To fully live is not to wait until it’s ‘convenient’, but to pursue your calling now, despite the unknown, fear, chaos, or life’s messiness.

Imagine life as a grand adventure, with each of us holding a unique map leading to our own treasure trove of fulfillment and purpose. Yet, all too often, we find ourselves hesitating at the starting line, waiting for the perfect moment to begin our journey. We convince ourselves that we'll set sail when the weather is fair, when the stars align, when everything feels just right. But herein lies the fallacy of waiting for convenience.

To fully live is to grasp the realization that waiting for the stars to align may mean waiting indefinitely. It's about understanding that the perfect moment may never arrive, and if we continually postpone our dreams and aspirations for the sake of convenience, we risk never setting sail at all. Instead, it's about seizing the present moment, despite its imperfections and uncertainties, and embarking on our voyage towards our true calling.

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Think of it this way: Life is akin to a vast ocean, with its ebbs and flows, its storms and calms. Waiting for convenience is like waiting for the ocean to cease its waves before setting sail. But the truth is, the ocean will always have waves, just as life will always present challenges and obstacles. By waiting for the perfect conditions, we deny ourselves the opportunity to navigate through life's tumultuous waters and emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient.

Pursuing our calling amidst the chaos and messiness of life requires courage – the kind of courage that acknowledges fear and uncertainty but refuses to let them dictate our actions. It's the courage to take that first step even when the path ahead is shrouded in darkness, trusting that each step forward will illuminate the way. It's the courage to embrace failure and setbacks as inevitable companions on the journey, recognizing that they are not roadblocks but rather stepping stones toward growth and self-discovery.

Consider a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. In its transformation from caterpillar to butterfly, it undergoes a period of darkness and struggle within the confines of its cocoon. Yet, it is precisely through this struggle that it gains the strength to spread its wings and take flight. Similarly, our own journey towards living fully requires us to embrace the discomfort of uncertainty and chaos, knowing that it is through these challenges that we ultimately find our wings and soar to new heights.

Living fully means embracing the messiness of life – the unexpected twists and turns, the moments of doubt and confusion, the inevitable failures and disappointments. It's about understanding that life is not meant to be neat and orderly, but rather messy and chaotic, and that it is within this messiness that the most profound growth and transformation occur. It's about embracing the imperfections of life – both our own and those of others – and finding beauty in the midst of chaos.

So, my dear reader, I urge you to ask yourself: What is one small step you can take today, despite the chaos and messiness of life, to move closer to your true calling?


* To gain more inspiration and motivation for your personal growth journey, I recommend visiting my SMART goals page, which offers a wide range of goal ideas to help you establish new aspirations and achieve greater success in life. This list was crucial in the development of my own life goals list, consisting of 100 goals that I pursued for ten years.

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Chief Editor

Tal Gur is an author, founder, and impact-driven entrepreneur at heart. After trading his daily grind for a life of his own daring design, he spent a decade pursuing 100 major life goals around the globe. His journey and most recent book, The Art of Fully Living, has led him to found Elevate Society.

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