The Gift of Fear: Summary Review
This is a summary review of The Gift of Fear containing key details about The Gift of Fear.
What is The Gift of Fear About?
"The Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker is a book that explores the idea of intuition and the role it plays in helping individuals avoid dangerous and violent situations. The author argues that our intuition is a powerful tool that can provide us with valuable information about potential threats, and that learning to listen to and trust our instincts can help us stay safe.
The Gift of Fear demonstrates how every individual should learn to trust the inherent "gift" of their gut instinct. By learning to recognize various warning signs and precursors to violence, it becomes possible to avoid potential trauma and harm. The book explores various settings where violence may be found—the workplace, the home, the school, dating—and describes what de Becker calls pre-incident indicators (PINS). By noticing PINS (events and behaviors that often precede violence), individuals can better predict violence before it occurs and, therefore, take the necessary precautions and actions to stay safe.
Summary Points & Takeaways from The Gift of Fear
Some key summary points and takeaways from the book include:
* The importance of intuition: The author emphasizes the importance of intuition as a tool for avoiding dangerous and violent situations, and argues that intuition is often more accurate than rational thought.
* The role of fear in intuition: The author argues that fear is a natural and important part of intuition, and that it is essential to pay attention to and act on our fears in order to stay safe.
* The dangers of denial: The author discusses the dangers of denial, or the tendency to ignore or dismiss our fears, and argues that denial can prevent us from taking action to stay safe.
* The warning signs of danger: The author provides a comprehensive list of warning signs that can indicate potential danger, including changes in behavior, patterns of lies, and expressions of jealousy or obsession.
* The power of personal boundaries: The author argues that setting and enforcing personal boundaries is an important part of staying safe, and provides guidance on how to do this effectively.
* Overall, "The Gift of Fear" is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about the power of intuition and the role it can play in staying safe. The author provides practical advice and guidance for learning to listen to and trust our instincts, and emphasizes the importance of setting and enforcing personal boundaries to stay safe.
Who is the author of The Gift of Fear?
Gavin de Becker is an American author and security specialist, primarily for governments, large corporations, and public figures. He is the chairman of Gavin de Becker and Associates, which he founded in 1978.
The Gift of Fear Summary Notes
Summary Note: Trusting Your Intuition to Stay Safe
The Gift of Fear, by Gavin de Becker, emphasizes the importance of intuition in detecting and avoiding danger. One of the main themes is that your intuition is a powerful tool for recognizing signs of danger before your rational mind is able to process them. As illustrated by the story of police officer David Patrick, ignoring intuition can have serious consequences.
Patrick’s experience shows how failing to trust his intuition put him in harm’s way. Despite having a premonition of danger in a dream, he disregarded it and continued to ignore warning signs in his work as a police officer. This resulted in him being shot while on patrol alone, having failed to call for backup when he recognized potential danger.
The author stresses the importance of paying attention to your intuition, as it is often able to pick up on subtle cues that your rational mind may miss. Dreams are one example of how intuition can manifest, but it can also be experienced through physical sensations or a general sense of unease.
De Becker suggests that one way to improve your intuition is by practicing mindfulness and being present in the moment. By focusing on your surroundings and paying attention to your senses, you can become more attuned to potential danger.
Summary Note: Trusting Your Intuition and Being Wary of Deceptive Charm
In the book "The Gift of Fear," author Gavin de Becker highlights how our intuition is a powerful tool for detecting danger and how criminals use subtle tactics, like forced teaming and charm, to deceive their victims. The key theme of the book is the importance of trusting your intuition and being wary of strangers who try to win your trust through charm or false camaraderie.
De Becker argues that intuition is a natural survival mechanism that we all possess. Our intuition can help us detect danger even when we can't pinpoint the source of our discomfort. This intuition can manifest in dreams, bodily sensations, or just a general sense of unease. De Becker gives the example of a police officer who ignored his intuition and ended up getting shot.
De Becker also warns against the use of forced teaming by criminals, where they pretend to befriend their victims. Such a tactic can be difficult to detect, but often the criminal will use inclusive pronouns like "we" to establish a false sense of camaraderie. De Becker gives an example of a woman who was almost raped and killed by a man who used forced teaming by offering to help her carry her groceries upstairs.
Finally, de Becker cautions against being deceived by charming individuals who may have sinister intentions. He notes that charm can be a powerful tool to disarm intuition, so it's important to be wary of strangers who seem too friendly or helpful. De Becker gives an example of a woman who was able to escape a potential attacker by trusting her intuition and resisting the charm of the would-be assailant.
Summary Note: How to protect yourself by reading body language and using empathy to predict criminal behavior
The world is full of danger, and you never know when you might encounter someone with ill intentions. But did you know that criminals often give off signals that you can learn to recognize? In his book, The Gift of Fear, author Gavin de Becker explains that reading body language and using empathy to understand a potential attacker's mindset can help you protect yourself.

One of the most critical skills you can develop is to be aware of the universal signs of aggression. These include a jutting chin, flaring nostrils, and staring, unblinking eyes. By recognizing these signals, you can assess the situation and take appropriate action to protect yourself.
Additionally, being empathetic can help you understand a person's motives and predict their behavior. For example, if an employee you fired is sending you threatening emails, try to put yourself in their shoes. If they want their job back, they may not become violent since that would harm their chances. But if they only seek revenge, it's cause for concern.
However, it's not just about recognizing danger signals in others; you also need to be aware of the signals you're giving off. Criminals look for easy targets, and if you appear vulnerable or distracted, you're more likely to be targeted. To avoid this, try to project confidence, walk with purpose, and be aware of your surroundings.
In summary, by being aware of universal signs of aggression, using empathy to understand a person's motives, and projecting confidence, you can protect yourself from potential attackers. These skills may take time to develop, but they can be invaluable when it comes to keeping yourself safe in an unpredictable world.
Summary Note: The Importance of Recognizing False Threats and Refusing to Empower Perpetrators
In The Gift of Fear, author Gavin de Becker emphasizes the importance of recognizing and responding appropriately to threats, whether real or false. While real threats require action and preparation, false threats are designed to induce fear and panic, giving perpetrators power over their victims. By recognizing the signs of a false threat and refusing to empower the perpetrator through fear-based reactions, individuals can avoid becoming victims.
De Becker argues that bullies and aggressively violent people feed on the fear of their victims, which is why it is important to stand up to them and resist their attempts at intimidation. Similarly, bomb threats often aim to create chaos and panic, and responding with blind fear only empowers the perpetrator. By reading the signs of a false threat, such as an aggressively mean voice or overly emotional behavior, individuals can distinguish real threats from fake ones and respond appropriately.
De Becker also highlights the importance of refusing to empower perpetrators through our reactions to their behavior. For example, if someone makes a threat in order to gain control over a situation or to elicit a certain response, refusing to give them that power can often diffuse the situation. By recognizing false threats and refusing to be manipulated by perpetrators, individuals can protect themselves and maintain control over their own safety.
Summary Note: Understanding Signals: The Key to Identifying Danger
One of the main themes in "The Gift of Fear" is the importance of understanding signals in order to identify potential danger. It can be challenging to distinguish harmless behavior from behavior that could lead to harm, but it's critical to learn how to do so in order to avoid becoming a victim.
For example, stalking behavior can range from harmless to dangerous. In the case of John Searing, a man who sent hundreds of letters to Johnny Carson, his behavior was ultimately determined to be harmless. However, in cases of school shootings, like the one at Bard College at Simon's Rock, warning signs were ignored and tragedy occurred.
Understanding signals can be the difference between life and death. In the case of Bard College, warning signs were present, but they were not properly handled. The receptionist was cautious when a suspicious package was delivered to a student, but the school's dean decided not to open it. When a call was received warning of a potential shooting, the police were not alerted. If these warning signs had been properly recognized and acted upon, the shooting could have been prevented.
It's important to note that not all signals are clear-cut, and it can be difficult to distinguish potential danger from harmless behavior. However, by paying attention to signals and learning how to identify potential danger, we can take steps to protect ourselves and avoid becoming victims.
Summary Note: The Cycle of Abuse and the Addiction to Relief.
In this main idea, the author explores how victims of domestic violence can lose their sense of fear and become addicted to the cycle of abuse. The relief that comes when the abuse stops is so intense that it creates an addictive emotional high, which the victim comes to rely on, making them stay in unhealthy relationships. This addiction to relief ultimately dulls the victim’s natural fear instinct and they no longer see their abusive partner as a real threat.
The author provides a case where a woman had locked herself in her bedroom, and her husband was on the other side of the door holding a loaded gun. Although the woman had called a support line for victims of domestic violence, she didn’t recognize the situation as dangerous. By constantly living through violent and potentially life-threatening situations, victims lose their instinct to protect themselves or seek help from others.
Moreover, the urge to stay in a secure environment that a family provides, even if a member of that family is perpetrating the abuse, is another factor that keeps victims trapped in the cycle of abuse. It is essential to recognize that victims of domestic violence require support and help to break free from the cycle of abuse.
Summary Note: Negligent School Officials and Child Sexual Abuse
One of the main ideas in the book is that schools can create an environment where children can sexually abuse other children due to negligence. In some cases, schools ignore warning signs and fail to take appropriate measures to protect their students. As a result, children may fall prey to sexual abuse by other students. The author shares a harrowing incident where a grammar school student named Joey was caught sodomizing a seven-year-old boy in the bathroom. School officials were warned about Joey's past history of inappropriate behavior with younger children, but they failed to take appropriate action. Even after the incident with the seven-year-old boy, the principal failed to inform the teachers or custodians about Joey's behavior. Instead, Joey was transferred to a class of younger boys where he later raped another student.
The author emphasizes that school officials have all the information necessary to take precautions and prevent child sexual abuse. Merely having guards around isn't sufficient. School officials must inform the guards about potentially dangerous students, and everyone must remain vigilant. Negligent school officials can create an environment where children can sexually abuse other children. It is the responsibility of the school officials to ensure that their students are safe, and they must take action to protect them.
Book details
- Print length: 352 pages
- Genre: Nonfiction, Psychology, Self Help
What are the chapters in The Gift of Fear?
Chapter 1 In the Presence of Danger
Chapter 2 The Technology of Intuition
Chapter 3 The Academy of Prediction
Chapter 4 Survival Signals
Chapter 5 Imperfect Strangers
Chapter 6 High-Stakes Predictions
Chapter 7 Promises to Kill (Understanding threats)
Chapter 8 Persistence, Persistence (Dealing with people who refuse to let go)
Chapter 9 Occupational Hazards (Violence in the workplace)
Chapter 10 Intimate Enemies (Domestic violence)
Chapter 11 "I Was Trying to Let Him .Down Easy" (Date-stalking)
Chapter 12 Fear of Children (Violent children)
Chapter 13 Better to Be Wanted by the Police Than Not to Be Wanted at All (Attacks against public figures)
Chapter 14 Extreme Hazards
Chapter 15 The Gift of Fear
What is a good quote from The Gift of Fear?
Top Quote: “Most men fear getting laughed at or humiliated by a romantic prospect while most women fear rape and death.” (Meaning) - The Gift of Fear Quotes, Gavin de Becker
What do critics say?
Here's what one of the prominent reviewers had to say about the book: "De Becker has a lot to say about crime and the fear of crime, and he says it persuasively...His blend of empathy, reassurance, and common sense wows readers." — Newsweek
* The editor of this summary review made every effort to maintain information accuracy, including any published quotes, chapters, or takeaways. If you want to enhance your personal growth, I recommend checking out my list of favorite personal growth books. These books have played a significant role in my life, and each one includes a summary and takeaways to help you apply the concepts.
Chief Editor
Tal Gur is an author, founder, and impact-driven entrepreneur at heart. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living, has led him to found Elevate Society.