Power vs. Force: Summary Review & Takeaways

This is a summary review of Power vs. Force containing key details about the book.

What is Power vs. Force About?

"Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior" is a book by David R. Hawkins that discusses the concept of "power" versus "force" in human behavior and how it affects our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

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The book discusses how to increase our level of power and reduce our reliance on force, and how to recognize and avoid the influence of force in our own lives and in the world around us.

Power vs. Force is a thought-provoking book. It presents that every act, thought, and choice - our decisions can affect the lives of everyone. We think we live by forces we control, but in fact we are governed by power from unrevealed sources, power over which we have no control.

Who is the Author of Power vs. Force?

Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D Ph.D. is a bestselling author, a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher, and lecturer. The uniqueness of his contribution to humanity comes from the advanced state of spiritual awareness known as " Enlightenment," "Self–Realisation," and "Unio Mystica."

How long is Power vs. Force?

  • Print length: 341 pages
  • Audiobook: 8 hrs and 10 mins

What genre is Power vs. Force?

Psychology, Nonfiction, Spirituality

What are some key takeaways from Power vs. Force?

Takeaway #1 Force Is Not Power

According to Hawkins, "power" is the alignment of our thoughts and actions with our highest values and principles, and it is characterized by feelings of love, joy, and peace. "Force," on the other hand, is the use of manipulation or coercion to get what we want, and it is associated with negative emotions such as fear, anger, and aggression.

Hawkins argues that power is a more effective and positive approach to achieving our goals and that it can lead to greater fulfillment and well-being. He also suggests that our level of power can be measured on a scale of consciousness, with higher levels of consciousness associated with greater power and lower levels with greater force.

We have been conditioned to think that force is power I.e. by controlling others but force is a false material level that always has to be backed up by a reason. True power comes from the spirit and is attained through personal development and spiritual practices.

Takeaway #2 Force Is Needed in Small Doeses

Force is necessary in small doses because you cannot get power without first using some force. Force creates the momentum – just think about this, to be brave, you first need to be scared and to be powerful, you first need to feel powerless... It takes force to create a change. But only a little of it is needed, once force has done the legwork, momentum takes over and once power has been achieved force crumbles.

Takeaway #3 Finding Your Energetic Frequency

Are you operating from a state of force or power? Based on his research into kinesiological measuring of consciousness, David Hawkins shows us that our energetic frequency levels of consciousness pertain to a variety of emotions and these emotions all depend on the amount of truth. Force is re-active and below the level of courage, it arises when we feel shame, fear, anger, and pride. Power is above the level of courage and is pro-active, it comes when we operate from a higher consciousness of love and live with courage, will, and reason.

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If you find yourself operating from force more often than power don't worry, you can make positive changes in moving towards your true potential simply by leaving the feelings of blame, hate, and anxiety behind and instead switching to affirmation, optimism, and trust one step at a time.

Through David Hawkins' study of kinesiology, you'll learn how to use muscle testing to determine a truth or a falsehood by asking a yes or no question. This can be done time and time again to make you spiritually sound, healthy, and strong so that you're being true to yourself, acting from true power and not living by force through your ego.

What are some key summary points from Power vs. Force?

Here are some of the main summary points from the book:

  • We can increase our level of power and reduce our reliance on force by cultivating positive emotions and aligning our thoughts and actions with our highest values and principles.
  • It is important to recognize and avoid the influence of force in our own lives and in the world around us.
  • By increasing our level of power, we can contribute to creating a more positive and harmonious world.
  • Who we become is more important than what we do or say. That's how we truly change the world
  • Force can lead to satisfaction but power leads to joy. Force is self-serving but power serves others
  • Truth reveals itself without effort. (Comparing to facts that are accumulated with force)
  • Always be kind and forgiving
  • What mass media labels as love, is nothing but a strong emotional and physical attraction. Underneath it, one can find dependency, possessiveness, addiction, and control. When one gets frustrated, the underlying anger usually shows itself.
  • At the Enlightenment level (Highest frequency Power Level), one does not experience himself as separate from others; Instead, he experiences and identifies himself with Consciousness.
  • The next level below Enlightenment is Peace. There's an experience of continuous flow and aliveness
  • Next Power levels are: Joy, Love, Reason, Acceptance, Willingness, Neutrality, and Courage
  • Courage is the level where empowerment happens, where negative influences turn into positive power
  • Force levels (Levels where life energy is weakened): Pride, Anger, Desire, Fear, Grief, Apathy, Guilt, Shame.
  • Shame has the lowest frequency. The feelings at this level are of worthlessness

Power vs. Force Summary Notes

1. Power vs. Force: Hawkins introduces the concept of "power" and "force" and how they relate to human consciousness. According to Hawkins, "power" is a positive, life-affirming energy that is associated with higher levels of consciousness, while "force" is a negative, destructive energy that is associated with lower levels of consciousness. Hawkins argues that power is the natural state of the universe, while force is an artificial creation of the ego. He discusses how individuals can cultivate power and move towards higher levels of consciousness by letting go of their ego and practicing acceptance, surrender, and forgiveness.

2. The Map of Consciousness: The book discusses the scale of consciousness developed by Hawkins, which is a hierarchy of levels of human awareness ranging from the lowest levels of force to the highest levels of power. According to Hawkins, each level of consciousness is associated with a specific set of characteristics and behaviors. The lower levels of the scale, which are associated with force, are characterized by negative emotions and destructive behaviors, while the higher levels, which are associated with power, are characterized by positive emotions and life-affirming behaviors. Hawkins argues that individuals can cultivate power and move towards higher levels of consciousness by letting go of their ego and practicing acceptance, surrender, and forgiveness. He also suggests that it is possible for individuals to "transcend" their current level of consciousness and move to a higher level by practicing spiritual practices such as meditation and prayer.

3. The Power of the Individual: Hawkins believes that we have the power to control our thoughts and actions, and it's these choices that ultimately shape our level of consciousness. To cultivate this power, he recommends that we let go of our ego and practice acceptance, surrender, and forgiveness. These practices can help us let go of negative emotions and thought patterns that can hold us back from reaching our full potential. Hawkins also explores spiritual practices like meditation and prayer, which can help us connect with our inner wisdom and higher self, leading us to even higher levels of consciousness. It's important to note that Hawkins emphasizes taking responsibility for our own thoughts and actions as the key to cultivating power and moving towards higher levels of consciousness.

4.The Power of Society: The book discusses how society as a whole can move towards a more powerful and harmonious state by recognizing and embracing the power of the individual. Hawkins explains how we can cultivate power and move towards higher levels of consciousness by letting go of our ego. He believes that this allows individuals to become more powerful and contribute to the overall power and harmony of society. In the book, Hawkins also talks about the role of leadership in creating a more powerful society. He suggests that true leaders inspire and empower others by example, rather than using force or coercion.

5. Power and Force in Human Relationships - The book examines the ways in which power and force play out in human relationships, including relationships between individuals and within groups. The author argues that power is a natural expression of love and that it is based on understanding, compassion, and connection with others. In contrast, force is based on fear and the desire to control others. The author explains that power is the source of all positive change and growth, while force is the source of all conflict and suffering. He also notes that power is a choice that is available to everyone and that we can choose to use it to create positive outcomes in our relationships and in the world. The author also discusses the concept of "resonance," or the ability to connect with others on a deep level. The author argues that resonance is the key to creating meaningful and fulfilling relationships and that it is essential for creating a world that is based on love and compassion rather than fear and control.

6. The Observer Effect - The book discusses the concept of the "observer effect," which refers to the idea that the act of observing something can affect its outcome. Hawkins argues that our consciousness has the power to influence the events that take place in the world around us and that this power is related to the level of consciousness that we are operating at. Hawkins also discusses the importance of detachment in the process of observing and influencing events. He argues that true detachment allows us to be neutral and objective, which in turn allows us to have a greater impact on the outcome of a given situation. Hawkins talks about the role of will in the observer effect. He asserts that will is a powerful force that can be used to bring about desired outcomes and that it is closely connected to our level of consciousness. He encourages readers to develop their will in order to have a greater impact on the world around them.

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7. Healing and Transformation - The book discusses the role of consciousness in the healing and transformation process. He explains that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of reality and that it influences everything we do and experience. According to Hawkins, healing and transformation can only occur when an individual's consciousness reaches a high enough level. This is because, at higher levels of consciousness, we are able to access a greater understanding of reality and are able to see beyond the limitations of our current situation. Hawkins also discusses the importance of surrender in the healing and transformation process. He explains that surrendering to a higher power allows us to let go of our ego and our need to control outcomes, which in turn allows us to fully open ourselves up to the healing and transformative power of consciousness. Hawkins emphasizes the role of love in the healing and transformation process. He explains that love is a powerful force that can help us to transcend our limitations and to connect with our true nature. By cultivating a deep sense of love and compassion for ourselves and others, we can create the conditions for true healing and transformation to occur.

8. The Nature of Enlightenment - The book describes the characteristics of enlightenment and how it can be attained. According to Hawkins, enlightenment is a state of consciousness that is characterized by a deep understanding of the nature of reality and a complete lack of ego or self-centeredness. Hawkins describes enlightenment as the highest level on the scale of consciousness, and he explains that it is a state of being that is beyond words or concepts. He also notes that enlightenment is not something that can be attained through external means, such as through the pursuit of wealth or power, but rather it is a state of being that arises from within as a result of a deep inner realization. Hawkins suggests that enlightenment is a state of consciousness that is available to all, and he encourages readers to seek it out for themselves. He also emphasizes the importance of cultivating compassion and love, as these qualities are essential for attaining enlightenment.

Are power and force the same?

Power and force are not the same things. According to David R. Hawkins, "power" is the alignment of our thoughts and actions with our highest values and it is characterized by positive feelings. "Force," on the other hand, is the use of manipulation or coercion to get what we want, and it is associated with negative emotions. Power is a more effective to achieving our goals and can lead to greater fulfillment. Force is often destructive and leads to negative consequences. It is key to cultivate power and reduce our reliance on force in order to lead a more harmonious life.

What do critics say?

Here's what one of the prominent reviewers had to say about the book: "One of the most interesting self-help type books I've ever read. It's packed with advice on how to stay in good physical, mental and spiritual shape. It's like a toolkit with all sorts of good advice on how to live your life." (Stephanie Beacham, Editorial review)

Here's what one of the readers had to say: "This is a discourse of what it means to understand and act upon one's intuitive and higher mind capabilities. The premise is that our bodies will respond to things that are "true" or have power, with a level of ease. Alternatively, when something is "false" it will have an element of forced nature to it- trying to make something that it isn't or shouldn't be. I appreciated the simplicity of the conversation and also the scale in which we move through the levels of that sensitivity. It is not a scale to be graded on, as some reviewers may suggest- but rather a road map of how far we have ascended from complete unawareness.." (From LibraryThing)

* The summary points above have been concluded from the book and other public sources. The editor of this summary review made every effort to maintain information accuracy, including any published quotes, chapters, or takeaways

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Tal Gur is an author, founder, and impact-driven entrepreneur at heart. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living, has led him to found Elevate Society.

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