What is the meaning of life?

I have recently read “Man’s search for meaning” by Victor Frankel, an excellent book that describes experiences in a concentration camp of a holocaust survivor. Victor Frankel observed that those who had no aim or purpose eventually gave up and died . They simply could not see any more sense with their sufferings, or in […]

It is your own voice that kills your life goals and dreams

We all have big dreams and goals. We also all have this inner voice that quite often discouraging us from achieving those goals. This voice not only keeps us away from reaching our dreams but also threatens our health, relationships, career and any other part of our life. This little voice is our WORST enemy, […]

You ALWAYS have a choice

Yes. You ALWAYS have a choice. When I served in the army I was told that I had to execute whatever my commander ordered me. That doesn’t leave much room for choices. Right? Wrong. I could always go to jail, something that I was willing to do after few unethical operations. It was one of […]

Break comfort zone: Step up and Step into it

Most people choose to stay in their comfort zone settling for certainty rather than the unknown even if it means mediocrity and boredom, Doing the same things, going to the same places, staying in the same average relationship, working in the same boring career… Examples are numerous. A comfort zone is simply a mental boundary […]

How to achieve goals – Learn

Third Step: Learn Save time by learning from other people and your own experiences, reflecting on them and growing… There is always another level. Always.. 1. Find a guru – someone who is very good in what you want to achieve. It can be a friend or professional. He can live in your city or […]

How to achieve goals – Act

Second Step: ACT When I say act, I mean MASSIVE action. See, we’re creatures of habit, Most than 90% of what we do or think is on automatic pilot. So when we take massive actions, this turns quickly into habits which create an upward spiral of reinforcement until it becomes totally natural and part of […]

How to achieve goals – Think

First Step: Think Reality is first created in the mind. In fact, everything we created in our life (Positive or Negative) is initially a mind manifestation. The mind is so powerful in that sense, that we can literally achieve anything we want by just focusing on it. However, in most cases we are controlled by […]

Life Goals – Personal goals list

Recently after achieving most of my goals for the age of 35, I revisited my old goal list and made sure each list consist different human intelligences (E.g. Spiritual, Physical, etc) to keep the golden balance. Here is my 33rd birthday new goal list: Goals I want to achieve before the age of 35 (In […]

Life Goals – Achieving goals

Recently I checked an old Goal list that I made in 2006 and was surprised to find that without focusing on it I achieved 11 out 15 goals in less than 2 years! Here is my old Goal list from September 2006: Top 15 Goals I want to achieve before the age of 35 (in […]

Enlighten social intelligence

Ask yourself the following questions:. Do you try to impress your audience? Do you try to be someone who is more than you? Do you have an agenda before interactions? Do you really honestly mean what you say? Do you use routines repetitively? Do you try to get something? If you answered yes for one […]

Spirtual Intelligence – Mind guess, Soul knows

We tend to focus on physical and emotional aspects of our personality, and less on investigating spiritual elements such as our values, morals, ethics and principals. For example, think of the following statement: I would like to have a fast car (physical) because it makes me happy (emotional). If we go one step beyond it, […]

Emotional Intelligence and Social Interaction

I believe High Emotional Intelligence separates great social people from the merely skilled ones. This has been already adopted successfully in the Sports world and the business world. Why is this so important in our case? • Studies show that our emotions are the most powerful factors in determining how we behave and make decisions […]

Find your natural talents and focus on them

You must invest most of your time every week doing what you do best, and let others do what they do best. Most people struggle because they spend their time in jobs not suited to their strengths. What they do doesn’t come to them naturally, effortlessly. When you spend your time on things that come […]

What goals should we pursue?

A worthy goal can continuously motivate and energize us, but an unworthy goal can easily become flawed.   First we should ask ourselves: What are we really looking for? Is that a new car? Better house? better job?   A deeper inquiry might reveal to us that what we really want is to fulfill specific emotions. […]

Habit reprogramming techniques

Its human nature to fall back into old habits, especially after years of programmed habits.  We simply forget the new ones that we’ve just set, or even worse, we drop them. Best way not to forget is by placing reminders in places you visit/use daily. Such as: Computer’s wallpaper, front of your bed, on the […]

Habit reprogramming

“Around 90% of our normal behaviour is automatic and based on habits” “Have a habit to change bad habits” When you think of how human beings operate you realize it all comes down to daily life habits, which most of them are totally unconscious. Habits are a result of repetitive automated cognitive processes which makes […]

How to achieve financial freedom?

For each & every goal there are a list of Critical Success factors which will determine if you’re successful – CSF -What you MUST do in order to achieve you goals? The rest are just nice to have. I think Most people overload  themselves and forget that we actually have limited energy. Here is a […]

What to do to achieve financial freedom?

If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there (Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: Lewis Carroll). Many paths are out there but you better choose the smartest one and this really depends on your current situation, current skills and current opportunities. My Current situation –Being Employed & Earning ~+$4000 a month, […]

Why Financial Freedom?

Why is the first question you have to ask yourself. always. The “What” & “How” will come more naturally when you have a purpose. “Why” defines your reasons & create a deep inner motivation. So why really? It sounds trivial; everyone would like to have financial freedom. Not many achieve it though. This exercise will […]

Why Unrealistic goals are easier than realistic ones?

“…having an usually  large goal is an andrenaline infusion that provides the endurance to overcome the inevitable trial that goes with any goal…” (Thimothy Ferriss) my life experiences supports the above. When I tried to train for a mini triathlon I found myself literally dragging my feet to the gym with no energy. I missed […]

Goal settings & happiness

 The process is more important than the goal, meaning no attachment to the goal.  if you get attached to a goal, you can create high expectations from yourself. Expectations, which if are not met, will most probably trigger unhappiness feelings. I’ve never been unhappy because I didn’t reach my goal…. But I was unhappy when I […]

Financial freedom challenge

This is my bank statement from today. A total debit of $33,598. Below Zero indeed, and may I say frustrating. My 2008 goal is to CLEAR HALF of MY PERSONAL DEBT Before the end of 2008. My Second 2008 goal is to have a stream of DAILY AND PASSIVE income of $50 Before the end […]

Doing the unrealistic is easier than doing the realistic

It is true. It is for me. Half a year ago I set the ultimate one day endurance challenge: Become an Ironman in 5 months training. Back then I was below Zero in terms of physical parameters. Smoking, drinking and parting were part of my daily habits. On 1st of March 2008, I have completed […]

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