Who Is Steve Fossett

Steve Fossett (Photo: Phil Romans)

Steve Fossett is one of my greatest heroes. Holding more than 100 world records in aviation, sailing and ballooning, Steve Fossett is probably one of the greatest adventurers in his time.

After reading his engaging autobiography, "Chasing The Wind", I was so inspired that I decided to share some lessons from his remarkable story.

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But first, a bit of background…

Steve Fosset Life Story

James Stephen Fossett was born in 1944 in Tennesse and was brought up in California. James was inclined towards adventure from a very young age. As he was not an innate athlete James trained long and hard at endurance sports eventually succeeding in a wide range of sports.

He was 12 years old when he scaled his first mountain (the San Jacinto Mountains) and at the age of 13, he secured the highest rank of Boy Scout, the Eagle Scout. Thus initiated to the life of action and adventure at a young age, he was established as an adventurer by the time he enrolled himself in Stanford University.

After receiving an MBA degree from Olin Schools of Business, he started his professional life in the field of computers. Five years later, he shifted gears and took up commodities sales, a job he excelled at.

After 15 years of working hard, he founded his own companies named Marathon Securities and Lakota Trading, two successful companies that earned him millions.

During his stint as a finance man, he did not indulge in many adventure sports, and his college vacation wherein he climbed mountains across Europe was the last significant adventure he had. By 1990, the void that had been created by the lack of adventures became apparent and he started to take 6 weeks off every year to enjoy adventurous activities.

As an adventurer, Steve is nothing short of a legend. Fossett has to his credit a stunning 116 records in 5 different sports. Air balloons, powered aircrafts, gliders, sailboats…the vehicles that fetched him aviation world records are a healthy array.

In 2002, Steve achieved the distinction of being the first can to circumnavigate the Earth in a hot air balloon without refueling. He achieved this feat during his 6th attempt to set the record.

Fossett went on to set records as a jet pilot in US Transcontinental, Australia Transcontinental and round-the-world flights in a Cessna Citation X, and became the only aviator to hold records in 4 classes of air crafts.

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2005 and 2006 were important years for Fossett. During this time he flew around the world non-stop in a single engine Virgin Atlantic Global Flyer in 67 hours, becoming the first person to circumnavigate the world without refueling. He topped this record with a record for the longest flight for an aircraft sans refueling by flying around the world in 76 hours and 45 minutes.

Steve Fossett has to his name 91 world records in avaiation (and 36 still remain unbeaten to date) and 23 sailing world records. The gliding world altitude record is another gem in his jewel-studded crown. Cross-country skiing and mountain climbing are other sports at which he excelled, apart from trans-continental flying, gliding, sailing and hot air ballooning.

In September 2001, Steve set out in a Bellanca Super Decathlon airplane with a single engine that disappeared over Nevada.

An extensive search team was deployed that combed the region for about a month, only to return empty handed. A sum of $1.6 million was spent in conducting the search mission.

The team found remains of the crashed plane, but they could not track any clues to Steve’s body. A few months later, a couple of bones were found at a distance from the crash site and a DNA test revealed that the bones matched with Steve’s profile. The legend was then officially pronounced dead.

Lessons from Steve Fossett Story

One of the finest gifts a person can give himself is the freedom of pursuing his or her dreams, and Steve Fossett chased his dreams like none other.

Throughout his life Steve saw obstacles as challenges and thrived on what others might call stress. He worked extremely hard to excel at his work in order to be able to fund his missions, often at times when no sponsor would be willing to pick up his bills due to his advanced age and lack of experience.

Through his actions and life story, Steve shows the value of always giving your best to whatever endeavors you undertake. Fossett is as much a success as a commodities salesman as he is a records-holding adventurer and sportsman. He had little reason to be regretful at any point of his life as he always worked toward actualizing his dreams, thereby leading a contented life.

Steve Fossett is an inspiration to those who want to break from the clutches of mundane-life and live with more purpose.

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The fast-paced modern world requires one to be at the wheel steering his life's ship to survive, often at the cost of their dreams.
What matters is your resilience and the ability to circumvent the problem you’re faced with in order to find a solution that will provide you with the monetary requirements and ultimately allow you to pursue what you love.

So go ahead and pursue your biggest dreams with all your heart and soul!


Steve Fossett Short Biography

Steve Fossett was an American businessman, adventurer and aviator. He was born in Jackson, Tennessee on April 22, 1944. He made his fortune as a trader on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and later as a financial consultant. He was a record-setting aviator and sailor, and was the first person to fly solo nonstop around the world in a balloon. He achieved many records, including five non-stop circumnavigations of the Earth by balloon and aircraft, and many sailing records.

Fossett was also a skilled sailor and set several records, including sailing solo around the world nonstop, and the fastest non-stop circumnavigation of the world by sailboat. He died on September 3, 2007, at the age of 63, while flying in a single-engine plane over the Sierra Nevada mountains in California, USA. The wreckage of the plane was found a year later, on September 29, 2008 and his remains were identified. His death was ruled an accident, caused by blunt force trauma.

He was a true adventurer that pushed the limits of human endurance and capability, and inspired many people around the world with his achievements and his spirit of adventure.

Steve Fossett Fast Facts

* Steve Fossett was born on April 22, 1944 in Jackson, Tennessee, United States.
* He made his fortune as a trader on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and later as a financial consultant.
* He was a record-setting aviator and sailor, and was the first person to fly solo nonstop around the world in a balloon.
* He achieved many records, including five non-stop circumnavigations of the Earth by balloon and aircraft, and many sailing records.
* He was also a skilled sailor and set several records, including sailing solo around the world nonstop, and the fastest non-stop circumnavigation of the world by sailboat.
* Fossett held over 100 aviation records, many of which still stand today.
* He was the first person to fly solo nonstop around the world in a balloon.
* He was also the first person to fly nonstop around the world solo in a plane without refueling.
* He also set several sailing records, including sailing solo around the world nonstop.
* He died on September 3, 2007 at the age of 63, while flying in a single-engine plane over the Sierra Nevada mountains in California, USA.
* The wreckage of the plane was found a year later, on September 29, 2008 and his remains were identified.
* His death was ruled an accident, caused by blunt force trauma.
* He was a true adventurer that pushed the limits of human endurance and capability, and inspired many people around the world with his achievements and his spirit of adventure.

Steve Fossett Life Highlights

Early Life
Steve Fossett was born in Jackson, Tennessee, and raised in Garden Grove, California. He graduated from Garden Grove High School and developed a passion for adventure from an early age. As a Boy Scout, Fossett engaged in mountain climbing across California, starting with the San Jacinto Mountains. His dedication to activities demanding persistence and endurance stemmed from his lack of natural athleticism, a trait his father, an Eagle Scout, encouraged by involving him in Boy Scouts. Fossett achieved the rank of Eagle Scout and actively participated in Troop 170 in Orange, California. Scouting remained a pivotal experience in his youth.

College and Early Ventures
During his time at Stanford University, Fossett was recognized for his adventurous spirit. He gained fame by attempting to swim to Alcatraz with a banner proclaiming "Beat Cal," though he was stopped by a security guard. At Stanford, Fossett held leadership roles and ultimately graduated with a degree in economics in 1966. Subsequently, he spent a summer in Europe, climbing mountains and swimming challenging waters. Fossett furthered his education by obtaining an MBA from the Olin School of Business at Washington University in 1968. He entered the business world with a position at IBM and later transitioned to roles in Deloitte and Touche and Marshall Field's.

Business Success and Adventures
Fossett's true career breakthrough occurred when he delved into commodities sales, initially at Merrill Lynch in 1973 and later at Drexel Burnham. He gained substantial success in commodities trading and became renowned for his skills. Eventually, he founded his companies, Marathon Securities and Lakota Trading, which revolved around renting exchange memberships to aspiring traders. Fossett's innovative approach extended to various stock exchanges in the US and London. The revenue generated from these ventures provided him with the financial means to pursue his adventurous endeavors.

Pursuit of Adventure and Personal Life
Amid his financial accomplishments, Fossett never lost sight of his thirst for adventure. He dedicated six weeks annually to sports and moved to Beaver Creek, Colorado, in 1990. While his business activities were thriving, he recognized the need to rekindle his passion for exploration. Throughout his life, Fossett maintained close ties with his wife Peggy, whom he married in 1968, although they did not have children. He held homes in Beaver Creek, Colorado, and Chicago, along with a vacation home in Carmel, California. Notably, Fossett's association with Richard Branson's Virgin Group bolstered his pursuits through sponsorship and partnership.

Aviation Records
Steve Fossett, renowned for his pioneering achievements across various domains, left an indelible mark on the world of aviation, sailing, and adventure sports. With unparalleled breadth, Fossett's accomplishments spanned solo balloon flights, gliding records, sailing triumphs, and fixed-wing aircraft feats. In 2002, he achieved an unprecedented solo balloon flight around the globe, marking the first-ever unrefueled and uninterrupted solo circumnavigation of the planet by any aircraft. Fossett and co-pilot Terry Delore notched a series of 10 glider open records, notably including a 2,000 km Out-and-Return, a 1,500 km Triangle, and the longest Straight Distance flights. Notably, he accomplished world records across four classes of aircraft, a feat unprecedented in aviation history.

Record-Setting in Fixed-Wing Aircraft
In 2005, Fossett set a new benchmark with the first solo, nonstop, unrefueled flight around the world in a single-engine jet aircraft, the Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer. His journey covered a distance of 25,766 statute miles in 67 hours, setting a new precedent for global flight. The following year, he repeated the accomplishment, further solidifying his legacy with a record-breaking flight covering 41,467 km in just 76 hours and 45 minutes. Fossett's contributions to aviation were remarkable, including 91 ratified aviation world records and multiple groundbreaking flights.

Record-Holder in Sailing
Fossett's prowess extended to sailing, where he earned a reputation as one of the sport's most prolific record holders. He specialized in speed sailing, dominating the record books from 1993 to 2004, with 23 official world records and nine distance race records. Fossett's achievements included setting a transatlantic record and achieving an around-the-world sailing record in a crewed capacity, accomplishments that further emphasized his versatility as an adventurer.

Exploration Across Disciplines
Beyond aviation and sailing, Fossett's ventures encompassed a diverse range of disciplines. His accomplishments included a remarkable trans-Atlantic flight re-enactment in a replica of the Vickers Vimy biplane, recreating the historic feat by John Alcock and Arthur Whitten Brown. Fossett's passion for mountain climbing led him to conquer the highest peaks on six continents, an endeavor that paralleled his achievements in other domains. He also participated in marathons, ultramarathons, and endurance events, showcasing his physical and mental resilience.

Steve Fossett's legacy as a trailblazer in aviation, sailing, and adventure remains unparalleled. His record-setting exploits, spanning solo balloon flights, glider accomplishments, sailing victories, and fixed-wing aircraft feats, showcase his extraordinary versatility and determination. Fossett's contributions to human exploration and achievement serve as an inspiration to generations of adventurers and dreamers, leaving an enduring mark on the history of exploration and adventure sports.

Steve Fossett Best Quotes

"The good thing about flying solo is it's never boring."

"A hot air balloon requires a great deal of fuel to keep it aloft, so that you can't fly it even for one day. A gas balloon, which usually uses helium, has the problem that the helium cools at night when the sun is not on it, and you have to throw ballast overboard to keep it from going to the surface."

"I pick projects according to how fascinating they are to me, and it has resulted in a broad reach. My records are actually in five different sports: balloons, airplanes, airships, gliders, and sailboats."

"Flying solo, you have a fair workload. I'm not only flying the balloon but doing the navigation, communications, repairing the burners, taking care of the equipment."

"I do have some books, but in all the distance flights I've made I've never opened the books. I've been too busy."

"This is a Solo Flight, but I want aviation enthusiasts and adventurers everywhere to join me in the endeavour."

"I was never comfortable with the risk of climbing in the Himalayas, or the amount of time in idleness that is involved in the Everest expedition."


* The editor of this short biography made every effort to maintain information accuracy, including any quotes, facts, or key life events. If you're looking to expand your personal development, I recommend exploring other people's life stories and gaining inspiration from my collection of inspiring quotes. Exposing yourself to different perspectives can broaden your worldview and help you with your personal growth.

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Chief Editor

Tal Gur is an author, founder, and impact-driven entrepreneur at heart. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living, has led him to found Elevate Society.

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