The Art of Choosing: Summary Review
This is a summary review of The Art of Choosing containing key details about the book.
What is The Art of Choosing About?
"The Art of Choosing" by Sheena Iyengar is a book that explores the science of decision-making and the factors that influence our choices.
The Art of Choosing asks the difficult questions about how and why we choose: Is the desire for choice innate or bound by culture? Why do we sometimes choose against our best interests? This book reveals that the answers are surprising and profound. In our world of shifting political and cultural forces, technological revolution, and interconnected commerce, our decisions have far-reaching consequences.
Summary Points & Takeaways from The Art of Choosing
Some key summary points and takeaways from the book include:
* The Power of Choice: The book highlights the importance of choice in our lives, and how our choices can shape our experiences and outcomes.
* The Influence of Culture: Iyengar argues that our culture has a significant impact on the choices we make, and that the way we make choices can vary across different cultures and societies.
* The Role of Context: The book explores how the context in which we make choices can influence our decisions, and how factors such as time pressure, emotions, and social norms can impact our choices.
* The Limitations of Choice: Iyengar also acknowledges the limitations of choice and argues that too much choice can lead to indecision, anxiety, and dissatisfaction.
* The Benefits of Constraints: The book suggests that constraints and limits can actually improve our decision-making, by narrowing our options and helping us focus on what is most important.
* The Importance of Intuition: Iyengar argues that intuition can play an important role in decision-making, and that our gut feelings can often guide us to the right choices.
* The book offers a comprehensive look at the science of decision-making, and provides insights into the factors that influence our choices and how we can make better decisions.
Who is the author of The Art of Choosing?
Sheena S. Iyengar is the S.T. Lee Professor of Business in the Management Department at Columbia Business School, widely and best known as an expert on choice.
The Art of Choosing Summary Notes
Summary Note: The Art of Choosing: Understanding the Two Systems That Influence Our Decisions
In our everyday lives, we make choices constantly, from simple decisions like what to eat for breakfast to complex decisions like choosing a career path. We often assume that our decision-making process is rational and well-thought-out, but the reality is more complicated. According to research, our choices are determined by two opposing systems: the automatic system and the reflective system.
The automatic system operates subconsciously and continuously analyzes sensory data to produce automatic reactions. It is responsible for quick, impulsive decisions that happen almost instinctively, without conscious thought. For example, in an experiment where children were offered a marshmallow, those who ate it immediately were driven by their automatic system. This system allows us to react swiftly in situations of danger or urgency, but it can also lead to impulsive and short-sighted decisions.
On the other hand, the reflective system is driven by reason and logic. It allows us to consider the future consequences of our choices and make decisions based on long-term outcomes. In the same marshmallow experiment, some children chose to wait for a second marshmallow, demonstrating the dominance of their reflective system. This system is linked to greater long-term success, as those who are able to delay gratification tend to have better social, academic, and financial outcomes in adulthood.
The key takeaway from this research is that both systems play a role in our decision-making process. We need the automatic system for quick decisions in certain situations, but we also need the reflective system for thoughtful and strategic decision-making. It's important to recognize the interplay between these two systems and be mindful of their influence on our choices.
So, the next time you find yourself making a decision, take a moment to reflect on the automatic and reflective systems at play. Consider the immediate and long-term consequences of your choices and strive to strike a balance between impulsive reactions and thoughtful deliberation. By understanding and harnessing the power of these two systems, you can make more informed and effective choices that align with your goals and values, leading to greater success in the long run.
Summary Note: The Art of Choosing: How Our Decision-Making is Influenced by Heuristics
In our everyday lives, we often rely on heuristics, or "rules of thumb," to make decisions quickly and efficiently. These heuristics, whether conscious or subconscious, help us save time and energy by simplifying the decision-making process. However, while heuristics can be useful, they can also be faulty and lead to biased judgments.
One example of heuristics at work is in the way we make decisions about our exes. Instead of carefully considering all the pros and cons, we often use a simple rule like "if you've had a couple of drinks, then don't call your ex." This heuristic helps us avoid impulsive decisions that we might regret later. However, heuristics can also be employed by our automatic systems, leading to quick decisions based on subconscious rules. For instance, if we see a bear in the woods, our automatic system may trigger the heuristic "run away" to ensure our survival.
One common bias associated with heuristics is the availability bias, which influences our judgment based on what is easily available to our memory. For example, when buying a gift for a colleague, we may use the heuristic "a color he wears often is a safe color for his tie." However, our memory is often influenced by things that excite our senses, such as bright colors. So, even if our colleague wears a grey tie every day, we may only remember the one time he wore a red tie, leading to a biased decision.

Being aware of the limitations of heuristics and biases can help us make more informed decisions. It's important to recognize that while heuristics can be helpful in simplifying decision-making, they can also lead to faulty judgments. Taking the time to consciously evaluate all relevant information and being mindful of biases can lead to better decision-making outcomes. By understanding how heuristics work and their potential biases, we can enhance our decision-making skills and make more informed choices in various aspects of our lives.
Summary Note: The Art of Choosing: Balancing the Desire for Uniqueness with Conformity
One of the main themes in the book is the human desire to make unique choices while also conforming to social norms. We often seek to differentiate ourselves from others and feel special, even in arbitrary situations. However, this desire for uniqueness has its limits, and we also want to avoid being too different from others.
The book presents findings from experiments where participants were asked to estimate the number of dots on a video screen. When participants were told that they were part of the majority that overestimated the number of dots, they reported feeling unsatisfied with themselves, despite being told that their estimations were incorrect. This suggests that being wrong in a common way was bothersome, and participants wanted to be wrong in a special way to feel unique.
On the other hand, when participants were told that they were part of the minority that underestimated the number of dots, they reported an increase in self-esteem, as they felt special for being different. However, when participants were told that their scores were too unique and couldn't be classified, they also experienced a decrease in self-esteem. This indicates that while we desire uniqueness, there are limits to how different we want to be from others.
The book highlights the delicate balance between our desire for individuality and our need for conformity. We want to make choices that distinguish us from others and make us feel special, but we also want to avoid being too unique to avoid social isolation or ostracism. This phenomenon reflects the complex interplay between our need for self-expression and our need for social acceptance.
Summary Note: The Art of Choosing: How Our Culture Influences Our Decision-Making
Our culture plays a significant role in shaping our choices, as demonstrated by research comparing preferences in Western and Eastern cultures. Western cultures tend to prioritize individualistic decision-making, while Eastern cultures often value collective decision-making. Even at a young age, children from different cultural backgrounds show distinct preferences in decision-making. For example, in an experiment with Asian-American and Anglo-American children, the former preferred toys chosen for them by their mothers, reflecting the influence of collectivism, while the latter preferred toys they chose themselves, reflecting the influence of individualism.
The impact of cultural influence on decision-making goes beyond childhood, as seen in another experiment with Asian- and Anglo-American children related to math skills. After taking a math test, the children played a computer game where they could customize their spaceship. One group could freely choose the customization, while the other was given the settings that most of their classmates chose. The results showed that Anglo-American children improved their math skills when they chose the settings themselves, while Asian-American children showed greater improvement when given the settings chosen by others.
These findings highlight the importance of understanding our cultural preferences in decision-making. Success in decision-making depends on whether our need for choice aligns with our cultural background. Our culture shapes our beliefs, values, and norms, which in turn influence our decision-making processes. Being aware of our cultural biases can help us make more informed and effective choices.
It's important to note that cultural influences on decision-making are not fixed or absolute, and individuals may exhibit a mix of cultural preferences. Additionally, culture is just one of many factors that influence decision-making, and individual personality, upbringing, and personal experiences also play a role. Nevertheless, recognizing the impact of culture on our choices can help us navigate decision-making in a diverse and multicultural world, and make choices that align with our values and goals.
Summary Note: The Art of Choosing: How Our Culture and Subconscious Influence Impact Our Choices
In today's fast-paced world, we often make choices without fully realizing the various factors that influence them. In the book "The Art of Choosing," one main idea that stands out is that our culture and subconscious mind play a significant role in shaping our decisions, even when we are not fully aware of it.
Our cultural heritage has a profound impact on our preferences and decision-making style. The author highlights the differences between Western and Eastern cultures, where individualistic cultures tend to prioritize personal autonomy in decision-making, while collectivistic cultures place more importance on social harmony and defer to others' choices. This can be observed even in early childhood, as seen in an experiment with Asian-American and Anglo-American children, where the former group showed a preference for toys chosen for them by their mothers, reflecting their collectivistic cultural background.
Furthermore, our subconscious mind also influences our choices, even when we are not consciously paying attention to our surroundings. The phenomenon of selective attention is illustrated in the "Invisible Gorilla" experiment, where participants focused so intensely on counting basketball passes that they completely missed the appearance of a gorilla in the video. This highlights how our focus on one task can lead to a lack of awareness of other relevant information in our environment.
Moreover, our subconscious mind can also be primed by subtle cues, influencing our behavior without our conscious awareness. The study conducted by John Bargh, where college students were exposed to words associated with the elderly, resulted in slower walking speeds compared to the control group, indicating how even small cues can prime our behavior.
The implications of these findings are significant. They highlight the need for self-awareness and understanding of the cultural and subconscious influences on our choices. By recognizing these influences, we can make more informed decisions and avoid falling into patterns of behavior that may not align with our true preferences or values.
Summary Note: Having choices – or even the illusion of choice – makes us healthier.
Having the freedom to make choices and decisions in our lives has a significant impact on our well-being and health. Studies have shown that higher-paid employees, despite having jobs with greater pressure, are healthier than those in lower pay grades, and the key factor is the freedom of choice in structuring their tasks. Even the perception of choice can produce health benefits, as seen in an experiment with elderly residents in a nursing home.
The Whitehall studies, which followed British civil servants for a decade, found that higher-paid employees were healthier than their lower-paid counterparts. The researchers concluded that it wasn't just the salary, but the freedom of choice in how they structured their tasks that had a positive effect on their health. This suggests that having control over one's work and the ability to make choices in how tasks are approached can contribute to better health outcomes.
Furthermore, the perception of choice can also impact our well-being. In an experiment with elderly residents in a nursing home, researchers created two sets of "house rules" for two groups of residents. While functionally, both groups had the same level of freedom to choose their activities, the language used by the researchers made it appear as if the first group had their well-being determined by the staff, while the second group had the freedom to choose their own activities. In a follow-up visit, the group with the perception of choice reported feeling happier, while the health of the group with "no" choices had deteriorated.
These findings highlight the importance of having choices in our lives and the impact it can have on our well-being and health. The ability to make decisions, even if it's just the perception of choice, can contribute to a sense of autonomy, control, and happiness. Whether it's in our work, daily activities, or decision-making processes, having choices is a fundamental aspect of our well-being, and it's something we should strive to cultivate in our lives. So, next time you're faced with a decision, remember the positive impact that having choices can have on your overall health and happiness.
Summary Note: Our Gut Feelings Can Mislead Us in Decision Making
In our decision-making process, we often rely on our gut feelings or intuition, hoping that it will guide us towards making the right choice. However, research suggests that our feelings may not be as reliable as we assume. Our emotions are influenced by our environment, and we can easily confuse our feelings in certain situations.
A famous study called "Love on a Suspension Bridge" illustrates this phenomenon. Male sightseers were approached by a female researcher who asked them questions while they were standing on either a stable bridge or a dangerous-looking suspension bridge. Afterward, the participants were asked to write a short story about a picture of a woman and were given the researcher's phone number for further discussion. The study found that 50% of the participants from the suspension-bridge group called the researcher, compared to only 12.5% of the other group. Moreover, the stories written by the suspension-bridge group contained more sexual innuendo. Researchers concluded that the participants confused their feelings of anxiety from being on the dangerous bridge with romantic feelings for the researcher, highlighting how our environment can affect our emotions and subsequently our decisions.
Furthermore, our emotions can be fabricated and overestimated in retrospect. A study following the closely contested presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore in 2000 found that participants' recollection of their emotions immediately after Gore's concession speech was different from their actual reported feelings. Four months later, both Gore and Bush supporters remembered experiencing stronger emotions than they had initially reported, with Gore supporters recalling deeper sadness and Bush supporters recalling greater elation. This suggests that we often manipulate our emotions to align with our beliefs or perceptions, leading to an overestimation of our past emotions.
These findings highlight the limitations of relying solely on our gut feelings or emotions in decision-making. Our feelings can be easily influenced by our environment and can be fabricated based on our beliefs or memories. It's important to be aware of these biases and consider a more rational and objective approach in our decision-making process. Consulting facts, evidence, and multiple perspectives can help us make more informed and reliable decisions, rather than solely relying on our subjective emotions.
Summary Note: When making choices we often change our mind – without even noticing it.
One of the main themes in the book is how humans often change their minds without even realizing it when making choices. Our choices are influenced by various factors such as our beliefs, values, and environment, which can lead to inconsistencies and contradictions in our decision-making process.
Cognitive dissonance, the uncomfortable feeling that arises when we hold contradictory beliefs, plays a role in this phenomenon. When faced with conflicting choices or beliefs, we tend to modify our stance to align with our past choices in order to maintain a consistent view of ourselves. This doesn't make us fickle, but rather highlights our human tendency to justify our choices and seek consistency.
Furthermore, we often change our minds without even being aware of it. Research has shown that our preferences and priorities can shift over time, influenced by external factors such as societal norms, practical considerations, and changing circumstances. However, we tend to believe that we have always held these preferences, and we may not even notice the shift in our mindset.
Being aware of these tendencies can help us make better choices. By recognizing the influence of cognitive dissonance and being mindful of how our preferences and priorities can change, we can make more informed decisions. It's important to critically evaluate our choices and consider the underlying reasons and influences behind them. Reflecting on our beliefs, values, and motivations can help us align our choices with our true intentions and make decisions that are consistent with our long-term goals and well-being.
Summary Note: The Art of Choosing: Limiting Options for Better Decision Making
In today's world, we are often faced with an overwhelming number of choices, whether it's in the supermarket cereal aisle or in other aspects of our lives. However, research suggests that our attention span is limited, and having too many options can actually hinder our decision-making process.
Studies have shown that most people can handle up to seven options before their decision-making abilities start to decline. When presented with more than seven options, we are more likely to make errors and become overwhelmed. This limitation in our attention span has important implications, especially in sales and marketing. By limiting the number of options available to consumers, businesses can influence their behavior and increase the likelihood of a purchase.
A classic study involving jams in a supermarket demonstrated this phenomenon. When 24 varieties of jams were offered at a tasting booth, 60 percent of shoppers were initially drawn to the booth, but only three percent of them actually made a purchase. In contrast, when the number of options was reduced to just six, only 40 percent of shoppers approached the booth, but a significant 30 percent of them made a purchase. This suggests that having fewer options can actually lead to higher conversion rates and increased sales.
This phenomenon can be explained by the concept of decision fatigue, which refers to the mental exhaustion that comes from making too many decisions. When faced with an abundance of choices, our brains have to work harder to process the information and make a decision, which can lead to decision paralysis or avoidance. By limiting options, we can reduce decision fatigue and make choices more efficiently.
Summary Note: The Art of Choosing: How Limiting Choices Can Improve Decision Making
One of the main themes in the book is the idea that placing smart limits on our choices can actually make us better decision makers. The abundance of choices that we often face in our daily lives can be overwhelming and lead to decision paralysis. However, by being clear about our preferences and setting healthy limits, we can simplify the decision-making process and make more informed choices.
One way to do this is by refining our search criteria. For example, when buying a car, instead of looking for just "a car," we can narrow down our choices by making a list of our preferences, such as a station wagon under $30,000 with specific features. By setting these preferences, we effectively limit our options and make it easier to make the right decision.
Another technique is to use categorization to aid our decision making. Studies have shown that when items have multiple dimensions or categories, it becomes easier to distinguish between them. For example, participants in a study were able to distinguish more tones when dimensions such as intensity, spatial location, and duration were added. Similarly, when evaluating car options, we can categorize them based on criteria such as color, size, cost, and type, which can help us recognize the differences between individual cars more easily.
The idea of limiting choices and using categorization to aid decision making can also be applied in sales and marketing. By offering fewer options to consumers, businesses can influence their behavior and increase the likelihood of purchase. For example, a study involving different varieties of jelly showed that although more shoppers were attracted to a booth with 24 jams, a higher percentage of shoppers actually purchased a jar from a booth with only six jams. This illustrates that less is often more when it comes to decision making.
Summary Note: The Art of Choosing: How Informed Decision Making Impacts Our Happiness
Have you ever wished someone else could make a difficult decision for you? It turns out that sometimes we are happier when others make choices on our behalf, but only if we are properly informed. This is the main theme explored in "The Art of Choosing."
When we face tough decisions, we often fear regretting our choices. For example, a study conducted with American and French parents who had lost a terminally ill infant revealed that the French parents, whose decisions were made by doctors unless explicitly opposed by them, felt more convinced by the inevitability of the outcome and experienced less regret, doubt, and resentment compared to the American parents who had to make the decision themselves.
However, even when others make decisions for us, we only feel better if we are informed about the decision. A study called "The Julie Dilemma" showed that participants who were informed about the chances of survival of a terminally ill child expressed fewer negative emotions compared to those who had to make the decision themselves without being properly informed. Surprisingly, even those who were not informed but had the decision made for them expressed similar negative emotions as the ones who made the decision themselves.
This highlights the importance of being properly informed when others make choices for us. Information empowers us to make better decisions and reduces the likelihood of experiencing negative emotions such as regret. It also emphasizes the need for clear communication and transparency in decision-making processes, especially when decisions are made on behalf of others.
So, the next time you find yourself facing a difficult decision, consider seeking information and involving others in the decision-making process. Being well-informed and having others make choices for us can lead to greater satisfaction and happiness in the long run.
Book details
- Print length: 329 pages
- Genre: Psychology, Nonfiction, Business
What are the chapters in The Art of Choosing?
Chapter 1 The Call of the Wild
Chapter 2 Stranger in Strange Lands
Chapter 3 Song of Myself
Chapter 4 Senses and Sensibility
Chapter 5 I, Robot?
Chapter 6 Lord of the Things
Chapter 7 And Then There Were None
What is a good quote from The Art of Choosing?
Top Quote: “Our lives are shaped for better or worse, to move forward along largely unmapped terrain. To what extent can you direct your own life when you can see only so far and the weather change quicker than you can say?” (Meaning) - The Art of Choosing Quotes, Sheena Iyengar
What do critics say?
Here's what one of the prominent reviewers had to say about the book: "Sheena Iyengar's work on choice and how our minds deal with it has been groundbreaking, repeatedly surprising, and enormously important. She is someone we need to listen to." — Atul Gawande, author of Better and Complications
* The editor of this summary review made every effort to maintain information accuracy, including any published quotes, chapters, or takeaways. If you're interested in furthering your personal development, I invite you to check out my list of favorite personal development books page. On this page, you'll find a curated list of books that have personally impacted my life, each with a summary and key lessons.
Chief Editor
Tal Gur is an author, founder, and impact-driven entrepreneur at heart. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living, has led him to found Elevate Society.