The Second Mountain: Summary Review

This is a summary review of The Second Mountain containing key details about The Second Mountain.

What is The Second Mountain About?

"The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life" is a book by New York Times columnist David Brooks.

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In The Second Mountain, the author explores the meaning and possibilities that scaling a second mountain offers us and the four commitments that most commonly move us there: family, vocation, philosophy and community. Inspiring, personal and full of joy, this book will help you discover why you were really put on this earth. The world tells us that we should pursue our self-interest: career wins, high status, nice things. These are the goals of our first mountain. But at some point in our lives we might find that we're not interested in what other people tell us to want. We want the things that are truly worth wanting.

Summary Points & Takeaways from The Second Mountain

Some key summary points and takeaways from the book include:

* The two mountains: Brooks argues that there are two distinct stages in life: the first mountain is a time of self-centered ambition and pursuit of individual success, while the second mountain is a time of deeper purpose, selflessness, and service to others.

* The importance of community: Brooks emphasizes the role that community plays in helping individuals find meaning and purpose in life, and argues that strong relationships with others are essential for a fulfilling life.

* The need for sacrifice: Brooks argues that in order to find true fulfillment on the second mountain, individuals must be willing to sacrifice their own wants and needs for the sake of others.

* The power of vocation: Brooks argues that vocation, or a sense of calling to a particular purpose, is a key component of a meaningful life and can help individuals transition from the first mountain to the second.

* The role of moral character: Brooks argues that moral character, including qualities such as courage, compassion, and self-control, is crucial for living a fulfilling life on the second mountain.

* The book provides a thought-provoking look at the search for meaning and purpose in life and will be of interest to anyone seeking to live a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

Who is the author of The Second Mountain?

David Brooks is a columnist for The New York Times and frequent broadcaster. His previous books include the bestsellers The Social Animal and Bobos in Paradise. His New York Times columns reach over 800,000 readers across the globe.

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The Second Mountain Summary Notes

Summary Note: The Second Mountain: How Individualism Undermines Our Social Connections

The main theme in "The Second Mountain" is the negative impact of individualism on our social connections. The author explores how individualism, which is the dominant ethos of many societies, including the United States, promotes personal freedom and autonomy at the expense of communal values and commitments. In an individualistic society, people are encouraged to pursue their own desires and goals without conforming to the expectations of others, including religious, political, or societal norms.

The author argues that individualism undermines our sense of community and interconnectedness with others. In an individualistic worldview, people are seen as separate individuals rather than members of overlapping communities such as neighborhoods, churches, or other social groups. This leads to a lack of mutual commitments and constraints, resulting in a society where personal freedom is prioritized over communal values.

The author challenges the notion that personal freedom and autonomy are the ultimate goals of life. He highlights the limitations of individualism, as it can lead to a sense of isolation and disconnection from others. The example of a Jewish community following dietary laws is used to illustrate how communal commitments may be seen as constraints on personal freedom in an individualistic society. However, the author argues that these commitments are essential for building meaningful relationships and fostering a sense of belonging.

The author emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between personal freedom and communal commitments. He suggests that the pursuit of personal desires and goals should not come at the expense of our connections with others. Instead, he advocates for a more holistic approach to life, where communal values and commitments are given equal importance to personal autonomy. By recognizing and valuing the interconnectedness of communities, we can foster compassion, empathy, and mutual understanding among individuals.

Summary Note: A lack of social connections leads to widespread societal problems.

In today's individualistic society, where personal freedom and autonomy are highly valued, social connections are fraying, and this is resulting in serious societal issues. The dominant ethos of individualism in the United States promotes the idea of self-sufficiency and independence, where people are encouraged to prioritize their own desires and goals without much consideration for communal ties or shared values.

However, the consequences of this societal shift towards individualism are becoming increasingly apparent. Statistics reveal that social connections are dwindling, with only a small percentage of Americans reporting meaningful conversations with their neighbors over a year, and a significant portion of the population experiencing chronic loneliness, particularly among older adults. Loneliness is not just an emotional state but has serious repercussions, leading to increased rates of depression and suicide.

The erosion of social connections also results in a decline in trust among individuals and institutions. Trust in neighbors, government, and organized religion has significantly decreased over the years, leading to a sense of disconnection and lack of grounding in people's lives. As people feel cut adrift from their communities and broader society, they may seek fulfillment by climbing the first mountain, pursuing personal achievements and material success.

The societal problems stemming from the lack of social connections are a wake-up call to the pitfalls of extreme individualism. While personal freedom and autonomy are important, they should not come at the cost of meaningful connections with others and a sense of belonging to communities. Building and maintaining social connections are vital for a healthy and fulfilling life, and for fostering trust, cooperation, and resilience within society.

As we navigate the complexities of modern life, it's important to recognize the need for a balance between individualism and communal bonds. Nurturing social connections, engaging in meaningful conversations, and rebuilding trust in our neighbors and institutions can help create a more cohesive and resilient society. Climbing the first mountain of personal success may not lead to lasting fulfillment, but rather, it's in cultivating deep social connections and a sense of belonging that we can find true meaning and purpose in our lives.

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Summary Note: The Freedom of Individualism and the Pursuit of Material Success

In contemporary United States, the dominant philosophy of individualism has led to widespread societal problems. As people focus more on themselves, they tend to focus less on each other and building social connections, leading to issues such as chronic loneliness, depression, and loss of trust in others and institutions. This lack of connection leaves many individuals feeling adrift and lacking a sense of grounding in their lives.

For young adults in particular, the pursuit of the American Dream can be a daunting prospect in an individualistic society. While education provides structure and guidance, after graduation there is often no clear path to follow, leaving many feeling lost and desperate to find something to anchor themselves to. As a result, many turn to their professional lives as a way to find purpose and direction, climbing the first mountain of worldly success.

However, this pursuit of material success through workaholism comes at a great cost. While it may provide a temporary sense of fulfillment, it is ultimately an unreliable path to lasting satisfaction. The focus on status and wealth often leads to a neglect of other important aspects of life, such as relationships, personal growth, and a sense of meaning beyond external achievements.

In a society that prioritizes individualism, it is important to recognize the need for social connections and a sense of community. Building and maintaining meaningful relationships with others, engaging in activities that foster a sense of belonging, and finding purpose beyond material success are crucial for personal well-being and societal health. It requires a shift away from the narrow pursuit of individualistic goals towards a more holistic and interconnected approach to life.

As individuals, we can strive to cultivate a sense of connection and purpose beyond external achievements, and prioritize meaningful relationships and community engagement. As a society, we can foster a culture that values social connections, trust, and collective well-being alongside individual success. By recognizing the limitations of individualism and addressing the societal problems it can cause, we can work towards a more balanced and fulfilling way of living.

Summary Note: The pursuit of material success eventually hits a dead end.

In this main idea, the author discusses how the pursuit of material success and climbing the first mountain, which represents worldly achievements, eventually hits a dead end. The author uses the analogy of climbing a mountain, where reaching the summit represents achieving professional success and recognition in a highly respected field. However, even when someone reaches the top of their career ladder and attains worldly success, they may still feel unfulfilled and sense that something is missing from their life.

On the other hand, the author also highlights the possibility of falling down into the valley between the first and second mountains. This valley represents a place of loss and suffering, where individuals may experience setbacks such as losing a job, going through a divorce, or facing health issues. In this valley, individuals may lose their sense of direction, meaning, and stability in life, which can deepen their pain and suffering.

The author suggests that temporary solutions such as indulging in palliative activities like drinking are not effective in easing the suffering. Instead, a healthier response is to lean on friends and family for support, which can provide comfort and guidance during difficult times. Through this process of navigating the valley of suffering and seeking support from others, individuals may gain valuable insights into what was missing from their life while climbing the first mountain.

The key insight is that connecting with other people and building meaningful relationships is a crucial aspect of living a fulfilling human existence. The pursuit of material success and individualism, which may be the focus of climbing the first mountain, eventually hits a dead end in terms of providing lasting fulfillment. True fulfillment comes from finding purpose and meaning in relationships and connections with others, as opposed to solely focusing on material achievements. This idea challenges the notion of individualism and emphasizes the importance of community and human connection in leading a meaningful life.

Summary Note: Happiness as a Flawed Objective

In this main idea, the author challenges the pursuit of happiness as the ultimate goal in life. While individualism promises personal freedom, it fails to address the underlying question of what one truly wants in life. Happiness, often associated with achieving goals or fulfilling desires, is temporary and fleeting. It becomes a cycle of seeking short-lived episodes of satisfaction and moving on to the next goal, leaving long stretches of dissatisfaction in between. Moreover, the pursuit of happiness tends to be self-oriented and small in the grand scheme of things.

The author argues that a life dedicated solely to personal happiness is flawed because it lacks a sense of purpose beyond oneself. The self-oriented nature of happiness pales in comparison to the moral victory of serving others, as exemplified by figures like Mother Teresa who provided aid to thousands of poor people in India. There is a smallness to a self-serving life, whereas a life lived in service to others holds grandness.

This idea challenges the popular notion that happiness should be the ultimate goal of life. Instead, the author introduces the concept of the second mountain, which represents a higher level of living beyond individualism and self-oriented pursuits. The second mountain is about finding purpose and fulfillment in serving others and contributing to a larger cause. It transcends the fleeting nature of happiness and offers a deeper sense of meaning and fulfillment.

The key takeaway from this idea is that the pursuit of happiness as an ultimate goal is limited and flawed. It fails to provide lasting fulfillment and purpose in life. By shifting the focus from self-oriented pursuits to serving others and contributing to something larger than oneself, individuals can find a deeper sense of meaning and fulfillment on the second mountain. It challenges the narrow perspective of individualism and encourages a broader, more altruistic approach to life, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven existence.

Summary Note: Instead of self-centered success and happiness, a life of service leads to self-transcendence and joy.

In a society that often promotes individualism and the pursuit of happiness as the ultimate goal in life, the idea of giving up on personal satisfaction for the sake of serving others may seem unappealing. However, the main idea of the Second Mountain is that a life of service can lead to self-transcendence and joy, which are deeper and more fulfilling emotional states than fleeting happiness.

The pursuit of happiness is often based on achieving personal goals and fulfilling desires, which are self-oriented and temporary in nature. The afterglow of achievement and fulfillment soon fades away, leading to a constant cycle of seeking the next goal or desire for temporary satisfaction. In contrast, joy is a more permanent emotional state that comes from self-transcendence - forgetting about oneself and focusing on others, finding delight in their well-being, and giving time and energy to make their lives better.

The author explains that joy is like a liquid, a deep reservoir of love within oneself that can be shared with others. When one opens up their floodgates and lets that love flow into other people's lives through acts of service, it results in a profound sense of joy. The author shares an example of being in the presence of the Dalai Lama, who exudes joy through his laughter and contagious positive energy, despite there being no apparent reason for laughter.

The shift from self-centered success and happiness to a life of service and self-transcendence may not be easy, but it is a path towards greater fulfillment and joy. It is not about giving up on happiness altogether, but rather finding a deeper and more meaningful source of joy through acts of service that benefit others. In the next book summary, the author will explore how one can achieve this life of service and experience the joy that comes with it.

Summary Note: Living a Life of Service Requires Hard Work and More Than Just Love for Humanity

One of the main themes explored in this book is that living a life of service, which leads to lasting joy, requires hard work and goes beyond just having a love for humanity. While the idea of dedicating oneself to the service of others may sound noble, it also entails facing challenges and solving complex problems.

The author highlights that a life of service involves addressing various issues in the world, such as poverty, homelessness, addiction, loneliness, and personal challenges in relationships. It also involves reconciling the idea of serving both others and one's religious community for those who have a faith-based belief system. The author emphasizes that it's not all about gathering around a campfire and singing "Kumbaya," but rather, it requires real effort and labor to make a meaningful impact.

The book also challenges the notion that love alone is enough to sustain a life of service. While love is important, it can be fickle and unreliable in the face of difficulties. Relying solely on love may not be enough to overcome the challenges and hardships associated with a life of service.

The author suggests that there is something more than just love that is needed to keep going on the path of service. The exact answer is not revealed, but it sets the stage for further exploration in the next book summary.

Summary Note: Commitment in Service, as seen in the context of Marriage

Love is an essential foundation for a life of service to others, but it is not enough on its own. To truly make a lasting impact, one needs to build a structure of behavior around love, which requires commitment. This idea can be seen in the context of marriage, where vows and commitments are made to ensure a dedicated relationship. Making a vow of dedication to a partner is like saying "I choose you" while implicitly saying "I don't choose anyone else." However, a happy marriage requires more than just vows; it requires investing time and energy into the relationship, having deep conversations, expressing appreciation, forgiving flaws, and prioritizing the needs of the relationship over individual needs.

Similarly, commitment and dedication are crucial in other areas of life as well, such as work and service to others. Simply relying on feelings of love or passion can be fleeting and unreliable. Commitment involves adopting rituals, protocols, and agreements that guide behavior even when feelings fluctuate. It means putting in the effort to maintain healthy and loving relationships, both personally and professionally.

Living a life of service to others requires hard work and dedication. It means tackling big problems and being willing to face the emotional impact of witnessing suffering. Commitment is the glue that holds it all together and helps one stay on track when the going gets tough. It involves making intentional choices, prioritizing the needs of others, and following through on promises and commitments made. Love may be the starting point, but commitment is the driving force that sustains a life of service and allows for long-term impact.

In the next book summary, we will explore how commitment plays a role in service in the context of work.

Summary Note: Pursuing a Vocation Requires Commitment to Live a Life of Service

Living a life of service goes beyond just performing acts of kindness and generosity. It requires commitment and dedication, and this is evident in the context of pursuing a vocation, just as it is in a marriage. Pursuing a vocation is not just about having a job, but about finding work that you are passionate about and dedicating yourself to it wholeheartedly. Just like in a marriage, where you make vows and commitments to your partner, pursuing a vocation involves making a vow to a field, cause, or area of study.

When you fall in love with a particular activity, field, or cause, you take a vow to pursue it. This vow requires you to close yourself off from other options and commit to your chosen path. This means that you may have to say no to other opportunities or causes, just as you say yes to your chosen vocation. This level of commitment is necessary to make a significant impact and leave a lasting imprint in your chosen field.

Dedicating yourself to your vocation also means putting the needs of your field above your own. It involves asking yourself how you can be of most service given your skills, interests, and background, and then committing yourself to that answer. It may require making tough choices, just as in a marriage, where you sometimes need to put the needs of your partner above your own.

An example of this commitment is seen in the life of author George Orwell, who was a staunch socialist but believed that his vocation as a writer required him to prioritize honesty and journalistic integrity above his political inclinations. He strived to be objective in his writing, even when it meant acknowledging the weaknesses and failings of the side he sympathized with during the Spanish Civil War.

Summary Note: Practicing Religion as a Path of Service

The main theme of this passage is the role of religion as a way to live a life of service. The author, drawing from his own experiences with Judaism and Christianity, discusses how religion provides its adherents with benefits such as rituals and community, which help in building a structure of behavior around one's love and commitment to a higher power or shared beliefs.

The author highlights the importance of rituals in religion, such as the commandments in Judaism, which provide a framework for consistent behavior and help practitioners act on their love and commitment even when their faith may falter. These rituals also bring people together on a daily basis, fostering connections with others, with God, and with shared beliefs. Additionally, the author reflects on his experiences of being part of faith-based communities, both in the Jewish synagogue and the Christian summer camp, where he felt a sense of joy and communal life based on love and belief in God.

The author also addresses the question of whether the benefits of religion can be separated from belief in a particular creed, and acknowledges that community can be an important aspect of religion, regardless of one's personal beliefs. The passage ends with a teaser for the next book summary, indicating that the relationship between religion and community will be further explored.

Summary Note: Secular Community-Building Provides a Non-Religious Alternative Path to Living a Life of Service.

The main theme of this book summary is the idea of rebuilding communities in the contemporary United States, and how individuals can live a joyful life of service by being part of this process. The author refers to these individuals as "weavers," who are committed to a community-centered life of service. One example of a weaver is Asiaha Butler, who created her own organization, Resident Association of Greater Englewood (RAGE), in a rough neighborhood in Chicago.

The author emphasizes the importance of starting at the neighborhood level when it comes to community-building. Rather than aiming too high and attempting to change an entire country or city, or aiming too low and focusing on individual improvement, the author suggests finding the sweet spot in between and focusing on the neighborhood as the unit of change. This allows for making a significant impact on people's lives without overwhelming oneself.

The author encourages readers to look for opportunities to bring their neighborhoods together as a community, and lists various potential projects and causes, such as street fairs, storytelling forums, after-school arts programs, libraries, and neighborhood-controlled public services. The author emphasizes that there is no shortage of ideas, and what is needed is people like the readers to turn these ideas into realities.

The main theme of this book summary is the idea of rebuilding communities through secular community-building, providing a non-religious alternative path to living a life of service. It highlights the importance of starting at the neighborhood level, and encourages readers to take action and become weavers in their own communities, making a positive impact on people's lives.

Book details

  • Print length: 384 pages
  • Genre: Nonfiction, Philosophy, Self Help

What are the chapters in The Second Mountain?

Chapter 1 Moral Ecologies
Chapter 2 The Instagram Life
Chapter 3 The Insecure Overachiever
Chapter 4 The Valley
Chapter 5 The Wilderness
Chapter 6 Heart and Soul
Chapter 7 The Committed Life
Chapter 8 The Second Mountain
Chapter 9 What Vocation Looks Like
Chapter 10 The Annunciation Moment
Chapter 11 What Mentors Do
Chapter 12 Vampire Problems
Chapter 13 Mastery
Chapter 14 The Maximum Marriage
Chapter 15 The Stages of Intimacy I
Chapter 16 The Stages of intimacy II
Chapter 17 The Marriage Decision
Chapter 18 Marriage: The School You Build Together
Chapter 19 Intellectual Commitments
Chapter 20 Religious Commitment
Chapter 21 A Most Unexpected Turn of Events
Chapter 22 Ramps and Walls
Chapter 23 The Stages of Community Building I
Chapter 24 The Stages of Community Building II
Chapter 25 Conclusion: The Relationalist Manifesto

What is a good quote from The Second Mountain?

Top Quote: “Joy tends to involve some transcendence of self. It’s when the skin barrier between you and some other person or entity fades away and you feel fused together. " (Meaning) - The Second Mountain Quotes, David Brooks

What do critics say?

Here's what one of the prominent reviewers had to say about the book: “Brooks’s considerable achievement comes in his ability to elevate the unseen aspects of private experience into a vigorous and challenging conversation about what we all share.” — San Francisco Chronicle

* The editor of this summary review made every effort to maintain information accuracy, including any published quotes, chapters, or takeaways. If you're interested in enhancing your personal growth, I suggest checking out my list of favorite self-development books. These books have been instrumental in my own personal development and I'm confident they can help you too.

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Tal Gur is an author, founder, and impact-driven entrepreneur at heart. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living, has led him to found Elevate Society.

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