This horror will grow mild, this darkness light.

What's the meaning of this quote?

Quote Meaning: The quote “This horror will grow mild, this darkness light” speaks to the transformative power of time and resilience. It suggests that what seems overwhelmingly frightening or deeply troubling in the present moment will eventually diminish and be replaced by a more hopeful or manageable reality.

To unpack this, consider the phrase “this horror will grow mild.” The term “horror” conveys a profound sense of fear or distress. It implies a situation or experience that is intensely unsettling. However, the assertion that this horror will “grow mild” introduces a note of optimism. It implies that the intensity of the current fear or distress will lessen over time. Just as a storm eventually subsides, so too will the feelings of horror become less severe. This transformation isn’t instantaneous; it suggests a gradual process of change where what was once overwhelming becomes more bearable.

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Similarly, the phrase “this darkness light” continues the theme of transformation. Darkness often symbolizes confusion, ignorance, or despair. It represents a state where clarity is obscured and hope feels distant. The promise that this darkness will turn into light is a powerful metaphor for overcoming adversity. Light symbolizes clarity, knowledge, and hope. The transition from darkness to light signifies the movement from a state of struggle or confusion to one of understanding and optimism.

In practical terms, this quote can be applied to personal experiences of hardship. For instance, if someone is going through a tough period, such as a personal loss or a significant challenge, it can feel like they are enveloped in an unending darkness of grief or difficulty. The quote reassures them that, although the pain is acute and the future seems uncertain, with time, the intensity of their suffering will diminish and a clearer, more hopeful perspective will emerge.

Historically, this sentiment resonates with many narratives of recovery and resilience. During times of war or conflict, societies often endure profound suffering and fear. Over time, through perseverance and effort, these periods of horror can give way to peace and stability. Similarly, personal stories of overcoming illness, loss, or failure often reveal that while the initial experience was filled with dread and uncertainty, it eventually leads to growth and renewal.

In essence, this quote encapsulates a universal truth about human experience: the worst of our fears and struggles can and often do become less intense over time, giving way to brighter and more hopeful realities. It’s a reminder that even in our darkest moments, change is possible, and light will eventually prevail.

Who said the quote?

The quote "This horror will grow mild, this darkness light." is often attributed to John Milton (Quotes). John Milton, a major English poet, wrote epic works like "Paradise Lost," exploring themes of human nature and morality.

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Chief Editor

Tal Gur is an author, founder, and impact-driven entrepreneur at heart. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living, has led him to found Elevate Society.

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