as long as you ride with me i will always be there for you

I was found on Youtube. I think I was detrimental to my own career.

I don't like it when a girl trys to hard and puts loads of makeup on. You gotta show some of yourself.

German? I don't know what that means ... we don't say that in America.

I'm not going to let go of hope, I'm not going to let go of love, I'm not going to let go of God.

Never say never see what is possible if you never give up

I feel like it's my responsibility to be the greatest I can be. If I go out there and start making terrible music, I don't expect people to like me. If I'm making great music and there's no reason for people to not like me, that's when it's going to make me upset. People just need to take a chance and listen.

I really don't believe in abortion. It's like killing a baby.

I'm really an animal guy. I express myself in different ways as an animal.

I'm crazy, I'm nuts. Just the way my brain works. I'm not normal. I think differently.

Change is uncomfortable. Write that down.

Young people in the business have grown up and made the wrong decisions, or bad decisions, and haven't been good role models. To be someone that people look up to is important to me.

U should not be afraid of doing what ur mind tells you 2 do...just listen 2 ur heart...never say never

Every guy has feminine qualities. You're raised by your mother and father, and so you get qualities from your mother and father. I was mostly with my mother, but I think the pictures turned out good. Whatever.

I'm not into screamo music, but I respect it. It's hard to do, to keep your voice and stuff like that. It's hard to do, so I respect the music. It's just not my favorite to listen to. That's all I want. I just want people to respect me as an artist.

My mom is my biggest fan. She's been a fan since I was a baby.

No matter how talented you are not everyone is going to like you but that's life, stay strong

Sunday comes after Saturday? Weird.

Haters call me 'gay,' but their girlfriends want me more than them.

I have crushes, but they're all too old. Like Beyonce -she has a husband, I might get shot. I went up to give Beyonce a hug at the Grammys and Jay-Z said, watch out buddy! He was kidding, but you know.

I'm 19 years old. I think I'm doing a pretty good job...Basically from my heart I really just want to say it really should be about to music. It should be about the craft that I'm making. This is not a gimmick and I'm an artist and I should be taken seriously.

I just want to be young and fun and you know I think people should all wear yellow shoes.

I learned if you have $100 or $100 million - if you spend more than you have, you’re going to go broke.

Any goal you have, you just have to set it and never give up and always make sure that you always just follow your dreams.

Never Say Never if you know you can do what you love don't give up.

The success I've achieved comes to me from God

I was taught very well. My mom raised me very well, and so did my dad. I've been very blessed to have great parents that cared about me.

I'm very much a relationship guy. I like to bounce ideas off the person that I love. I like having a real connection.

I want to grow as an artist and I'm taking a step out, I want my music to mature.

I have a swagger coach that helps me and teaches me different swaggerific things to do... He has helped me with my style and just putting different pieces together and being able to layer and stuff like that.

I want my world to be fun.

When you are following me on Twitter, you are literally following my life. I think that's pretty cool.

My fans are sexy. Yes they are. They can't help themselves. It is just how they do.

I don't care if the girl is slim or fat, I just want the girl that makes me happy.

The blessing is not about being able to receive as much as it is being in a position to give back to others.

I don't think you should have sex with anyone unless you love them.I think you should just wait for the person you're in love with.

Theres gonna be times in life when people tell you that you can't, thats when you just gotta turn around and say watch me.

Flowers are nice, but love is better.

I don't know that I've seen a lot of things I've done from beginning to end. I think I've seen clips and freaked out. I'm not somebody who watches things they've done.

Are you curious about cutting off your finger? Do you want to know what that feels like? To me, taking drugs is the same type of thing. In the end, all that happens is you get hurt by it.

My mind is always racing.

I don't understand why my fans ask for a hug, like, i don't mind, just come and hug me!

never say never that's my favorite quote

I have dumped a girl over the phone. It's terrible, isn't it? We got into an argument during a phone call, so I basically said, 'I don't wanna be with you anymore,' and she cried. I saw her after that and it was a bit awkward.

I think my home country, Canada, has the most vocal fans. It feels unbelievable when I go home to feel such love. It's amazing whenever I get that kind of support, but to be able to connect with my fellow Canadians is awesome!

There are lots of things I really like besides girls. Like pizza. And pranking. And CHUCK NORRIS.

Nothing ever got my pulse racing like hockey. Well, nothing except Beyonce, but that wasn't until I was twelve or so. Then, all of a sudden, it was like I opened my eyes one day and noticed that the world is full of beautiful girls, and I've had a hard time thinking about anything else ever since.

Everything starts from something but something would be nothing if your heart didn't dream with me.

All around the world, people want to be loved.

Born to be some body." You were born to be some body, maybe a vet, maybe a hero, maybe a care giver. What ever it is you were born to be some thing special and if you believe you can achieve

All girls should feel beautiful.

Of course, I think that people are just waiting for that time when I make a mistake and they're gonna jump on it.... There's gonna be haters.

None of my friends smoke. I've never smoked a cigarette in my life.

Sometimes I'm like Dory from Finding Nemo. I can't remember facts.

I was once chillin in my room, watching TV, just in a regular place.. And now I'm in this big world, living my dream and, you know, doing what I love. It's just crazy how it all came around.

Anything above 40 is a little too old for me. I just look for a girl who is funny and has nice eyes and a smile.

You're my favorite part of the day and every morning I look forward to seeing your face.

Yeah, I'm a great kisser.

Cheryl Cole and Katy Perry are two of the hottest girls in the world - and so normal and funny with it. If I was a few years older they are the kind of girls I'd like to date. I want a younger version of Cheryl and Katy - a mixture of the two would be hot.

My mom means a lot to me. My mom gave up everything. She moved with me and believed in me. She is awesome.

I think love is like a learning process throughout your life. You learn how to be better at it and you learn more about it.

My world got very big, very fast, and based on a lot of sad examples from the past, a lot of people expect me to get lost in it

The girls show up wearing nothing. I can't lie, I'm 16, I don't hate it. I don't have a girlfriend.

Someone once told me to never dream. I said NEVER SAY NEVER

Without the Internet I would have no fans and I wouldn't be in this business. I owe everything to the Internet and my fans.

I don't have to listen to anything you have to say.

I have a swagger coach that helps me and teaches me different swaggerific things to do.

It's cool when fans spend so much time making things for me. It means a lot.

My fans aren't obsessed. They're just incredible and devoted.

I definitely want to buy my mom a house once I get enough funds. I think that's definitely something that I want to do. I think that any person, it's their dream to buy their mother a house.

I dont understand why my fans cry when they see me. Do I make you sad? No, right? So smile, I like that!

Everybody grows up and they have to make decisions, and they try and make the best decisions that they know how to. It's taken them their whole lives to finally step out and start making their own decisions.

I want to go out there and do some different things that people are like, "Wow. That's crazy. Why didn't I think of that?"

I'm not saying I know everything about love. I'm still trying to figure out girls... I don't think we'll ever totally figure out girls.

I turned a lot of people off over the past few years, but I know I can still turn out good music and turn everything all around, i've lost some of my best qualities. For that, I am sorry.

I usually have to be home by 10 o'clock and my mom takes my computer away at 10.30pm every night.

We never destroyed anything major, but there were a few small casualties. A couple of lamps were sacrificed.

A lot of people who are religious, I think they get lost. They go to church just to go to church.

I grew up in a really small town with not a lot of money, and I liked singing, but it was just something that was a hobby.

I want to thank everybody, all my fans in Israel, all the children, everybody, it's amazing.

Now I’m really glad that I speak French, because, let’s face it, girls dig it when a guy speaks French. They call it the language of love, and that ain’t no coincidence. Plus, I love my French fans! Très jolie!

We didn't have time to go tobogganing, because we didn't have the toboggan.

It's crazy that I have so many fans that will appreciate me that much. It really gives me - I'm like, I wish that I really could love someone that much. Just think that there's so much power in being young and stuff like that.

Music is my passion so I feel like I'll be doing this for a long time and God forbid if anything happens I'll still write music. So, I could write music for other people. I see myself making music for a very long time.

There is time to play and then there are times to work hard and get my fans an album.

I wear black diamonds instead of regular ones because I’m not flashy, just flossssy.

I have my romantic moments - for sure.

I opened my Eyes one day and noticed that the world is full of beautiful girls.

My mom said I wasn't allowed to date until I was sixteen, but I broke that rule. She found out and said, 'I'm disappointed in you.'

If i can do just one tenth of the good Michael Jackson did for others, i can really make a difference in this world

― Justin Bieber Quotes

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