What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: This quote emphasizes the importance of taking action and starting on the path to living the life we desire without waiting for perfect conditions. It suggests that waiting for everything to be in order may lead to missed opportunities and a never-ending cycle of delays. It encourages […]
We are all trapped in our own way of thinking, trapped in our own way of relating to people. We get so used to seeing the world our way that we come to think that the world is the way we see it.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: This quote reflects on how we all have our own unique perspectives and ways of relating to others, which can shape our understanding of the world. It suggests that we can become so accustomed to our own way of thinking and relating that we start to believe […]
Challenging situations create the force needed to bring about change. The problem is that we generally use all the stirred-up energy intended to bring about change, to resist change.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: The quote highlights the paradoxical nature of change. It acknowledges that difficult situations often serve as catalysts for change, but the resistance to change can prevent us from harnessing the energy needed to create meaningful transformation. This quote is a reminder that change is often uncomfortable and […]
Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls– family, health, friends, integrity– are made of glass.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: Work is important, but it’s just one aspect of our lives. It’s like a rubber ball that can bounce back if dropped. On the other hand, our family, health, friends, and integrity are delicate and precious, like glass balls. If we drop them, they may break irreparably. […]
If you approach a negotiation thinking the other guy thinks like you, you are wrong. That’s not empathy, that’s a projection.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: The quote emphasizes the importance of understanding and empathizing with the perspectives of others. This quote highlights the fact that assuming that everyone thinks the same way as you do can be a significant barrier to successful communication and negotiation. It is essential to recognize that everyone […]
By regretting the past or guessing the future, we end up missing the only life worth living: the one which proceeds from the here and now and deserves to be savoured.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: This quote emphasizes the importance of being present in the moment and not getting lost in regrets about the past or worries about the future. It suggests that the only life truly worth living is the one that unfolds in the here and now, and that we […]
There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: The quote highlights the importance of protecting and nurturing the most vulnerable members of society, the children. It emphasizes the idea that the way a society treats its children reflects its values, priorities, and overall well-being. It reminds us that investing in children’s health, education, and well-being […]
If a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: The quote highlights the significance of having a sense of purpose or meaning in life. It implies that a fulfilling life requires identifying a cause, belief, or passion that one is willing to dedicate their life to, even to the point of sacrificing it. This quote challenges […]
Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: The quote pays tribute to the heroic efforts of a select group of individuals who made significant sacrifices during a time of great conflict. This quote was famously spoken by Winston Churchill during World War II, acknowledging the immense debt owed by the many to the few […]
You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: The quote conveys the idea that our thoughts, perceptions, and mindset are within our control, even if external circumstances are not. It suggests that our mental attitude and perspective play a significant role in how we navigate challenges and adversities. The quote encourages self-awareness and emphasizes the […]
Businesses are like individuals. What’s perfect for one is awful for another. There is no such thing as an objective “A-strategy.” An A-strategy is only an A-strategy if you’ll execute on it. If you don’t have the desire, talent, or resources to fully execute, then your B- or C-strategy should be elevated to A-strategy status. Execute on the strategy you’ll perform with gusto. Gusto matters. Excitement matters. Follow-through matters. Completion matters.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: This quote underscores the importance of aligning business strategies with the capabilities and resources available for effective execution. It highlights that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy and that what may be perfect for one business may not work for another. It emphasizes the significance of enthusiasm, excitement, […]
Abundance means freedom from trade-offs.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: This quote conveys the idea that abundance, or having an abundance of resources or opportunities, means being free from the need to make trade-offs or sacrifices. It suggests that true abundance entails having an abundance of options and opportunities without having to compromise or give up one […]
Asking for help with shame says: You have the power over me. Asking with condescension says: I have the power over you. But asking for help with gratitude says: We have the power to help each other.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: This quote highlights the nuances of asking for help. It suggests that the way we ask for assistance can reveal a lot about the power dynamics in a relationship. Asking with shame may imply submissiveness, asking with condescension may indicate superiority, but asking with gratitude reflects a […]
A wise person decides slowly but abides by these decisions.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: The quote conveys the importance of careful and deliberate decision-making. It suggests that wise individuals take their time in making decisions, considering various factors and potential consequences, and once a decision is made, they adhere to it. The quote reflects the virtues of patience, thoughtfulness, and commitment […]
Enthusiasm is common. Endurance is rare.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: This quote highlights the distinction between enthusiasm, which is often abundant and easy to come by, and endurance, which is a rarer quality. It suggests that while many people may start with enthusiasm, the true test of success lies in the ability to endure and persevere through […]
Better to illuminate than merely to shine, to deliver to others contemplated truths than merely to contemplate.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: The quote conveys the idea that it is more meaningful and valuable to share insights and knowledge with others rather than simply possessing them oneself. It suggests that the act of enlightening others, of imparting wisdom and understanding, is more significant than merely showcasing one’s own brilliance. […]
I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: The quote is a humorous take on the concept of deadlines. It suggests that deadlines are often ignored or not taken seriously, and that the rush to complete a task at the last minute can be exhilarating. However, this quote also acknowledges the importance of deadlines as […]
The key to pursuing excellence is to embrace an organic, long-term learning process, and not to live in a shell of static, safe mediocrity. Usually, growth comes at the expense of previous comfort or safety.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: This quote highlights the importance of embracing a continuous learning process in the pursuit of excellence. It suggests that excellence is not achieved by staying in our comfort zone, but rather by pushing ourselves to grow and evolve over the long term. It acknowledges that growth often […]
The difference between pros and amateurs is that pros play hurt.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: This quote speaks to the importance of resilience and perseverance in achieving success. The speaker suggests that professionals are able to push through pain and adversity in order to achieve their goals, while amateurs may give up more easily. This quote highlights the mental toughness and dedication […]
Get up, stand up, Stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, Don’t give up the fight.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: The quote conveys a message of empowerment and resilience. It encourages individuals to stand up for their rights, to take action and not back down in the face of adversity or injustice. This quote advocates for standing up for what is right and just, even in the […]
A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: The quote highlights the idea that culture is not limited to external symbols or artifacts, but it is deeply rooted within the hearts and souls of the people who belong to that nation. It suggests that culture is a complex and multifaceted aspect of society that is […]
Take a minute: look at your goals, look at your performance, see if your behavior matches your goals.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: This quote prompts us to take a step back and evaluate our progress towards our goals. It encourages us to reflect on whether our behavior aligns with our desired outcomes. It’s a reminder to regularly assess our performance and make adjustments as needed. Are our actions in […]
When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: The quote encourages us to appreciate the beauty of life and the small things that make it worthwhile. It reminds us that life is a precious gift, and each day is an opportunity to be grateful for the simple pleasures that make it enjoyable, such as the […]
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: The quote “People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do” offers a humorous take on the idea of arrogance and overconfidence. It highlights the annoyance that can arise when people believe they know everything, leading them to dismiss the […]
We must always remember with gratitude and admiration the first sailors who steered their vessels through storms and mists, and increased our knowledge of the lands of ice in the South.
What’s the meaning of this quote? Quote Meaning: The quote emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the achievements of those who came before us. It reminds us that progress is built upon the work of previous generations and that we should be grateful for their contributions. This quote specifically refers to the early explorers who ventured […]